Let It Go!
There are all kinds of believers, I dare say, even pastors, who are continually struggling with past sins. They are so frustrated saying, “Oh, I am so defeated. If you only knew what I once did, the sins I committed, you would understand why I am such a failure.” Look, I hear from the continually. Their sin is still hanging over their head like a Sword of Damocles. They continue to battle constant guilt over everything that Jesus has already covered! Yeah, yeah. They may say they they believe the Lord has forgiven them, that his blood is sufficient to cover all of their past sins . . . but they just cannot find the peace that comes from that knowledge! What’s going on?
Others will say, “Sure, I believe I’m forgiven, but my mind is continually bombarded with depressing thoughts.” It can happen anywhere, even in midst of prayers and worship, and it will defeat them every time and make them feel so unclean. For whatever reason they have a hard time believing they are pure in the eyes of our Father.
No, I don’t understand it either. These believers must have forgotten that Satan even tempted Jesus with ugly thoughts during his wilderness testing. He is still doing the same thing. He has changed his “Modus Operandi.” He sends little foxes into your life just to make you think you are hopeless, that your God is mad at you, that you have crossed that “line,” and you may as well give up. Those evil little imps continually inject thoughts into your mind, trying to destroy their faith in the power of Christ’s sacrifice and shed blood.
Oh friends, don’t listen to that trash. I have told you over and over and over, your enemy only has one weapon that he can use against you: Thoughts, Ideas and Suggestions! That’s right T.I.S. You have to cut them off! Arrest those thoughts, and make them obedient to the Word of God. You need to cry, “Holy Spirit, I know you are here, help me!” Stand on our Father’s Word which promises all of yout sins are washed away; that He is no longer casting judgment down on you; that He loves and cherishes you!
I am so tired of believers being beat over their heads because of things the did in the past. But I guarantee that if you have chosen to pick up the cross and fight the good fight of faith, you will face a constant battle with your mind and your base-desires. All of us face evil thoughts—thoughts of our past, and a sense of rejection. But if you will simply apply Christ’s blood to the root of doubts, it will reach into every cell of your being, including your thoughts, and it will thoroughly cleanse you! Just it go, friends. Let it go, because it will bring freedom and rejoicing into your life.
Yeah, yeah, I realize that you continually want to deal with this on your own, but you are not alone in your struggle. All of us deal with this trash. There is nothing new about it. But He has sent you the Holy Spirit who knows how to deal with the enemy and will free you from all that bondage. He is the still that small voice that will guide you and empower you through all your battles.
Quit fretting about it and pray with me:

Others will say, “Sure, I believe I’m forgiven, but my mind is continually bombarded with depressing thoughts.” It can happen anywhere, even in midst of prayers and worship, and it will defeat them every time and make them feel so unclean. For whatever reason they have a hard time believing they are pure in the eyes of our Father.
No, I don’t understand it either. These believers must have forgotten that Satan even tempted Jesus with ugly thoughts during his wilderness testing. He is still doing the same thing. He has changed his “Modus Operandi.” He sends little foxes into your life just to make you think you are hopeless, that your God is mad at you, that you have crossed that “line,” and you may as well give up. Those evil little imps continually inject thoughts into your mind, trying to destroy their faith in the power of Christ’s sacrifice and shed blood.
Oh friends, don’t listen to that trash. I have told you over and over and over, your enemy only has one weapon that he can use against you: Thoughts, Ideas and Suggestions! That’s right T.I.S. You have to cut them off! Arrest those thoughts, and make them obedient to the Word of God. You need to cry, “Holy Spirit, I know you are here, help me!” Stand on our Father’s Word which promises all of yout sins are washed away; that He is no longer casting judgment down on you; that He loves and cherishes you!
I am so tired of believers being beat over their heads because of things the did in the past. But I guarantee that if you have chosen to pick up the cross and fight the good fight of faith, you will face a constant battle with your mind and your base-desires. All of us face evil thoughts—thoughts of our past, and a sense of rejection. But if you will simply apply Christ’s blood to the root of doubts, it will reach into every cell of your being, including your thoughts, and it will thoroughly cleanse you! Just it go, friends. Let it go, because it will bring freedom and rejoicing into your life.
Yeah, yeah, I realize that you continually want to deal with this on your own, but you are not alone in your struggle. All of us deal with this trash. There is nothing new about it. But He has sent you the Holy Spirit who knows how to deal with the enemy and will free you from all that bondage. He is the still that small voice that will guide you and empower you through all your battles.
Quit fretting about it and pray with me:
“Holy Spirit, I want to grow in my faith. I want to get rid of all of my hypocrisy, and I want gentleness, patience and love. I know you still love me, in spite of all of my failures, but stand by me and help me. Amen.”It’s just that simple . . . walk free, my friend. Walk victoriously, walk straight and tall in the power of His strength, and you will overcome all that other trash!
(I send out messages like this each morning in emails, and if you are interested in receiving them, send me your email address and I will add you to the list)
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Just remember that it is through your faithful and continued support
that make these messages and other aspects of ministry possible.

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