Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Mexican Government Officials Just Dropped A Bomb About Who Is Infiltrating The Coming Migrant Caravans

Mexican Government Officials Just Dropped A Bomb About Who Is Infiltrating The Coming Migrant Caravans


Mexican Gov. Official Says MS-13 Infiltrated Caravans Headed For US: Reports

Mexican authorities have found members of the violent gang MS-13 among migrant caravans headed towards the United States, multiple Mexican media outlets quoted a high-ranking government official as saying.
Enrique Cárdenas del Avellano, the Ministry of Interior’s northeastern regional delegate, said that authorities have deported some MS-13 gang members they detected in migrant caravans, Mexican media outlets La PrensaEl Mañana and La Verdad de Tamaulipas reported over the weekend.
Cárdenas del Avellano told the Spanish-language outlets that he doesn’t know how many MS-13 members are in the region.

MS-13 members are in “the minority” among caravan members but “do exist” and “seek to extend their networks, especially to the United States,” Cárdenas del Avellano told the outlets.
The transnational gang was launched in California by Salvadoran immigrants but has a formidable presence in other parts of the U.S. as well, particularly Long Island, New York.
The gang’s informal motto is “Mata, roba, viola, controla,” which translates to “kill, steal, rape, control.”
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