Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Baghdadi’s back, kinda: ISIS “caliph” finally emerges after collapse of “caliphate”

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Chabad of Poway Rabbi: Trump’s phone call was “highlight of the day” 
4/30/2019 11:01:11 AM  Karen Townsend 
The horrific mass shooting at the California synagogue is the latest example of a national tragedy laced with stories of inspiration. Whether it is a story of bravery displayed by a hero or a miracle experienced by the rabbi, those directly affected

Chicago Tribune not such a big fan of Warren’s college debt plan 
4/30/2019 10:31:13 AM  Jazz Shaw 
When you’ve lost the Chicago Tribune… Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren’s pie in the sky plan to cancel most student loan debt and make college tuition free for everyone has come under plenty of well-deserved criticism, mostly

Feeling Old? Do This Once A Day And Watch What Happens 
LCR Health 
PLUS 3 Signs You’re Aging Too Quickly More...

Abrams to Schumer: The Senate’s not enough for me in 2020 
4/30/2019 10:01:57 AM  Ed Morrissey 
The bad news for Democrats: Chuck Schumer couldn’t convince Stacey Abrams to run for the Senate from Georgia. The good news for Democrats? She’s willing to make Joe Biden her VP. I’m kidding. I think: Stacey Abrams said Tuesday

The Biden bounce (not pounce) looks real 
4/30/2019 9:21:42 AM  Jazz Shaw 
Now that former VP Joe Biden is officially in the running (as opposed to unofficially running as he did for the better part of a year), have his fortunes improved in the polling race? He was already leading in nearly every survey before the

Not so fast: Trump suit attempts to block congressional subpoenas 
4/30/2019 8:41:15 AM  Ed Morrissey 
Can Donald Trump stop Congress from seizing his private business records? He’s certainly giving it the ol’ college try. The Trump family sued their two banks to prevent them from complying with subpoenas issued by House Democrats, a move

Has the coup begun in Venezuela? Riots and tear gas in the streets of Caracas 
4/30/2019 8:01:04 AM  Jazz Shaw 
The situation in Venezuela has been simmering for well over a year now, seemingly settling down into a stalemate between dictator Nicolas Maduro and self-declared interim President Juan Guaido. This morning that situation may be coming to a boil.

MoveOn’s first endorsements for 2020: AOC, Tlaib, Omar, and Pressley 
4/29/2019 10:31:51 PM  Karen Townsend 
They are the Freshman Four. The four female freshmen in the House of Representatives who garner glowing praise from far left groups and their supporters in the press – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley

A Seattle judge sent a homeless man with 72 convictions to jail, the City Attorney was furious 
4/29/2019 10:01:35 PM  John Sexton 
This is the sort of thing that would only happen in Seattle (okay, maybe in Portland). A 55-year-old homeless man named Francisco Calderon punched a complete stranger in the mouth one day in November, giving him a bloody lip. The victim called 911

NYT: By golly, Dem voters really aren’t into impeachment after all 
4/29/2019 9:31:27 PM  Ed Morrissey 
Last week, Politico took the first turn in reporting that the Mueller bubble had collapsed. It’s the New York Times’ turn this week, largely plowing the same ground that Sarah Ferris did. In town hall after town hall, House Democrats are

Could a woman candidate have gotten away with taking a “road trip” like Beto O’Rourke did? 
4/29/2019 9:01:33 PM  Allahpundit 
Via the Free Beacon, are Meg and Whoopi correct in the clip below? Whoopi’s probably right that a mother with young children at home wouldn’t be given quite the same benefit of the doubt in soft-launching her presidential campaign with a

Indy deli owner welcomes NRA guests, Councilman says he’s feeding Nazis 
4/29/2019 8:31:09 PM  Karen Townsend 
The City of Indianapolis welcomed the NRA convention to town last week. You won’t be surprised to know that not everyone was thrilled with the members’ presence. It’s not every day, however, that a city-county councilor becomes so

Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein resigns 
4/29/2019 8:01:25 PM  John Sexton 
He has been on his way out for a while but today it’s official. As of May 11, Rod Rosenstein will no longer be Deputy Attorney General. Rosenstein’s intention to retire was announced in February but he stayed on until the Mueller report

Baltimore moves to create power to remove a sitting mayor 
4/29/2019 7:31:02 PM  Jazz Shaw 
Could it really be happening? You guys… I think it’s happening. After decades of corruption and abuse of power, largely centered in a system where mayors hold tremendous centralized authority and influence, the Baltimore City Council has

Gitmo commander fired — and no one will say exactly why 
4/29/2019 7:01:20 PM  Ed Morrissey 
Rear Admiral John Ring had seven weeks to go as the commander of the detention center at Guantanamo Bay. By mid-June, Ring would have rotated out of the position quietly and on schedule. Instead, Ring got relieved of his command over a “loss

WaPo: Dems, indies way more likely than Republicans to believe economic system works for the powerful 
4/29/2019 6:21:11 PM  Allahpundit 
In case you read that headline and thought “who cares?”, the answer is: Trump and all of his fans, hopefully. He’s supposed to be the populist-in-chief, the guy who brought the white working class in the Rust Belt back into the

Disrupted terror plot: California man planned bombing as revenge for New Zealand attack 
4/29/2019 5:41:39 PM  John Sexton 
A 26-year-old veteran named Mark Steven Domingo was planning a terror attack in the Los Angeles area as revenge for Muslims murdered in a terror attack in New Zealand last month. Fox News reports Domingo considered a few possible targets before

Media soft-sell of socialism falls flat 
4/29/2019 5:01:54 PM  Jazz Shaw 
This morning I was scanning the headlines in the Associated Press feed and was struck by one item in particular. It dealt with the question of Republicans running on the “stop socialism” message and whether or not that would really

“Tremendous fear”: Will Wall Street Dems take a second look at Trump? 
4/29/2019 4:21:24 PM  Ed Morrissey 
“What matters more,” one discouraged Wall Street Democrat lamented to New York Magazine’s Gabriel DeBenedetti, “my social values or my paycheck?” After giving an overwhelming fundraising edge to Hillary Clinton in 2016,

Synagogue hero who charged the gunman: “I scared the hell out of him” 
4/29/2019 3:41:29 PM  Allahpundit 
I’m not the real hero, Oscar Stewart insists. That would be Lori Gilbert-Kaye, who was killed at the scene when she stepped in front of a bullet that was apparently intended for her rabbi. He’s at a loss to explain his decision to rush

NY Times staffers were alarmed by the publication of an anti-Semitic cartoon 
4/29/2019 3:01:09 PM  John Sexton 
Over the weekend I wrote about the anti-Semitic cartoon published in the international edition of the NY Times. The fallout from that incident continues today with CNN’s Brian Stelter revealing there was some behind the scenes drama at the

The President’s rather strange message to Bernie Sanders 
4/29/2019 2:31:51 PM  Jazz Shaw 
Is President Trump teaming up with Senator Bernie Sanders (Socialist – Vermont)? Maybe not, but this weekend it certainly sounded like he was trying to give him a hand in the Democratic primary. As Politico reported yesterday, the President

Baghdadi’s back, kinda: ISIS “caliph” finally emerges after collapse of “caliphate” 
4/29/2019 2:01:55 PM  Ed Morrissey 
Apparently, the caliph doesn’t go down with his shipwreck. A new video from ISIS purportedly shows Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi for the first time in five years, looking grayer and heavier but still alive after the collapse of the ISIS

Napolitano hits back at Trump: He was the one who suggested a pardon for one of our mutual friends, not me 
4/29/2019 1:31:52 PM  Allahpundit 
He seems surprised here to have been the target of a grumpy presidential tweet on Saturday night. How did he think Trump would react after his video accusing the president of obstruction of justice went viral? ….Ever since Andrew came to my

Avengers Endgame broke records and may finally challenge Avatar as box office champ 
4/29/2019 1:01:40 PM  John Sexton 
I usually reserve posts about movies for Friday afternoons or the weekends but what happened with Avengers: Endgame this weekend was pretty extraordinary. The film broke every opening weekend record that exists, earning an estimated $1.2 billion

California governor wonders why gas prices are so high in state with high gas taxes 
4/29/2019 12:31:53 PM  Jazz Shaw 
California Governor Gavin Newsom has noticed something amiss in his home state and by gosh, he wants some answers. What is that’s put a bee under his bonnet? Gas prices in the Golden State are too high and people are grousing about it. People

Latest Headlines: We pick, you click.

Lloyd GroveNYT drops syndication service that supplied anti-semitic cartoon
HuffPostNudists look at Joe Biden and like what they see
Politico“I hope he has learned his lesson”: Chuck and Nancy’s rematch with Trump
Business InsiderPoll: 75% disagree with Bernie Sanders’s plan to let every prisoner vote
NYTWhite House reviewing Stephen Moore’s writings
MediaiteBiden: Make America moral again
NPRThis week, NASA is pretending an asteroid is on its way to smack the Earth
NYTTrump sues Deutsche Bank and Capital One to block compliance with subpoenas
NPRBoeing CEO faces tough questions on 737 Max plane’s design
Markay etalFar-right smear merchants gin up bogus sex assault claims against Buttigieg
Yisroel GoldsteinA terrorist tried to kill me because I am a Jew. I will never back down.
AJCStacey Abrams won’t run for U.S. Senate in Georgia
CNNPoll: Biden gains 11 points in days following campaign announcement
Morning ConsultPoll: Biden posts six-point bump among Dems after campaign launch
Ars TechnicaBoys, the wealthy, and Canadians (?) talk the most BS
NYTRunning out of kids, South Korea school enrolls illiterate grandmothers
Ryan MandelbaumWe have to do something about outdoor cats
Yascha MounkThe problem isn’t Twitter, it’s that you care about Twitter
James PoulosNationalism isn’t our biggest threat, technocracy is
Michael GoodwinBattling the Democrats’ big lie about Donald Trump
Siva VaidhyanathanRegulating Facebook will be one of the greatest challenges in human history
Nathanael BlakeDon’t bail colleges out of the student loan mess they’ve made
Ana NavarroJoe Biden is normal — and that sounds really good to me
Joel KotkinThe twilight of America’s mega-media
David AzerradRemember the #NeverTrump movement? It collapsed

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