Bringing whatever stirs my heart
What’s In Your Mouth?

But then Solomon goes on to say, “The profit gained from wisdom is greater than the profit gained from silver. Its yield is better than fine gold” (Proverbs 3:14). Think about that. As of this moment, Silver is trading at $17:30/ounce and Gold is trading at $1215.95/ounce! Pretty good investments, but according to Solomon Wisdom is even greater! I say we invest in Wisdom! “Wisdom is more precious than jewels, and all your desires cannot equal it” (Proverbs 3:15).
But that is not all! “Long life is in wisdom’s right hand. In wisdom’s left hand are riches and honor. Wisdom’s ways are pleasant ways, and all its paths lead to peace.” (Proverbs 33:16-17).
On top of that, “Wisdom is a tree of life for those who take firm hold of it. Those who cling to it are blessed” (Proverbs 3:18)!
Folks, Wisdom is a gift! It is not an accomplishment we earn or work hard enough for. I knew several who were able to earn “A’s,” seemingly by simply walking into school, but never had a lick of wisdom and you had no idea how they were able to walk the streets! I used to date a girl like that. She was charming, sweet and was a “straight-A” student. But one day we were talking to a friend of mine and he jokingly said, “Are you an ‘Airhead‘?” She laughed. Then leaned over to me and quietly asked, “What’s an ‘Airhead“?”
I know others who spent years in college and earned several degrees, so you would presume they were pretty smart. But once you began to talk to them you ended up simply staring at them, wondering how they were able to find their way out of their bedroom each morning.
Look. We can work hard with constant studying, and it may produce some experience, but only Yahweh can create and give us Wisdom! Solomon received from Him the gift of an abundance of Wisdom:
Elohim gave Solomon wisdom—keen insight and a mind as limitless as the sand on the seashore . . . Solomon spoke 3,000 proverbs and wrote 1,005 songs” (I Kings 4:29, 32)
You know, I remember reading somewhere that we can speak between ten to twentythousand words each day! What in the world are we going to talk about all day? And, I might as well get personal here, how are you going to spend your verbal currency today? Tough one, isn’t it? But wait a minute! We could spend more time in the Word of God and become so full that our mouths become a fountain of Wisdom and Grace, or like Solomon, proverbs and songs!
Now, isn’t that what Paul instructed us to do?
“. . . be filled with the Spirit by reciting psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs . . . Sing and make music to the Lord with your hearts” (Ephesian 5:18-19)
I suppose we could add proverbs to that list! Let proverbs continually fill your mouth! Overflow with the Word of God. “Let the word spoken by Christ have its home in your hearts and minds and live in you in all its richness, as you teach and admonish and train one another in all insight and intelligence and wisdom in spiritual things, and as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, making melody to God with His Grace in your hearts!”
If you think about it, we actually choose what comes out of our mouths by what we put into our hearts! Several years ago I rode chase for a balloon company, and often I had great conversations with the owner. One time he said, “I hope you can handle the words that come out of my mouth.” I smiled and said, “I was just wondering what you put in there . . .” I am sure you heard the old computer adage, “Garbage in . . . garbage out.” Well, Jesus put it this way, “A good man gives out good — from the goodness stored in his heart; a bad man gives out evil — from his store of evil” (Matthew 12:34). That’s right! Whatever comes out of our mouths is evidence of the abundance of our hearts! Period!
Solomon became so full of the Word through mediation and study that when he opened his mouth, proverbs and songs — over 4000 — came flooding out! So tell me, what comes out of your mouth each day? Is your heart overflowing with God’s Word? Or . . . is it empty, vain, and profane? What are you putting in that “mouth” of yours? Are people able to sit at your feet and hear divine wisdom?
Okay, here’s a test for you. Look at this list and place a “✓,” for the most, and a “0” for the least amount of fruit that comes out of your heart and mouth each day:
___ Encouraging Others___ Criticizing Others___ Singing to The Lord___ Praying___ Complaining, Moaning and Groaning___ Speaking God’s Word___ Making rude and crude jokes___ Sharing Godly Wisdom and counsel___ Witnessing to Others___ Talking About Worldly Concerns (the weather; sports scores; investments, movies and actors, current secular music, current television shows, etc.)___ Other ________________________________
Remember that Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it.” Our Words will either nourish and strengthen or they will cause anger and despair, Life or Death! So before you step out of your house this morning, know that your words have within them Life and Death, and you have to make the choice of what you will bring with your words. This means with the strangers you meet, your co-workers and most importantly: you family! Ask yourself now what words, thoughts and images you are going to allow into your heart today? Are you going to click onto that website again? Are you going to switch to that channel? What overflow are you going to allow out of your mouth? As a poet once said, “A River of Life flows out that will both refresh and nourish.” So, are you going to revive the lives around you? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they were constantly experiencing God’s life flowing from you?
Stop and consider your options: Your mouth may overflow with life of God’s Wisdom, or with Worldly Emptiness. The choice is yours to make. Get the Word in you so that His Wisdom is what will be flowing out of your heart.
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