Dem Senator: Banning Refugees Won’t Make Us Safe, But An Assault Weapons Ban Will
Let’s be like Europe!
In an appearance on Morning Joe on MSNBC, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, believes a gun ban would make America safer than a short-term hold on incoming refugees.
Though he touts putting America’s safety first, Murphy believes President Trump's executive order on refugees "will ultimately get more Americans killed." He also believes ISIS has been placed “on its heels” and the new administration has “handed them a path to rebirth” by pitting West versus East, Christianity against Islam. Murphy believes the portals on the Dark Web will soon be flooded with recruitment efforts and increased terror chatter as if they're not already.
In Murphy's assessment, Europe is the proper model for vetting incoming immigrants. This begins at the 2:30 mark in the above video:
“I would argue that we should go toward a discussion about a pathway in which there is absolutely no screening. Right now, people can come to the United States from Europe through the visa waiver program, where we know they have extremist cells, without, if they’re citizens in Europe, without almost any security. And the Europeans have been miserable at sharing information with each other about threats inside that continent.”
If that makes no sense to our readers then neither will his next suggestion: an assault weapons ban:
"So I would go toward -- toward a sort of European bent in looking at screening, and then maybe let's just make sure that if folks get to this country and we suspect them of having connections to terrorism that they shouldn't be able to get an assault weapon. That's a huge liability in our law today. I think those would be two important steps that would make us more safe rather than this EO which makes us less safe."
Yet another example of a Democrat trampling on the rights and freedoms of law-abiding Americans to provide the illusion of safety. As we all know, terrorists can't carry out an attack unless that have an AR-15. Right, France? Right, Germany?