Published on Jul 24, 2014
Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana reads Revelation Chapter 6
- The daily sacrifice that is taken away in the end days are not the sacrifice of animals in a temple built by hand of man.After the blood of Jesus there is no other blood on earth that can take its place.Matter of fact,animal blood would be a smack in the face of God.Read moreShow less
The sacrifice of today is to live in love,Giving and loving your neighbor as yourself.
Walking in love is the sweetsmeelling savour to God and the sacrifice of today EPH 5:1-2.
God doesn't dwell in temples built by men but in the heart of man.Its what you believe is what defiles a man.Your choice what you follow
.Fathers will or satans will is the choice you will put to your mind and hand.Reply·3View all 3 repliesThank you for your words...
The Kingdom of God is within you...
WHy try to build His Kingdom on earth?
Satan's builds his kingdom on earth and give's it to anyone who bows down to him and his will... All these building's and cuurches and the glory of them are but wood stone and steel... They will all be burnt as as worthless to Jesus CHrist...
All man's worldly works will be burnt... In the Judgement...Read moreShow lessReply·1