Thursday, July 24, 2014

Believers and God's End-Time Wrath

Brother, Maranatha! your studies are so refreshing to my soul! I want to thank you, you put it so simple and Biblical, that it's irrefutable.
I'd like to ask, if we're only protected during the 7 vials and at the 7 we're caught up, what about the 7 seals and 7 trumpets, are we also going to be protected during those times?
When God says "when you see the abomination that causes desolation. flee to the mountains", is He telling to the Jews only? to flee from Judea?
I would like you to do a video about the woman and the dragon.
And also explain to me and to all your viewers, if we (believers in Christ and keepers of His commandments) are that woman that will be kept in the wilderness? and what about the rest of her "offspring" what does it refer to?
I'm impatiently waiting for your reply, God bless you. 
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Maranatha Brother, thank you for the video!
Great babylon is the Catholic Church and Protestant churches that turned away from Christ
I invite you to watch my video 'How to Identify Mystery Babylon.' The Bible says Babylon the great of the end time is a literal city not a church or churches. 
According to Strongs, orge denotes a more severe form of wrath than thumos. Thumos is used of the wrath of God that falls near the end of the tribulation before the orge of God comes at the revelation of Christ. Thank God we who trust in Christ and keep his word will escape both, first by divine protection and then by rapture!
For the sake of other readers: The Greek word ~ thumos ~ implies passion (wrath). The Greek word ~ orge ~ implies violent passion (wrath).

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