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31, 2017 / 4 Shevat 5777
& Recommended
Uncensored: Sovereignty with Responsibility
[audio] The Land of Israel Women in Green Co-Founder
Nadia Matar speaks with Joshua Hasten on Israel Uncensored about their 4th
annual Sovereignty Conference on strategies towards applying Israeli sovereignty
over the communities of Judea and Samaria.
Orders Amona Residents to Evacuate in 48 Hours JNi.Media
The Supreme Court is expected to rule on Tuesday regarding a petition
submitted by area Arabs via the Yesh Din NGO to prevent the state from offering
the people of Amona alternative housing nearby.
as Apple Pie Michael Lumish The march definitely propelled
Linda Sarsour, a Palestinian-American, pro-Sharia, Obama advisor, feminist,
activist who also participated in the Standing Rock protests into the political
night sky.
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Yishai Fleisher Show
David for Goliath Manslaughter Rabbi Mike Feuer joins
Rabbi Yishai for Spiritual Cafe where they discuss the plagues, God's promises
to Moses for a successful process, and the merits and the faults of Shalom
Aleichem's Fiddler on the Roof. Then, Malkah joins Yishai to discuss the David's
Sling defense system, President Donald Trump's hold on transfer of money to
terrorists, and the fate of Israel's soldier, Elor Azaria.
more The Yishai Fleisher Show articles