Thursday, August 30, 2018

Abortion Business Marie Stopes Killed 4.1 Million Babies in Abortions Worldwide Last Year (What will you Say To God when you time of Judgement Comes Marie Stopes? We all will face that Judgement. but 4.1 Million Babies in Abortions Worldwide Last Year, Wow. ) Ask God to Forgive You Now and Stop this Genocide NOW!

In news that shows just how much money Marie Stopes is given to export abortion around the world, the organisation’s newly published Annual Report reveals that it received a record £296.1 million in 2017. Despite losing income from President Trump’s reintroduction and expansion of the Mexico City Policy, this represents an increase from the incomes of £290m and £266.3m in 2016 and 2015 respectively.
The abortion giant used this extra money to perform even more abortions, with the report stating: “Marie Stopes International provided or supported more than 4.1 million safe abortion and post-abortion care services in 2017, a 12% increase on the previous year.”

Where does this income come from?

A large percentage (over £157 million) comes in the form of grants from Governments, international bodies and charitable foundations. The United States Agency for International Development gave a total of £19.7 million, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation £8.4m, and the United Nations £3.3 million, but by far the biggest single contribution was from the UK. The Department for International Development (DFID) is credited with giving £44 million.
The UK Government has long had a policy of earmarking vast amounts of aid money to be spent on “sexual and reproductive health” in developing countries, as Prof David Paton of Nottingham University explains in the beginning of this video by Culture of Life Africa.

UK giving huge enormous to disgraced organisation

The 2017 figures show that the UK Government has continued to give huge amounts of money to Marie Stopes, despite the scandal in 2016 where Care Quality Commission inspectors found conditions so bad it was forced to suspend abortion services. The initial CQC reports in December 2016 found 2600 safety failings in Marie Stopes clinics and a follow up report said that Marie Stopes sent 11 women to hospital in 3 months. The most recent report, of the MSI Maidstone clinic, found, in addition to dozens of health and safety violations, that staff called the centre a “cattle market” and were given bonuses based on pressuring women who had decided against abortion to go ahead with it.
The report admits that MSI UK had to continue its “operational recovery” in 2017 after the CQC reports, saying that “total income was over £30m but losses were incurred as the business rebuilt from the CQC inspection.”

Spent on huge salaries

This appalling scandal also caused some media outrage on the enormous salaries of many MSI staff; shortly after the CQC reports were published, it was revealed that 22 employees were paid more than £100,000, with the Chief Executive receiving £420,755. While the top salary revealed in the 2017 figures is in the £300 -310 thousand bracket, the total of big earners has in fact gone up, with 36 people earning more than £100,000.
For all MSI’s outrage at having US funding cut, and loosing income due to being forced to suspend UK services for months, the organisation is clearly being bankrolled enough by bodies including the UK Government to pay their staff three-figure salaries – and abort a record number of children.
LifeNews Note: Courtesy of SPUC. The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children is a leading pro-life organization in the United Kingdom.

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