The UN is planning one initiative that will send a chill down your spine

Globalist entities are deeply concerned about populist movements.
They want to make sure that control remains in central authority. And the United Nations is planning one initiative that will send a chill down your spine. As the international Left becomes more radical and authoritarian, Right-wing populists have won elections in countries like Italy and Hungary.
The Left hate that people are fighting back against globalist agendas.For example, in Canada, the freedom trucker convoy protested the country’s vaccine mandates.
In the Netherlands, farmers protested emissions regulations that aimed to put them out of business.
Authoritarians are lurching toward their holy grail
Perhaps the most disturbing agenda from central authorities is the push to control information.
It’s no accident that world leaders and corporate-controlled media outlets have been prattling on about misinformation and disinformation.They want to be able to shut down speech they don’t like under the guise of reducing harm and the spread of lies.
In reality, it’s all about control.
And the United Nations launched a new project called the Code of Conduct for Information Integrity on Digital Platforms.
The idea is to get “stakeholders” in lockstep on censoring certain platforms and ideas.
Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres announced at a UN summit, “We will call for action from everyone with influence on the spread of mis-and-disinformation on the internet. Governments, regulators, policy makers, technology companies, the media, civil society. Stop the hate. Set up strong guardrails. Be accountable for language that causes harm.
And as part of my report to our common agenda, we are convening all stakeholders around the Code of Conduct for Information Integrity on Digital Platforms. And we’ll also further strengthen our focus on how mis-and-disinformation are impacting progress on global issues, including the climate crisis.”
The big question is who gets to decide what constitutes misinformation and disinformation?
According to the UN, it does.
Who’s “Common Agenda”?
Guterres added in a statement, “In Our Common Agenda, I called for empirically backed consensus around facts, science and knowledge.”
But COVID taught everyone that legacy institutions once trusted to provide empirical data have been compromised by political ambition. The “consensus around facts” is a mirage intended to silence people who have a different perspective.
For instance, NIAID head Dr. Anthony Fauci declared himself “the science” and publicly shot down the lab leak theory even though he knew it was a possibility and communicated as such behind the scenes.
More people with access to information is a threat to globalist power, and this is an attempt to reassert dominance.
Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.