Friday, August 29, 2014

From My Heart of Hearts I say this to All

For The Record

From My Heart of Hearts I say this to All My Friends & Family & Face Book Friends. Regardless if you are Christian, Jewish, Messianic, Atheist or Agnostic. I will not ever force you as a Messianic Christian Myself to believe as I do. Nor will I judge you for what you believe. I will not and can not judge. Unless I be Judged.

I have studied the Book of Revelations for 0ver 30 years. I am in no way an expert. What I have learned is that God has His plans for all His Children. What you choose to believe has been and will always be yours to choose. I choose to be your friends, Love my Family, Give reports on what is happening in the world I believe. However it has been and will always be your decision to read and or watch them to believe or disagree. Love & Respect to you All. Carl

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