Saturday, May 30, 2015

End-Time Prophets.04 - Prophecy Is A Gift Of The Church (HD)

Published on Nov 29, 2013

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I am making this series upon special request! 1 Peter 3:15.

Chapter One: Overcoming our Misconceptions
{Many have so much anger and prejudice inside them. Where does this come from?}

Supplement to Chapter One [Bonus Video]
{Lots of good stuff which I recorded for Chapter One, which I left out due to length.}

Chapter Two: The History of Prophets in the Bible
{Prophets are both male and female. Prophets are in both the Old and the New Testaments. Prophets don't always add to the Scriptures. Why was the Gift of Prophecy removed from the church? How did God restore it? Proverbs 29:18.}

Chapter Three: Prophecy in the Last Days
{Revelation 12:1719:10. Although it is true that the majority are false prophets (Matthew 7:1524:11, 24), it is also true that we are to try the spirits, to see whether they be of God (1 John 4:1), meaning that some of them actually are of God! Acts 2:17 and Joel 2:28-32.}

Chapter Four: Prophecy is one of the Gifts of the Church
{Ephesians 4:7, 8, 11-15; 1 Corinthians 12:28-30, 10; 14:1;
1 Thessalonians 5:20-21}

Chapter Five: How is a True Prophet Received and Treated?
{True prophets are hated by the world. False prophets are loved by the world. Luke 4:24.}

Chapter Six: True Prophets can make Mistakes
{A prophet can speak on God's behalf (infallible); but they can also speak on their own behalf (fallible). Sometimes it is just them talking, and they can get things wrong. One example of this can be found in 1 Chronicles 17:1-4.}

Chapter Seven: If there were a Prophet in these Last Days, What would be their Function?
{Cannot add to the Word. Can confirm and explain the Word. Can apply the Word to modern problems. Can explain Biblical prophecies. Can make accurate predictions. Can reveal extra details (an example of this is Jude 1:14, which cannot be found in the OT.) Will uphold a high moral standard. (The reason why so many people hate Ellen White is really to do with this.)}

Chapter Eight: The Keys of a TRUE PROPHET
{Will uphold the Law of God (Isaiah 8:20). Will uphold Jesus Christ (1 John 4:15). Will be subject to the previous prophets (1 Corinthians 14:32). Will endorse Paul (1 Corinthians 14:37). Will live a godly life (Matthew 7:15-20). Has visions with eyes open (Numbers 24:4). Has visions and dreams (Numbers 12:6). Will make accurate prophetic predictions, with 100% accuracy (Deuteronomy 18:20-22). Will speak with authority (Matthew 7:28-29). Will edify the church (1 Corinthians 14:3-4). Will lose all physical strength whist in vision, will stop breathing, will then receive supernatural strength (Daniel 10:8,16-19).}

Chapter Nine: False Prophets in the Last Days
{Various types of false prophets (Deuteronomy 18:10-12; 13:1-5), and their characters. Ezekiel 13:3.}

Chapter Ten: Ellen White: The Fulfillment of the Keys
{This lady was chosen of God. Don't fight God!}

Chapter Eleven: General Accusations & Answers
{Including the most ridiculous things you've ever heard in your life (Free Mason, Illuminati, Witch, Plagiarist, Contradicting the Bible, Making false predictions, etc) with answers.}

Chapter Twelve: "Ellen White Contradicted The Bible Over 50 Times"
{We will be going through this:
People claim that the Bible contradicts the Bible. The claims of the Law-breakers against this true prophet are of the same spirit.}

Chapter Thirteen: My Conclusion
{"Ellen White is God's end-time prophet. Her writings are inspired by the Holy Spirit. I have been reading her for a while now, and I have not found anything which is contradictory or obscure. Her writings are clear and intelligent. They encourage us and give us strength. They help us to believe more strongly in Jesus as our only Redeemer. The Holy Spirit convicts the soul when you read Ellen White. And because I feel the Holy Spirit when I read her, I know it was inspired by the Holy Spirit." I stand by what I said.}



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