Sunday, April 30, 2017

How pleasant are the footsteps of the herald upon the mountains announcing peace, heralding good tidings, announcing salvation, saying unto Zion, 'Your God has reigned!'

Meet a true "Human of Jerusalem" | 4 Iyyar 5777
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How pleasant are the footsteps of the herald
upon the mountains announcing peace, heralding good tidings, announcing salvation, saying unto Zion,
'Your God has reigned!'

מַה נָּאווּ עַל הֶהָרִים רַגְלֵי מְבַשֵּׂר מַשְׁמִיעַ שָׁלוֹם מְבַשֵּׂר טוֹב מַשְׁמִיעַ יְשׁוּעָה אֹמֵר לְצִיּוֹן מָלַךְ אֱ-לֹהָיִךְ

ישעיהו נ"ב:ז
ma na-VOO al he-ha-REEM me-va-SARE mash-mee-AH sha-LOME me-va-SARE tove mash-mee-AH ye-shoo-AH oh-MARE le-tzee-OHN ma-LAKH eh-loe-ha-YEEKH

Today's Israel Inspiration

Despite all the destruction and horrors that he was witness to, the prophet Isaiah never gave in to despair and remained a source of positivity and encouragement. In today's verse, he perpetuates the message of optimism; of focusing on the pleasant views of the world and rejoicing in the moments of "good tidings" and future salvation. Next month, Jerusalem will be celebrating 50 years since its reunification following the horrors of the six-day war, thus perpetuating Isaiah's message of always looking for the good. Can't make it to Jerusalem to celebrate? Now you can host your very own Jerusalem Golden Jubilee extravaganza with all the necessities!

Will Trump Announce Embassy Move on Jerusalem's Jubilee?

“What better time could there be to announce the relocation of the US embassy to Jerusalem than when you are over here celebrating with our Israeli friends this very important 50th anniversary of the liberation of Jerusalem?”
We Are Celebrating 50 Years Since Jerusalem's Reunification!
Countdown to Jerusalem's Golden Jubilee:
24 Days!
We invite you to discover ancient Jerusalem as it stood in the times of King David and his son, King Solomon. Take a virtual walk through the City of David, considered to be the center of Jewish life during the First Temple period, and known to be the very spot where the mighty King David ruled over all of ancient Israel.
Host a Jerusalem at 50
Jubilee Party with Your
Own Celebration Kit!.
Show Your Love for the
Holy City of Jerusalem
With a Special Contribution.

A True Human of Jerusalem

Some stories are best told in more than one picture. This is Yosef, and he's got an inspiring message to share.

Remembering the Fallen Heroes of Israel

Tonight at sunset, the memorial day for the fallen soldiers of the IDF and for those murdered in terrorist attacks begins. In Hebrew, this day is called 'Yom Hazikaron'. If not for the brave men and women who serve in the Israeli Defense Forces, Israel would be unable to exist. While we are appreciative and grateful for the work of the IDF on a daily basis, we take one day out of the year to truly honor the sacrifices which these individuals and their families have made for our country and freedom.
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Today's Israel Photo

Uri Baruch's photo of Jaffe Street in Jerusalem. The street is a bustling, commercial thoroughfare, a sure testimony to the multitudes returning to the Land.
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Thank You to our Israel365 Store Customers

"Todah Rabbah" to Steve Duke from Florida; Robert Weinstein from New York; Celeste Msyer from Florida; Dale Benington from Ohio.
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Thank You to our latest Tree Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Pamela Kuehl from Florida; Marilyn Deuter from Australia; Maria Waxin Lehmann from Sweden; Christine Couleru from France.
Stop the Land Grab! Plant a Tree in Israel »

Thank You to our Holocaust Survivors Fund Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Al Unterschute from Canada; Sacha dr Schwarzer from Germany; Haifa Al-Mubel from Switzerland; Rebbe A. De La O from New Mexico.
Show Your Love for Holocaust Survivors in Israel »

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“I Love the Verses”

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I love the verses that speak into our lives as Christians and Jews. The videos are very uplifting. I'm thankful to be a part of who you are. Blessings. --Mary McKean
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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