Trying To Understand . . .

The last few days I have been taking another look at Joseph’s life, trying to discover something new. I don’t always know what I am looking for, but I know the Holy Spirit is trying to show me something. All of us know that Joseph was put into prison because the wife of Potiphar had falsely charged him of attempted rape, but there was obviously more to the story.
There he was, sitting in prison for a crime he did not commit. He was betrayed by some toady prisoner; he was all alone and left believing that all of his dreams were either misunderstood or misguided. He was in one of the darkest hours of his life —- lonely, downcast, forced to give up all of his dreams, questioning his place in Yahweh’s plans, when suddenly the call came from one of the king’s guards: “Joseph! Get cleaned up — Pharaoh is calling for you!
In that one moment, I believe the Spirit of God came on Joseph and his heart leaped with excitement. He was about to understand what all of his sufferings were all about!
As Joseph showered, shaved and trimmed his hair, he was probably thinking, “I’m beginning to understand what Yahweh promised me. Now I know I heard from him! The devil has not been in control, and my life is not a waste. My Lord has been directing everything the entire time!
In a matter of minutes, Joseph was standing in front of Pharaoh, listening to him describe a couple of dreams he had, and Joseph receive the interpretation from the Lord of a coming famine and he told Pharaoh to collect and store the nation’s grain: “Someone must be in charge of the storehouses. You have to find a man who’s full of wisdom to oversee it all” (read Genesis 4l).
Pharaoh looked around and then turned toward Joseph: “You! Joseph! I appoint you second ruler. Only I will have more power in the kingdom than you. You will oversee it all!
How quickly things had changed! He went from being a prisoner to being second-in-charge of the whole nation. Go figure. But finally, the day came when Joseph stood in front of his brothers who had betrayed him and sold him into slavery. However, he was able to say: “Even though you planned evil against me, Elohim planned good to come out of it. He did this to keep many people alive, as he is doing now” (Genesis 50:20).
Elohim sent me ahead of you to make sure that you would have descendants on the earth and to save your lives in an amazing way. You didn’t send me here, but Elohim. He has made me like a father to Pharaoh, lord over his entire household, and ruler of Egypt” (Genesis 45:7-8).
I don’t know about you, but all of the events in this story are amazing. If nothing else, it is perfect proof that there is no such thing as coincidence. Our Father orders every step of our life. Every circumstance and situation lie in His hands.
I guess; my message is that very soon, many of you will begin to understand the purpose of the fiery trials you are experiencing. Our Lord is going to fulfill the promise he gave you, suddenly it will all make sense. You will see that he has never forsaken you. He had to take you this way, because he has been training you, preparing you, teaching you to trust him for everything. He has planned a time where you will begin His work — and that time is just ahead!
With these Morning Messages, I take you on guided tours to, as Bunyan described, the Celestial City. At times we linger at corners familiar and unseen. And explore the depths of our faith along the way.
The trail is long, but there’s no hurry. Though we do need to stock up on supplies for the way, and that’s where I need your help. If you enjoy these messages, please consider becoming a contributing member of this tour group. It will be very much appreciated.
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