Thursday, June 29, 2017

Gazans Blame Palestinian Authority For Murdering Gazan Babies

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June 29, 2017 / 5 Tammuz 5777

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Jewish Press News Briefs
This tweet by Eugene Kontorovich sums up the Kotel conflict in 140 letters or less.

Headlines & Recommended
Gazans Blame Palestinian Authority For Murdering Gazan Babies

Hana Levi Julian
These moves are being seen as a bid by Abbas to show the Gaza population that its leadership is not really leading.

Evidence of Plant Dyes Found in King Solomon Era Textiles

The textiles date to King Solomon’s reign, in the Iron Age (eleventh–tenth centuries BCE), and some are decorated with a red-and-blue bands pattern.

Russia Planning Free Trade Zone with India, Egypt, Iran, Israel

'Regarding India and Egypt, I think we will start talks this year, probably closer to the year-end. Negotiations with Israel have already started.'

US Dollar Falls Below 3.5 Against Israeli Shekel

Hana Levi Julian
Since the beginning of this year, the dollar has dropped nine percent against the shekel.

Israel’s Protection Money

Moshe Feiglin
If the protection money paid to Gaza--to the tune of 1billion NIS annually--does not prevent Jewish fatalities – which have increased 5x since the Oslo peace accords broke out and Israel retreated from Gaza – why does Israel continue to pay these huge sums of money to our sworn enemies?
MK Moshe-Feiglin

Voll’s Palestinian History Book Ranked #16 on Barnes & Noble

Amazon banned the book. It's now #16 on Barnes and Noble's best-sellers list.

Hebrew U Isolates ‘Haploid’ Human Stem Cells, Changing Future of Medicine

Potential for regenerative medicine and cancer research earns doctoral student Ido Sagi a Kaye Innovation Award.

Elbit’s Unmanned Seagull™ Demonstrated Operational Capabilities in Belgian North Sea

Elbit Systems displayed Seagull’s quick mission ready capabilities in an unfamiliar setup, installing a mobile Command and Control unit onboard a Belgian Pollux Patrol Boat and completing all tasks in just a few hours.

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The Yishai Fleisher Show
Birthday Show
On his birthday, Yishai hosts Rabbi Mike Feuer at the Western Wall where they discuss false narratives, including those of UNESCO, and Korach's anti-Moses rebellion. Then, Yishai speaks to young Jewish leaders at the Foreign Ministry.

Read more The Yishai Fleisher Show articles

Hebron Terrorist Dies Attacking IDF Soldiers Over His Weapons
"In response to the immediate threat, the forces fired towards the suspect, resulting in his death."

PM and Mrs. Netanyahu in Katzrin Celebrating City’s 40th Anniversary When Syrian Mortar Shell Landed
“During my speech, shells from the Syrian side landed in our territory, and the IDF has already struck back."

Israel Strikes Syrian Position for ‘Spillover’ Attack on Golan Heights
It took less than an hour for Israeli Defense Forces to retaliate against the Syrian military position that fired the mortar.

Shelling from Syria Hits Golan Heights in Fourth Attack
"The projectile fire is errant and is a result of the internal fighting in Syria."

UN Forum ‘Full of Incitement, Hate’ for Israel
“The time has come to put an end to this absurdity,” Danon said.

Cyber Attack on Several Israeli Hospitals Thwarted
The hospitals' continuity of function has not been impaired.

Parole Board Releasing Former Prime Minister Olmert Sunday
The State Attorney's Office strongly opposed the decision and is expected to request that the release delayed and may appeal the decision.

2,000 Jews Pray at Joseph’s Tomb Overnight Thursday
Throughout the night dozens of Arabs threw stones at IDF soldiers who guarded the entrance to the holy site, and the Jews inside. They also threw Molotov cocktails.

Haifa U Researchers Find Genetic Mutation that Encourages Longevity in Men
'Our goal now is to understand in full the mechanism of the mutation we found, so that we can express it and enable longevity while maintaining quality of life.'

Ohio 12th State to Introduce Anti-BDS Resolution
'By working to delegitimize the State of Israel, BDS not only intends to destroy the Jewish homeland, but it also violates Title VI of the US Civil Rights Act as it pertains to Jewish students and protecting their Constitutional rights on campus.'

Israel, New York Collaborate on Roosevelt Island Hi-Tech Center
The campus results from a collaboration between Haifa's Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and New York’s Cornell University.

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Terror Payments Go To The Heart Of The Conflict

Stephen M. Flatow
The Oslo accords failed and there is no peace between Israelis and Palestinians today because the Palestinian leadership never accepted Israel nor rejected terrorism. The Oslo accords were a sham

Israel’s Protection Money

Moshe Feiglin
If the protection money paid to Gaza--to the tune of 1billion NIS annually--does not prevent Jewish fatalities – which have increased 5x since the Oslo peace accords broke out and Israel retreated from Gaza – why does Israel continue to pay these huge sums of money to our sworn enemies?
MK Moshe-Feiglin

Looking the Wrong Way on Iran

Shoshana Bryen
If Iran is allowed to solidify its Shiite Crescent and its naval obstructionism, American allies across the Middle East and North Africa will pay a heavy price.

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Voll’s Palestinian History Book Ranked #16 on Barnes & Noble
Amazon banned the book. It's now #16 on Barnes and Noble's best-sellers list.

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