16,000 Christians Rally Together and Raise $10 Million to Fund TV Show about the Life of Christ
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16,000 Christians Rally Together and Raise $10 Million to Fund TV Show about the Life of Christ
A new multi-season series about the life of Jesus is finally coming to fruition after 16,000 Christians invested their personal funds into it.
“The Chosen,” the story following the life of Jesus, might not have been possible if it wasn’t for Christians all over the world donating to its production. The series raised over $10 million from 16,000 investors, making it the number one crowd-funded media project, according to the Christian Post.
This might not have ever happened if filmmaker Dallas Jenkins hadn’t taken a leap of faith.
It all started with a short film he created for his church called “The Shepherd.” The short film depicted the shepherd’s point of view while observing the birth of Christ. An idea was brought before him to use the short film to crowdfund for a larger series, “The Chosen,” to which he laughed at, at first.
“When the idea was offered to use ["The Shepherd”] to raise crowdfunding for this series, I laughed. And I thought, ‘That’s ridiculous. That’ll never work.’ But I was in that place in my life where I was thinking, it’s not my job to feed the 5,000,” Jenkins told The Christian Post.
He decided to go forth with it, and eventually, the film would make history as the largest crowdfunded media project in history.
One of the main reasons “The Chosen” was able to
The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at Christian Headline
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