(Pregnancy Help News) Last week, pregnancy help centers were handed a new educational tool in the unceasing fight to eradicate human trafficking and restore dignity to victims around the world. Heartbeat International—a global network of over 2,600 affiliated pregnancy help centers—launched the first-ever online course designed to help pregnancy centers assist victims of human trafficking on […]
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‘It is absolutely shameful for him to support...taxpayer-funded, abortion-on-demand'
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Juda Myers always knew she was adopted. But for 48 years, the story of her conception remained a mystery to her. Originally told that her mother had died in childbirth at the age of 46, Myers sought medical information about her mother, and learned that her mother was actually 22 when she gave birth. She […]
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Because Every Life Matters
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President Trump Promises to Keep Pushing Pro-Life Values: "Together We Will Defend the Sanctity of Life"
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'We're not propping them up'
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Scheer told media outlets that regardless of the vote’s outcome, his government would keep abortion and other social divisive issues off limits.
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The network of women who have learned to provide home abortions started at about 45 people but has since grown to around 200 women across the U.S.
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