President Biden has the lowest worst poll numbers for a sitting president running for a second term. Even his own party is questioning his leadership. Do you think he’ll make it to November? Let me know in the comments. And be sure to click the like button. It expands my reach. VIDEO - Wendy Bell invited me on her show to talk about the Toronto Sun cancelling me over one of my cartoons. She starts talking about my cartoon around the 1:22:00 mark. Enjoy. THE LAW + THE LAW-GIVERYears ago I was heading to an editorial board meeting. We were going to discuss the newspaper’s stance on same sex marriage. A friend advised that I not bring up the Bible. “Look,” he said, “They won’t take you seriously if you mention God’s word.” So when it was my time to speak, I relied on arguments for tradition and how our older readers would cancel subscriptions if we supported anything other than traditional marriage. Looking back, had I quoted Jesus, they wouldn’t have heard me because 2 Corinthians 4:4 says, “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” Do you see the problem? Spiritual blindness. A long time after that meeting, I realized that I had fallen for the devil’s greatest deception which is: “you can teach moral values without referencing God. Oh, it’s ok to stand for moral values as long as you don’t mention Jesus Christ or the Bible. In 1963, the U.S. Supreme Court decision Abington v Schempp, found that mandatory daily Bible readings and prayer in Pennsylvania public schools violated the First Amendment. It reversed a tradition that started in 1647. How has that worked out for us? Teaching moral law without the authority of the law-Giver is like posting a speed limit sign on the moon. If there is no God, then there is no absolute truth and no reason to obey any moral standard. I remember the I Love Lucy and the Dick Van Dyke shows. Back in the 60s, TV shows had censors. There was no foul language and no sex. But as our culture tried to teach morals without Jesus, our culture became immoral. The second President of the United States, John Adams wrote, “[I]t is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.” So what would happen if Americans weren’t virtuous? What would happen if Americans weren’t virtuous? We have witnessed the answer to that question and it’s ugly. Our First President George Washington wrote in his farewell address that religion and morality were “indispensable supports” for good government. “[R]eason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” The Founders were right about the importance of religious principles found in the Bible. Which brings me to a 2002 film called, Time Changer, written and directed by my friend, Rich Christiano. (see below) Rich directed my son Brett Varvel in Play the Flute but long before that movie, Rich told the story of what happened to America if we separated moral teaching from Jesus Christ. Time Changer is thought-provoking and I believe you’ll be blessed by it. FEATURE FILM - Rich Christiano’s Time Changer. “When a person’s ways are pleasing to the Lord, He causes even his enemies to make peace with him.” - Proverbs 16:7 RIGHT VIEWSTownhall - Byron York: Biden and the polls: He's fallen and can't get up. Townhall - Todd Starnes: If Republicans follow THIS advice, they win in a landslide. My latest essay series:Part 1 - The War Within America Part 2 - The War Within America - Baal Part 3 - The War Within America - Ishtar Part 4 - The War Within America - Molech Part 5 - The War Within America - Fundamental change HUMOR MEHUMOR ME: Fix my cartoon with a snarky remark. Email your entries to Winners announced in Friday’s newsletter for paid subscribers. My Series of Essays on God’s TimelinePart 1 — God’s 7000-year timeline: Mount Sinai, Transfiguration, Jericho and Sabbath Prophecies Part 3 — God’s 7000-year timeline: Hosea and Woman at the Well Prophecy Part 4 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Lazarus Prophecy Part 5 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Job Prophecy Part 6 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Jubilee Prophecy Part 7 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Good Samaritan Prophecy Part 8 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Creation Prophecy Part 9 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Wedding in Cana Prophecy Part 10 — God’s 7000-year timeline: The Esther Prophecy Support my work by visiting my online store at're currently a free subscriber to Views From The Right. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |