Friday, October 30, 2015

UPDATE: Cop Who Slammed Black Student Gets Good News as New Video Reveals What We DIDN’T See Before

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UPDATE: Cop Who Slammed Black Student Gets Good News as New Video Reveals What We DIDN’T See Before

The South Carolina video of a classroom confrontation between a white sheriff's deputy and a black student just got a whole new angle. Speaking with NBC News earlier this week, Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott revealed that a third video existed that shows the Spring Valley High School student flailing her arms and trying to punch...’T+See+Before&count=none
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Trump Just Shared These 11 Words Of Warning For The USD And Gold

BOMBSHELL: Donald Trump warns "Dollar is Going Down"... Will likely infuriate the Feds... Proves it's no joke by rejecting dollars for gold...
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Must Reads

VIDEO: Fake Homeless Man’s Sign Enrages Families… But Police Say They Won’t Touch Him

Nearly all of us have at one point or another seen a homeless person standing at the corner of an intersection, holding up a cardboard sign. Some of us may offer up some change or a few dollars, while others merely ignore them and proceed on their way. However, one homeless man recently caused quite a...’s+Sign+Enrages+Families…+But+Police+Say+They+Won’t+Touch+Him&count=none
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VIDEO: “Luckiest Man Alive” Cheats Death When Razor Sharp Object Falls on Top of Him

The award for the luckiest man alive in the month of September goes to a man from Saudi Arabia. Doing nothing more than walking down a street, this man literally came within inches of losing his life in a most horrific manner. In a viral video posted to Facebook by KTBC in Austin, Texas, the man wearing...“Luckiest+Man+Alive”+Cheats+Death+When+Razor+Sharp+Object+Falls+on+Top+of+Him&count=none
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BREAKING: Look What the Mexican Military Just Did to an American TODDLER at the Texas Border

An American family learned the hard way that danger is everywhere in Mexico after their trip to visit relatives turned into a panic filled trip to the emergency room. The Associated Press reported that Saida De La Torre and her 18-month-old daughter were shot by Mexican military forces one week ago while driving in the northern Mexican border...
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VIDEO: Group of Black Men Instantly Attack After Confused Japanese Girl Says 1 Word

In our race-obsessed American culture, there is one word that, while used freely and frequently by one race, is strictly verboten for anyone else to utter. We are talking of course about the "N-word" and the glaringly hypocritical double-standard about who is allowed to use it and in what context. A video was recently posted...
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OUCH: Obama Tries Lying to Room Full of Cops… Gets Shot Down by Facts He Didn’t Count On

President Barack Obama addressed the annual conference of the International Association of Police Chiefs in Chicago on Tuesday and used the opportunity to promote his gun control agenda. At a convention already marred by Black Lives Matter protesters, Obama essentially told the law enforcement officers that they are danger because of the ready availability of...…+Gets+Shot+Down+by+Facts+He+Didn’t+Count+On&count=none
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Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

HALLOWEEN: THE CELEBRATION OF LUCIFER & DEATH CONTRIBUTOR: . It’s America’s second favorite consumer holiday, with over $6.9 billion spent according to the National Retail Foundation. Approximately 157 million Americans will participate this year, and will unknowingly celebrate an ancient religious holiday of the occult. That day is Halloween. Most Christians think October 31st is a harmless day of...

Majority of Baptist churches in United States in 1894 held to "evangelical anti-Augustinianism"

CONTRIBUTOR: . "Calvinistic and Arminian Baptists have both had periods of extreme development, the former sometimes scarcely escaping fatalism and antinomianism, the latter sometimes falling into Socinian denial of the deity of Christ and Pelagian denial of original sin. The great majority of the Baptists of today hold to what may be...

The First and the Second Adam

CONTRIBUTOR: . 361 THE FIRST AND THE SECOND ADAM This article may be read adware free at the following link: First & Second Adam 1 Corinthians 15:45-46 NET (45) So also it is written, "The first man, Adam, became a living person"; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. (46)...

The Straw Man at Worship CONTRIBUTOR: . By Larry BeaneTypically, anti-traditionalist Lutherans don't cite, study or teach the Book of Concord very often. But one passage that is sometimes trotted out as an indictment of traditionalists (who retain the ceremonies of the pre-Reformation western Mass and the customary liturgical vestments) is from the Smalcald Articles, from the...

Presidential Poll – October 2015

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Understanding the Message IS Important

CONTRIBUTOR: . Possessing a theology or a belief in Human Life really means that those closest to me HAVE to HAVE respect for ALL Human Life. I understood this a long time ago and is as important to me now as it has been over the years. Most anyone can at most...

Michael Anthony > Work Less, Pray More

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Aid workers assess areas hit by typhoon as Philippines gets more rain

CONTRIBUTOR: . Catholic News Services MANILA, Philippines -- Catholic relief workers were on their way to a typhoon-stricken portion of the northern Philippines, including an area from which there had been no communication. Catholic Relief Services country director Joe Curry said teams from his agency and Caritas Philippines were making their way...

Wurmbrand on Prison

CONTRIBUTOR: . “Prison was hard, terrible, but it would be wrong to say that it was only hard and terrible. It had its beautiful side and, at times, the joys we had in prison were such that I wouldn’t have changed places with Queen Elizabeth.” —VOM Founder, Richard Wurmbrand (1909 – 2001),...

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