Hezbollah Unveils Vast Terror Tunnel Network along Israel’s Northern Border
“Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us.” (Isaiah 8:10)
image: http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/idf-artillery-tank-lebanon-golan-heights.jpg
Israeli artillery seen in the Golan Heights. (Photo: Basal Awidat/Flash90)
In preparation for war with Israel, the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah has built an advanced network of terror tunnels that run along the northern border with Israel, Lebanese media reported.
In a series of articles published over the weekend, the Hezbollah affiliated As-safir media outlet highlighted the terror group’s vast tunnel network and revealed that they were being used to store tens of thousands of rockets to be used against the Jewish state.
Hezbollah forces are reported to be in a state of high readiness for conflict with Israel and are being supported by advanced infrastructure and equipment.
While As-safir’s reports could not be verified, the vast underground network includes a series of tunnels, surveillance outposts and bunkers, all along the border with Israel.
Built out of concrete, Hezbollah’s tunnels are supplied with electricity 24-hours a day by underground generators. A special ventilation system prevents damage to military equipment by pumping out damn air.
A series of secondary escape shafts are built alongside the tunnels in case of attack and Hezbollah terrorists must evacuate the tunnels.
The report added that Hezbollah is constantly guarding the border area and keeping up surveillance with highly specialized electronic equipment, including observation posts outfitted with night-vision technology.
In order to avoid detection by Israeli surveillance, Hezbollah is using rather primitive means to dig and expand the tunnels. Building is reported to take place 24-hours a day.
Hezbollah’s tunneling revelation and preparation for war comes as no surprise to Israel. Earlier this month, a senior Israeli intelligence official revealed that intelligence estimates believe Hezbollah has some 100,000 rockets pointed at Israel.
Satellite photos, which were banned from print in the media, showed what Israel believes are Hezbollah positions in dozens of villages across southern Lebanon. Hundreds of red marks indicated arms depots, underground tunnels, missile launchers and command posts being used by Hezbollah with the purpose of annihilating the Jewish state.
According to the official, some 200 villages in Lebanon have been turned into “military strongholds.” The massive Hezbollah rocket arsenal could have the capacity to strike Tel Aviv.
Former IDF chief Benny Gantz confirmed Israeli intelligence assessments in early May when, speaking at the Towards a New Law of War Conference in Jerusalem, he confirmed that entire villages in Lebanon have been turned into missile launching areas by Hezbollah.
“Lebanon has villages that have been turned into missile launching bases – their living rooms are missile rooms,” he stated.
Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/41105/hezbollah-builds-vast-underground-terror-tunnel-network-for-war-with-israel-middle-east/#TVDCmMM8y7F1674T.99