Thursday, May 30, 2019


Dennis Prager explains God's gender identity.

Is God a man, a woman, or a genderless force that cannot be identified by masculine or feminine traits? Society offers a range of ideas, but what do religious texts have to say about this immutable characteristic of God? Dennis Prager offers some insightful answers. Check out this short, important video below:

 Tags: Dennis Prager


Democrats give CAIR boss Basim Elkarra everything he wants.

In the California Senate on Tuesday, Sister Michelle Gorman was slated to offer the daily prayer that opens the session. Instead of the Catholic sister, senate Democrats tapped local Council on American-Islamic Relations executive director Basim Elkarra to deliver the prayer, describing Elkarra as a “guest chaplain.” The move should not have come as a surprise because CAIR boss Elkarra is longtime favorite of California Democrats, with considerable clout in the court system.
Elkarra has been contending that Hamid Hayat, convicted in 2006 of providing support to terrorists, “did not get a fair trial,” despite representation by Wazhma Mojaddidi, a former CAIR president in Sacramento. CAIR and the Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA) judge-shopped Deborah Barnes, a relative newcomer to California’s Eastern District.
In January, judge Barnes issued a 116-page recommendation that Hayat’s case be vacated. Barnes scheduled two nights of testimony from witnesses in Pakistan by video conference, with no consequences for falsification. The hearing did not render a new trial or vacate Hayat’s conviction, but CAIR continues to champion the convicted terrorist, who celebrated the murder of Daniel Pearl and is slated for release in 2026.
For his part, Basim Elkarra has also shown skill as a producer of fake hate crimes. Two days after the inauguration of President Donald Trump, a mysterious woman placed strips of bacon on the door of the Islamic Center mosque in Davis, California, near the state capital of Sacramento. The prowler then proceeded to vandalize bicycles and smash six windows before slipping away.
Surveillance video caught her in the act and tips led police to Lauren Kirk-Coehlo, 30, an unemployed UC Berkeley grad who was promptly arrested. Basim Elkarra thanked local authorities for “their swift investigation and arrest in the case,” failing to note that CAIR provided the surveillance video. At one point, the vandal practically poses for the camera, wearing what looks like a MAGA hat.
After the arrest, CAIR called on state and federal law enforcement to investigate “the motive behind the vandalism.” Steve Magagnini of the Sacramento Bee wrote “some Muslims nationwide have reported being harassed after president Donald Trump signed an executive order on Jan. 27 barring all entry into the U.S. by visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries for 90 days.” So post Trump ergo propter Trump is CAIR’s high concept for hate crimes.
About that time someone sprayed anti-Muslim graffiti on the walls of the Tarbiya Institute in nearby Roseville. Police called it a hate crime and Basim Elkarra of CAIR said the Muslim institute had been “targeted by bigotry.”
In 2016, Iraqi refugee Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, 23, was charged with travelling abroad to fight with terrorist groups in Syria. As he explained, Al-jayab was only visiting his grandmother in Turkey. Local CAIR boss Basim Elkarra told reporters he had surveyed local mosques and “no one recognizes this guy.”
The previous year, Elkarra ran for a seat on a local school board, his first attempt at public office. Key background on Elkarra failed to emerge.
In February 2015, after the death of humanitarian worker Kayla Mueller in captivity of the Islamic State (ISIS), California assemblywoman Mellissa Melendez tweeted: “Gut wrenching news today. American Kayla Mueller murdered by Islamic savages. There MUST be consequences” Basim Elkarra branded the message “hateful” and called on Melendez to apologize.
In 2007, Basim Elkarra refused to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist groups. He has also suggested that “Islamophobes” be prosecuted like Holocaust deniers. In April of 2000, as a member of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) at UC Berkeley, Elkarra moderated an event featuring Hamas operative Mohammad Salah, labeled a terrorist by President Clinton.
In late 2006, California Senator Barbara Boxer gave Basim Elkarra a certificate of appreciation “in recognition of his efforts to protect civil liberties and to build bridges among diverse communities in California.” The senator quickly revoked the award, explaining that her California office had not vetted CAIR sufficiently.
Elkarra charged that Boxer had “succumbed to pressure from those who would marginalize American Muslims using smears and guilt by association.” He also claimed he received death threats after the award’s withdrawal but the FBI told Boxer’s staff that the threat was “not credible.”
For the 2015 schoolboard race, the Sacramento Bee endorsed Basim Elkarra who “has led diversity and leadership training” and “with his life story, energy and connections, he could inspire students to reach higher, to go into high-tech careers they wouldn’t otherwise.” The powerful California Teachers Association also supported Elkarra, who lost to Sonja Cameron. Even so, Elkarra remained a favorite with state Democrats.
“If Mohammed really wants something bad enough,” Richard Grenier wrote in The Marrakesh One-Two, “you get the impression Allah is going to say it’s okay. I mean, Allah just can’t seem to say no to him.”
In similar style, California Democrats can’t say no to Basim Elkarra, local executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and Democrats even tap him to deliver prayers in the Senate. Establishment media ignored the story but as Katy Grimes explained in the California Globe CAIR is the creation of “the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian franchise, Hamas, officially designated as a terrorist organization since 1994.”
 Tags: CAIR


The road to hell -- paved by malevolent politicians.

Our nation’s immigration laws were enacted to protect national security, public safety, public health and the jobs and wages of Americans.  Those laws are utterly and completely blind about race, religion and/or ethnicity. 
The 9/11 Commission was crystal clear in its findings that first and foremost, the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 and other attacks perpetrated by foreign nationals were only possible because of multiple failures of the immigration system.
Failures of border security and a lack of interior enforcement have enabled criminal aliens, members of transnational gangs and terrorists to flow easily into the United States and, once in the United States, into towns and cities across America.
Failures of border security have also enabled aliens with dangerous communicable diseases to enter the United States and have permitted foreign workers to enter the U.S. to displace American workers.
Because of the extreme politicization of immigration, the United States intentionally lacks an adequate number of ICE agents and other resources to enforce the immigration laws from within the interior of the United States. There are roughly 7,000 ICE agents and they are not only responsible for enforcing immigration laws but other laws that have nothing to do with immigration.  To put this in perspective, TSA has more than 45,000 employees and the NYPD has more than 38,000 police officers.  The entire United States of America functionally has about 3,000 agents dedicated to enforcing our immigration laws. 
I addressed this unconscionable betrayal of America and Americans in my extensive article, Sanctuary Country - Immigration failures by design that I hope you will take the time to read. 
But today we will zoom in on one particularly egregious case that illustrates just how depraved and delusional some political leaders and their subordinate employees have become in undermining the already hobbled efforts by ICE through the creation of “Sanctuary Cities.” 
These jurisdictions shield illegal aliens from immigration law enforcement and often ignore detainers lodged by ICE agents.  This frequently results in criminal aliens being released from custody and onto the streets where they are free to ply their criminal trades, killing, raping and robbing.
The May 22, 2019 Washington Times report, PG County admits sanctuary policy freed illegal immigrant before murder, began with this infuriating excerpt:
Prince George’s County has admitted it did defy an ICE detainer and released an immigrant living in the U.S. illegally who had been accused of attempted murder, only to see the teen implicated in a horrific gang-related killing last month.
A spokesman for the county corrections department said Wednesday it released the alleged MS-13 gang member onto the streets. Andrew Cephas retracted his statement on Tuesday that the department transferred custody of the teen to the state.
Stop and let the enormity of this one sink in.  An illegal alien who had been arrested for attempted murder was intentionally shielded from ICE by supposed law enforcement officers who took an oath to enforce the law and defend the Constitution.
On May 21, 2019 ICE issued a press release about this sordid case that provides even more damning facts, ICE seeks custody of teen murder suspects for a second time- Local jurisdiction failed to honor previous detainers.
This is how this press release began:
BALTIMORE – Following the recent arrest of two unlawfully present teens suspected in the violent murder of a young girl in Maryland, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers in Baltimore are again seeking to take custody of the illegal aliens through the ICE detainer process following the Prince George’s County Detention Center’s (PGCDC) failure to cooperate.
Josue Rafael Fuentes-Ponce and Joel Ernesto Escobar, both Salvadoran nationals, were previously arrested on May 11, 2018 when they were arrested by Prince George’s County Police Department (PGCPD) for attempted first-degree murder, attempted second-degree murder, participation in gang activity, conspiracy to commit murder, attempted robbery, and other related charges. ICE officers lodged a detainer with PGCDC, however both were released on an unknown date and time without notification to ICE.
On May 16, 2019, PGCPD arrested the same individuals and charged them with first-degree murder.
The alleged victim of these thugs was a fourteen year old girl whose life would have been spared if only the law enforcement officers had not obstructed ICE from carrying out its duties.
Time and again violent sociopathic aliens have been released by local law enforcement agencies around the United States to ostensibly protect “immigrants” from ICE agents.
Lawful immigrants and nonimmigrant aliens who abide by their terms of temporary admission into the United States need no protection from ICE agents just as motorists who operate their vehicles in accordance with motor vehicle laws need no protection from police officers.
Illegal aliens, on the other hand, violate our laws and should not be shielded from ICE.
The bogus argument that local authorities will only cooperate with ICE when aliens engage in “serious criminal” activities must be seen for what it is, a lie to justify obstructing immigration law enforcement.
As an INS agent I arrested numerous fugitive aliens during supposedly “routine” field investigations.  
In fact, I will never forget the illegal alien I arrested at a glass factory in Brooklyn.  He had claimed to be a naturalized citizen who had been born in Belize.  We could find no record for him and so I took him into custody to initiate an investigation.
The owner of the factory was adamant that his employee was a “good guy” who was honest and trust worthy.  Indeed, he told me that this employee had the keys to the factory and frequently opened the business and locked up at night.
It turned out that this “trustworthy and honest” employee was using an assumed identity.  He had done time for manslaughter and after serving his sentence was deported.  He returned illegally to the United States was arrested and  prosecuted for unlawful reentry after deportation, a felony, and escaped from a federal penitentiary where he was serving his prison sentence.
Our immigration laws do not allow for local authorities to take it upon themselves to decide whether or not to turn illegal aliens over to ICE.
In the case that serves as the predication for my commentary today, these two alleged members of MS-13 posed a serious threat to community safety, a threat that is well known throughout Maryland where that gang has established a large and notorious reputation for extreme violence.  
Here is an excerpt from Chairman Grassley's statement:
This organization has been dubbed the world’s “most dangerous gang,” and some say it could be a terrorist organization. But, you wouldn’t expect anything less from a group whose motto is “kill, rape, and control.”
Unfortunately, over the past two years, this terrifying motto has become a vicious reality for many communities across our nation. So far this year, the gang has been publicly linked to dozens of high-profile killings, rapes, and assaults across the country, from the Washington D.C. metro area to Houston, Texas. 
Undoubtedly, there are many more that simply haven’t been reported.
Once again the architects and perpetrators of “Sanctuary” policies have blood on their hands.


If we can't even bring down the Maduro regime, why would Iran fear us?

Why do so many people believe that inflicting economic pain on Iran will produce some sort of happy ending to the forty-year war between the Islamic Republic and the United States? 
As I listen to our leaders and read our pundits, I hear two main themes. The first is that, eventually, sanctions will so debilitate the Tehran regime that it will fall. The second is that, eventually, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei will send his diplomats back to the negotiating table and a new “deal” will be worked out.
I don’t believe either scenario. I don’t think economic misery produces revolution. That is vulgar Marxism clouding your mind. If misery kicked off revolution, we’d see revolutions in North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and chunks of Asia. We don’t, because successful revolutions are produced by potent political leadership, not long unemployment lines.
Lenin and Kerensky can explain this to you, if you haven’t agreed yet.
I don’t think misery leads to new negotiations and a new deal, either. I think the first negotiations came about when President Rouhani and Foreign Minister Zarif convinced Khamenei that America had no will to challenge Iran directly, and hence would be extremely generous at the negotiating table. And so it was. I doubt that the mullahs expect Trump, Bolton and Pompeo to be as generous as Obama and Kerry.
Nor, on the other hand, do I think the Supreme Leader and his cohorts believe that Trump is prepared to assault the Islamic Republic. Perhaps they feared him for the first year or so of his presidency, but, after comparing notes with the North Koreans, Russians, Cubans and Venezuelans, the Iranians are probably convinced that ours is a mean-looking dog that barks a lot but isn’t going to savage them.
Venezuela is in our back yard, its people are suffering at least as much as the Iranians, yet it doesn’t look like we understand what it takes to bring down the Maduro regime. If we can’t do that, how can the mullahs be expected to fear us?
The tyrants of Tehran have probably learned a very important lesson from the Russians: faced with a crisis, it may be best to do nothing. Remember the Soviet ”era of stagnation,” aka the post-Khrushchev years? Here’s what my friend, the former GRU colonel who calls himself Victor Suvarov, recently wrote about that period. It fits contemporary Iran elegantly:
The country was sinking into a quagmire, and there were two options: either to do nothing, or to jerk it out.
By doing nothing, one could last longer. By jerking it out one would be sucked in faster. Brezhnev did nothing, and ruled happily for 18 years. Two elderly men Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko followed his path, then Gorbachev tried to jerk it out…
The mullahs are a bunch of old men, and just like the Soviet Union at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis, they know they would not survive an armed conflict with the United States. Why should they commit suicide, especially since the Americans are going to vote again in just a year and a half? Those friendlier Democrats might win, and that might be a better moment to return to the nice Viennese hotels and the warm embrace of the Western journalists.
If you were in Ali Khamenei’s sandals, what would you do? With Gorbachev’s humiliating example so close at hand, wouldn’t you do…nothing?
Which brings me back, as always, to my old sermon, the one I have been preaching for forty years. If your mission is to bring down the Tehran tyranny (as it should be), you’re going to have to help make it happen. Speeches and sanctions likely won’t get it done.
 Tags: Iranmullahs


Brexit Party victory ends a political monopoly.

The triumph of Nigel Farage and his Brexit party in Britain’s European parliamentary elections tells us two stories at the same time.
The first story is a local British story. The Brexit Party’s victory effectively ends the Conservative party’s monopoly on Britain’s political right for the first time in two hundred years. The Conservatives will respond to the trouncing in one of two ways. They can disintegrate completely by doubling down on outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May’s soft Brexit – with or without a second referendum — or they can start listening to their voters.
The second story encapsulated in Brexit’s victory — and that of Marine Le Pen’s triumph in France and Matteo Salvini’s in Italy — is the now familiar tale of the rise of the populist/nationalist/ideological right throughout the Western world against the conventional wisdom of the traditional progressive and center-right elitist establishment, and more often than not, in defiance of the polls.
In Britain itself, the rise of Brexit is a fitting bookend to Prime Minister Theresa May’s stunning betrayal of her voters. May came to power after her predecessor David Cameron resigned office in response to the Brexit vote. As she entered office, May pledged to embrace the will of the voters and shepherd Britain out of the European Union.
Instead of doing so, May managed to negotiate a Brexit deal with the European Union that left Britain with the costs of EU membership but without its benefits. Despite the fact that her deal was repeatedly voted down in Parliament, she refused to resign. And now, her premiership that began because of Brexit is ending because she betrayed Brexit.
As for the wider West, to be sure, the proximate issues pushing voters in separate countries to cast their ballots for anti-elitist parties in favor of populist, nationalist leaders with strong visions of national restoration and pride are local. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s victory earlier this month over his challenger, Labor Party leader Bill Shorten, has largely been attributed to Shorten’s radical economic agenda. Shorten’s proposed tax hikes would have harmed young families and retirees. His carbon emissions legislation would have crippled Australia’s mining industry.
Farage’s rise owes to May’s bad faith with her own voters regarding her commitment to honoring their vote to withdraw Britain from the European Union.
In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won a fifth term in office last month by running on a record of diplomatic and economic success that the leftist parties were unable to discredit.
Trump’s victory is widely attributed to Hillary Clinton’s failure to rally the Democratic base in the Rust Belt and to counter Trump’s message of industrial renewal.
But one underlying issue is common in all of the elections. And until the progressive left and the establishment center right reconcile themselves to it, and find a respectful means to contend with it, they will continue to see populist forces grow stronger and win elections.
That issue is contempt. Throughout the Western world, beyond the economic issues and even beyond specific social issues like gay marriage or abortion rights, voters are motivated to vote for the populist, nationalist right in part due to their anger at the left and center-right’s undisguised contempt for them.
In the United States, the left’s snobbery reached its height with Hillary Clinton’s castigation of Trump’s supporters as “deplorables.” But her assertion wasn’t made in isolation. It was made in the midst of a general atmosphere in which Democratic politicians from Barack Obama to Nancy Pelosi and establishment Republicans felt comfortable putting down Americans who aren’t part of their club. Obama infamouslyreferred to Clinton’s “deplorables” as “bitter” people in small towns who “cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
The media, which serves as an extension of the Democratic Party and embraces NeverTrump Republicans as a means to attack Trump and his voters, continuously broadcasts contempt for both.
Likewise, according to Australian professor and media analyst Stan Grant, one of the decisive factors in Australia’s election was religion. A large swathe of the public developed a sense that Labor leader Shorten held them and their religious convictions in contempt.
Grant recalls that in the weeks before the election, a national rugby star — who, like Morrison, is an evangelical Christian — wrote a disparaging post about homosexuals on his Facebook page. Whereas Morrison responded by drawing a line between his political actions and his religious beliefs to neutralize the issue, Shorten’s response was to castigate Morrison.
According to Grant, “Shorten’s move raised red flags in the minds of many voters. Just what did he stand for? Did he value the rights of the LGBTQ community not to be offended over the rights of someone to publicly profess their religious beliefs?
Grant added that Shorten’s response came the same week he “had given a rousing speech pledging to ‘change the nation forever.’”
It works out that while Australians do not oppose gay marriage, they don’t want their country to be fundamentally transformed. However they come down on social issues, they want Australia to stay Australia.
By adopting an attitude of contempt for them, Shorten, like Clinton and Obama and May and French President Emmanuel Macron insulted the voters.
Since the 1990s, we have been told that globalization is a progressive, post-nationalist movement. And it is true that many of the radical agendas the left has adopted in the past twenty years have been initiated in one country and spread worldwide through various connectors, most notably, social media.
On the left, the international academic community and the transnational business elite have embraced similar values and agendas. These values and agendas have become the calling cards of members of the international ruling elite. And these values and agendas have drifted farther and farther away from those of the denizens of the elitists’ home countries and societies.
The rise of the populist/nationalist/ideological right throughout the West demonstrates that globalization cuts both ways. Members of the global progressive and center-right elite embrace the same post-nationalist, post-industrial, and post-Christian values and agendas at elite conferences in Brussels and New York, at the United Nations, on network news and online. But back in their home countries, those they disregard are also online and also talking. The disregarded majorities are also listening to one another.
The most potent message that crosses the world each day and empowers populists and nationalist conservatives is one of exasperation and anger at the transnational elites’ solidarity in their contempt for their people. From Jerusalem to Budapest to Birmingham to Cincinnati, the spurned citizens have understood that the only way to force their contemptuous elites to heel is to vote them out of power.
For European Unionists and British Remainers, for the Israeli elite and the American establishment, the globalization of their values and agendas has brought them to believe that democracy means fixing the rules of the game. Through judicial activism and bureaucratic regulations, through intellectual terror and public shaming, these elites seek to render election results inconsequential. Ballot boxes, in their view, are no match for the combined forces of the elite media and academia and the bureaucracy. They determine norms. They determine policies – in the name of Democracy.
But throughout the West, the “deplorables” are listening to one another and rediscovering their power and voices at the ballot boxes. They realize that democracy is a means for the people to determine their course in the world. The elite may control the discourse, but the people decide who will run their countries.
True, specific voting issues vary from country to country. But the voters’ refusal to accept the contempt with which their elites’ treat them unifies voters throughout the Western world. And so long as the elites refuse to accept that the traditional values and agendas of their societies are not fascist and racist, but conventional and even commendable,  they will continue to misread polling data. They will continue to ignore voters. And they will continue to be blindsided by electoral defeats that they never expected.

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