Thursday, July 24, 2014

Paul Begley (LIVE) "Signs Of The New World Order"

Streamed live on Jul 23, 2014

The apocalyptic signs are everywhere including the "Rise of the New World Order". The Beast is getting into position and Pastor Paul Begley of Indiana will host this "You Tube LIVE Event" to help explain the times we are in
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Thanks Kim. I repent and am very sorry I ever considered Jewish people to be a problem. With guys like Brother Nathanuel who I think walks on thin ice using alot of truth but potentially spreding hate towards Jewish people. I'll listen to both sides of the story. Also the rothchilds really make Jewish people look bad. And then all the halocaust denile to watch. For a while I did hate Jews, but that was actually about 2 years ago, I repented of that but became a fence sitter waiting patiently for a definnative answer. I know that their were prophecies that I heard of about restoring Israel- but just because Israel is restored I thought maby it could be a conspiracy or something. But the map seals the deal for me. THAT MAP to me proves it without a shadow of a doubt. Why would the nwo exclude Israel from their map unless they had no intention of making that state. Yup the rockets will be deflected! 
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Kim S Jesus because I said I saw thee under the fig tree thou believest? You shall see greater works than these. And that map did it for me, lol. I look forward to the greater works!
I've had a migraine for 6 days and I've been trying to reach out to people and get them to turn to Jesus and was met with very little feedback which got me so discouraged and feeling defeated. But seeing how many people were tuned in and on fire for Jesus really uplifted me and made my spirit rejoice! :D Paul your energy is so uplifting, you passion for truth is extremely admirable and you have a way of uniting people who love Jesus! Your show was so uplifting I was singing to Jesus for a little while afterwards!
Blessings to you all my Brothers and Sisters in Christ in Jesus's holy name! You all uplifted my spirit and helped to give me back my hope.
I sincerely love you all. :) <3
We are in the end times, people will reject the Truth that you proclaim...don't be discouraged and continue to preach the word without fear. HE IS YOUR STRENGTH
Amen. You're right. All glory be to God for the uplifting faith in his people!
God bless you my beautiful sister in Christ. :D
Pastor much better the video is more clearer now good job 
Great video Pastor Paul, thank you very much.  We for sure we are in a great spiritual war.  Very enlightening video.  God Bless You     Lord protect and bless Israel.   God Bless America    God Bless Everyone

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