Monday, October 30, 2017

University of Houston: Promoting Genocide and Praising Hitler

“Palestine will be the 2nd place of the Holocaust for the Yahood [Jews].”

Editor's note: As revealed in recent congressional testimony, Students for Justice in Palestine is a campus front for Hamas terrorists. SJP’s propaganda activities are orchestrated and funded by a Hamas front group, American Muslims for Palestine, whose chairman is Hatem Bazian and whose principals are former officers of the Holy Land Foundation and other Islamic “charities” previously convicted of funneling money to Hamas.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center is naming the “Top Ten Worst Schools that Support Terrorists.” The latest school to be named to this list is the University of Houston which will host the National Students for Justice in Palestine Conference on October 27-29, 2017. The report and posters are part of a larger Freedom Center campaign titled Stop University Support for Terrorists
Images of the posters that appeared at the University of Houston and other campuses named to the list may be viewed at Coinciding with the naming of the University of Houston to this list, the Freedom Center placed posters on the UH campus exposing the links between Students for Justice in Palestine and the terrorist organization Hamas, whose stated goal is the destruction of the Jewish state. Freedom Center founder David Horowitz will speak on the Houston campus on November 2nd.
University of Houston:
The University of Houston is home to an increasing radical and Hamas-promoting chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, as is shown by the choice of that campus to host SJP’s2017 National Conference, a restricted event that spreads hatred of the Jews and teaches Hamas propaganda techniques to SJP chapters who attend from across America. UH SJP and MSA co-hosted an event featuring Sheikh Omar Suleiman who has publicly supported a “3rd Intifada” and SJP has also hosted anti-Israel poet Remi Kanazi who promotes the Hamas-backed BDS movement against Israel. UH SJP also hosts annual “Israeli Apartheid” hate weeks featuring a mock Israeli “apartheid wall” plastered with Hamas propaganda including the genocidal slogan “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free” and blood libel claiming that Israel targets Palestinian children for slaughter.
Supporting evidence:
In June 2017, U. Houston SJP announced that the 2017 SJP National Conference—a highly secretive event that spreads hatred of Israel and teaches Hamas propaganda tactics to SJP members from campuses across the nation—would be hosted on their campus in the Fall. SJP National is part of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist network and receives funding from Hamas through an intermediary Hamas front group, American Muslims for Palestine.
During an “Israel Apartheid Week 2017” that was hosted on campus in March, Students for Justice in Palestine erected a mock “Israeli Apartheid Wall” plastered with Hamas propaganda denying the legitimacy of the Jewish state. One panel of the wall contained the slogan, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free” a call for the total destruction of Israel—which lies between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. This is the same goal which Hamas endorses in its charter. Another panel of the wall contains an image of the series of Hamas propaganda maps purporting to show the Jewish colonization of Arab Palestine, a nation that has never existed. A third panel states, “If you want to find a safe place in Gaza, do not stand near a child,” implying that Israel deliberately targets Palestinian children with its weapons. In fact it is Hamas that places its rocket launchers in civilian areas and uses Palestinian children as human shields for its terrorist activities. A fourth panel accuses Israel of targeting mosques, schools, and slums in an effort to kill civilians and declares “It is not war, it is murder.”  These declarations are Hamas propaganda lies. In fact, Hamas takes pains to use civilian dwellings and areas to launch rocket fire against Israel so that when Israel retaliates, they can point to the resulting civilian casualties as evidence of Israel’s inhumanity. 
An event co-hosted by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and SJP during Israeli Apartheid Week 2017 featured UH African-American Studies Chair and Communist Party member Dr. Gerald Horne who spoke on “The Black Radical Tradition and Palestine.” Horne endorsed the genocidal and Hamas-promoted and funded Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel, stating “Just as we enlist more black organizations into the BDS movement, boycott, divestment, and sanctions would…give a direct boost to BDS if we had the Palestinian forces and their allies internationally speak out more on police terrorism.” When a group of Zionist students attempted to speak during the question-and-answer session, and to students outside the lecture hall, pro-Palestinian students surrounded them and chanted slogans such as “free, free, Palestine, occupation is a crime!” until they were forced to leave and abandon the attempt at dialogue. An article about the event proudly declared that “Zionists were driven away.”
In March 2017, UH SJP released a statement purportedly opposing anti-Semitism which in fact demonstrated several forms of anti-Semitism including denying Jews self-determination and delegitimizing the Jewish state. The statement declared, “We are committed to building a world that values justice and equality, not oppression and apartheid. That commitment also requires us to reject the conflation of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism: we oppose Zionism and Israel’s discriminatory policies, and we condemn anti-Semitism.”
During March 2017, UH SJP hosted “BDS 101,” an event dedicated to promoting the genocidal BDS movement against Israel.
In January 2017, UH SJP shared a video from Jewish Voice for Peace on its Facebook page on “What is Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” that purports to show a timeline of Israel’s occupation of Palestine which includes “ethnic cleansing” of 750,000 Palestinians and “conquest, destruction and expulsion which has continued to the present day.” It also accuses Israel of a “brutal military occupation” and a system of “racial discrimination” that amounts to “apartheid.”
In February 2016, UH SJP hosted the anti-Israel hatefest “Israeli Apartheid Week” on campus. Advertisements for the events endorsed the genocidal and Hamas-funded Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. The event also featured an event with BDS-supporting poet Remi Kanazi.
In March 2015, UH SJP co-hosted an event with BDS Houston featuring anti-Israel poet Remi Kanazi. During the event, Kanazi promoted the Hamas-funded BDS movement against Israel, stating “F—k Zionists, Boycott Israel,” and claimed that Israel is carrying out “ethnic cleansing” against the Palestinians.
In February 2015, UH SJP announced that they were launching a campaign to push for the passage of a BDS resolution against Israel on their campus. The BDS movement is supported financially and organizationally by Hamas.
UH SJP has shared several Facebook posts in support of convicted anti-Israel terrorist Rasmeah Odeh who was convicted by an Israeli military court in 1970 for her involvement in two fatal terrorist bombings.
In August 2014, UH SJP and MSA co-hosted an event featuring Sheikh Omar Suleiman who has publicly supported a “3rd Intifada” to destroy Israel and has spread Hamas propaganda lies and blood libels about the Jewish state.
The Canary Mission, an organization dedicated to identifying Jew hatred at colleges and universities, found that 13 individuals who are either attending or are recent graduates of the University of Houston posted dozens of times on social media expressing support and praise for Hitler, mocking the Holocaust, threatening violence against Jews, and expressing Jew hatred. Several of these individuals were members of SJP or MSA at the University of Houston, while others were loosely affiliated with these chapters.
These tweets and social media postings included:
“Yahoodis [Jews] are just so disgusting.”
 “Sooner of later the Yahood [Jews] wont exist.”
“FalasteenibladnawilYahoodiklabna [Palestine is our country and the Jews are our dog].”
 “Palestine will be the 2nd place of the Holocaust for the Yahood [Jews].”
 “Hitler loved Arabs specifically Palestinians, he even said ‘we need to get the Jews out of Palestine they don’t belong there’”
“Yall don’t understand I wanna beat a zionist bitch up so bad.”
“A Jewish rabbi has admitted to using human child meat as a filler in McDonalds meat. They allegedly drug teens and kill them, for their meat.” Radwan then doubled down, adding: “THE TRUTH ABOUT MCDONALDS & MISSING CHILDREN.”
 “Baba: Jews have a big nose because breathing air is free Lmfaoooo”
“Teacher: hitler tried to exterminate the Jewish people Me: I wish he did Kid next to me: wtf is wrong with you… .”
“I am gonna throw rocks at yahood [Jews] this summer and no one is stopping me.”
“Holy crap man ma bedi a2oolha bas Hitler lazem a5ad kel el yahood [Hitler should have killed them all] when he had the chance shuklab [that dog].”
 “‘@DictatorHitler: Versace Versace f**k bitches bake Jews that’s the life of a Nazi’”

Former Democrat Star Parker Calls Out Race-Baiting Lies of the Left

Former Democrat Star Parker Calls Out Race-Baiting Lies of the Left

“The Perception of Racism business is where you find all 'black leaders’ today."

It’s been 54 years since Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech, championing—and hoping for—a day when all people would be judged according to their character rather than their race. Sadly, since King’s demise, self-appointed “black leaders” have devoted themselves to the big business of making certain King’s dream never comes true. And in virtually every every case, these demagogic fearmongers have done so in the name of King and as agents of the Democratic Party.
One black former Democrat saw the light, and she’s since been outspokenly against the egregious attempts of the Left to keep our country divided. In an interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation, Star Parker gave her thoughts on today’s so-called black leaders and the state of race in America: 
“Are we more race conscious, or should we be beyond where we are, in terms of discussion? Oh absolutely…one of the challenges that we have is, the perception of racism has become big business — billion-dollar big business. You know, it’s one thing to talk about racism; it’s another to talk about the perception of racism. Because the Perception of Racism business is where you find all black leaders today."  
Star called out one self-appointed leader by name, giving examples of the payday waiting for those who work against MLK’s legacy in order to deepen their own pockets:
“The Perception of Racism business is what shakes down corporations at $450 million, like Jesse Jackson did with Toyota; (or) $650 million, like they did to Nissan.”
According to Parker, the White House occupancy of the Left’s beloved Barack Obama made matters much worse with regard to race relations. “We had our 8 years of a president who made sure that everything he saw was through a racial lens,” she lamented.  Furthermore, she pointed out that much of King’s Dream has come true, despite the narrative constantly preached by the Left:
“The Civil Rights Movement was won — the barriers were removed. Dr King’s movement was about repentance and revival; but this new…'social justice' generation — they want revenge and redistribution.  And that only comes from feeding into this narrative that racism is everywhere…There are some people that want revenge — they want vengeance.  They do not want to become American or Americanized; the hatred is that embedded.”
Parker contrasted the race-baiters on the left with the religious contingent of black Americans, noting that many of the answers sought by those desirous of unity are spiritual in nature:
“But you don’t find that in the black evangelical Christian world; you don’t find that in the black Catholic world. What you find are people that are really trying to reconcile ourselves to America — this is our country too…But that message is often met by the hard black Left that drives people like Black Lives Matter that do not want integration; they do not want a place where everybody says, ‘Why should i hate all white people because you do?’ And then they get mad at you for not hating all white people because they do…So that comes down to spiritual questions.”
The former Democrat bemoaned the racially divisive proselytization in our public schools, and cited school choice as an answer to some of America’s racial ills:
“I think we can win that battle as well, because i think that most Americans — in particular that millennial generation — they don’t want to have to buy that narrative (of America's evil, pervasive, and institutionalized racism).  But it’s so pushed into our schools now that if you don’t divide up right away, you have some real challenges.  Black youth are almost forced into this black narrative and hatred, if they want any friends.  And that’s one of the reasons that we really need school choice, so that people who just want to live free, can."
Lastly, Star claimed that, despite the messages of the Left, capitalism is at the heart of success for blacks, and it has been from the beginning. She summed up her recipe for black success by emphasizing spirituality, liberty, and love of country:
“I study enough black history to know that most of [the Left's] narrative about what really happened during the time of black struggle is a lie...When you look at most of the black leaders during the time of even abolitionists and others, they had Christianity in their lives.  They loved capitalism, and they appealed to the Constitution. These are the three things that make America really, really work well throughout the world…and they work for blacks.”
Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, which she founded in 1995.
Photo credit: Σταύρος via / CC BY-NC

Glacial Cycle, QuakeWatch, More Rocket Spirals | S0 News Oct.30.2017

Published on Oct 30, 2017
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Pope Francis Plan to Take Over the World (2018)

Published on Oct 29, 2017
Pope Francis has a SHOCKING Plan for 2018.

Exposed - the Jesuit plan to counter the protestant reformation. As we draw close to the 500 year anniverary of the reformation on 31st October 2017, the agenda to re-unite Christian churches under the Roman Catholic Apostate Religion is underway. Despite a long history of persecution, matyrdom and heretical doctrines, some groups of protestant Christians are embracing this Papal Templar scheme with open arms.

I have said all these things to you to keep you from falling away. They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. And they will do these things because they have not known the Father, nor me. But I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told them to you.
John 16: 1-4

“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. But all these things they will do to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me.
John 15: 18-21

Featuring the voices of:
Prophetic Alert
Alan Lamont
Walter Veith
Pastor David Nathan

88Ultra - Sirens - A Thousand & One
88Ultra - Sirents - The Other Side
Kai (Engel) - Universe in hands
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An R$E Production 2017.
Filmed on location in Rome & Jerusalem.

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