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Robert Spencer in PJ Media: Leftists Want Their Enemies
Dead By Robert Spencer on May 31, 2017
05:06 pm
Barbarism is so hot right now. My latest in PJ Media:
Should neo-Nazis be allowed to use gym facilities? It’s an odd question, but it
has larger implications for the future of conservatives in the public square,
and for America’s prospects of staving off a new civil war. The question about
neo-Nazis and the gym […] Read in browser
Hugh Fitzgerald: Olivier Roy, “One of France’s Top
Experts On Islamic Terrorism” (Part II) By Hugh Fitzgerald on May 31, 2017 05:01
In his recent book “Jihad and Death: The Global Appeal of
Islamic State,” Roy argues that about 70 percent of these young people have
scant knowledge of Islam, and suggests they are “radical” before even choosing
Islam. He dubs them “born again Muslims” who lead libertine lives before their
sudden conversion to violent fundamentalism. — […] Read in browser
Ramadan in Afghanistan: 80 dead, 350 wounded in bombing,
Afghans suspect Pakistani government involvement By Robert Spencer on May 31, 2017 12:34
“The driver of the tanker reportedly held a permit card of
an embassy, which is how he managed to enter the diplomatic area….Amrullah
Saleh, the state minister for security reforms, hinted at Pakistani involvement.
‘An attack like this wouldn’t have been possible without the support and
involvement of a Pakistani State agency. And the ISI […] Read in browser
NYC: Muslim college student lied to cops, claimed racists
abducted him in robbery By Robert
Spencer on May 31, 2017 11:27 am
Hate crime is a booming business today: both Leftists and
their Muslim allies are making as much of use of hate crimes as they possibly
can in order to discredit foes of jihad terror and Sharia oppression as racist,
redneck, violent yahoos who deserve no place in the public square. There’s just
one problem: actual […] Read in browser
Brooklyn public school won’t serve food at prom until 9PM
because of Ramadan By Robert Spencer on
May 31, 2017 10:40 am
What special accommodation has Brooklyn Tech made for
Jewish religious observance? Christian religious observance? That’s right,
Brooklyn Tech hasn’t made any such accommodation. Notice also how in this
accommodation to Muslim students, all non-Muslim students at the prom have to be
inconvenienced and made to comply with Islamic religious laws. Imagine the
outcry if Brooklyn […] Read in browser
Pakistan: Village court orders rape victim to be killed
or sold as slave because of adultery charges By Robert Spencer on May 31, 2017 10:13
The whole idea in Islam of women covering their hair and,
among some Muslims, their faces as well, is that women are the sources of male
temptation. Men can’t be expected to control themselves, so it is the woman’s
responsibility to cover herself so as to make sure that no temptation occurs. If
a man […] Read in browser
Florida museum celebrates the jihad conquest of the Hagia
Sophia By Robert Spencer on May 31, 2017
09:42 am
“In addition to their renowned patronage of architecture,
which yielded the conversion of the Church of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul into a
congregational mosque…” Obscene. Here is that “renowned patronage of
architecture” in action: The church was still thronged. The Holy Liturgy was
ended, and the service of matins was being sung. At the sound
[…] Read in browser
Contrary to widespread reports, Manchester jihad mass
murderer’s mosque did not report him to police By Robert Spencer on May 31, 2017 09:14
The Telegraph had this on May 25: “Mr Ramadan said he
understood that Abedi had been placed on a ‘watch list’ because the mosque
reported him to the authorities for his extremist views. A well-placed source at
Didsbury Mosque confirmed it had contacted the Home Office’s Prevent
anti-radicalisation programme as a result.” But it was […] Read in browser
The real cause of Islamic terrorism: “We are motivated by
our religion, by our Qur’an and Sunnah” By Nicolai Sennels on May 31, 2017 09:02
Every time a new jihad attack strikes innocents in the
West, media and politicians get busy blaming “bad integration,” “poverty,”
“marginalization,” “racism,” etc. For some reason, it never occurs to them to
ask if Islamic terrorism has anything to do with Islam and the increasing number
of followers of this particular religion in our countries. […] Read in browser
Philippines: Islamic State jihadis shooting people dead
for failing to quote the Qur’an By
Robert Spencer on May 31, 2017 08:50 am
One might almost get the idea that this had something to do
with Islam, if we didn’t have learned imams such as H. R. McMaster and Theresa
May to explain to us otherwise. “ISIS teenage fighters are ‘shooting people dead
for failing to quote the Koran’ in besieged Philippines city as Duterte’s
military warns jihadis […] Read in browser