And your old men shall have dreams
First and foremost I am not a prophet in any way or form. However i have been having strange dreams that have really been bothering me. They all contain images and warning of what is yet to
come in the days, and months and years to come.
The one dream that has bothered me the most goes like this. I am going about my day in my back yard. The colors of my yard and flowers are rich and green and beautiful. The air smells crisp and is very clear. The I turn around attracted by the smell of smoke and wet ash and then every turns to grey and charcoal and the skies are filled with strange smudges of fire filled clouds, like I have never seen before. I know something has gone very wrong and I get this very sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I almost want to vomit, but nothing comes up because I have this feeling I have not had food for a long while?
I find that I am leaning next to a burnt out building of some sort. Everything has turned to charcoal gray and the smell is like death in a strange kind of way.I can not see any people. Not a one. I can see what appears to be my neighborhood, well what is know left of it in rubble and remmenates of now standing chimneys were once houses used to be. I want to call out, but for some reason I hold back. I somehow know that to call out would mean certain death.
I notice that there are what appear to be mounds spread all over. Being so difficult to see through all the ash and grey and being night I guess does not help either. I can see what seems like red embers appear still simmering under this mounds of ash and fodder. I hear a formidable rumble and shudder in the near distance and low the mounds begin to move and flutter. The red embers once thought to be burning coals are know realized to be a deep blazing fire. For this are dragon. Not one or to, perhaps even three. No there are hundreds, no maybe even hundreds of thousands of them. They have come in one night. While we had been asleep. They came unnoticed so we thought.
There was such a feeling of hopelessness I felt upon waking up that mourning. I just got the imprecision that the dragons were the Chinese invading up. I felt that as if since it was done overnight, in the dark, that somehow we were betrayed, sold out. I must admit it is speculation on my part. perhaps only a dream? But you tell me.
Share with me your dreams, Carl