Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
San Francisco: Muslim cleric says Morsi was murdered by Zionist agents who work for Satan
“It was the murder of that president, who was only trying to help humanity by bringing the truth of Islam. When Islam [was being] spread throughout the whole world, their slogan was only one thing: Justice, justice, and justice.”
Justice for Dr. Hafiz Mohammed Khalid Sidiqi means Sharia, which denies equality of rights to women and others and obliterates the freedom of speech.
What about all the people who heard this sermon? What might they do in the future? Does anyone in authority ever stop to ponder the implications of sermons like this one?
“San Francisco Friday Sermon by Dr. Khalid Siddiqi: Morsi Was Murdered by Zionist Agents Who Are Working for Satan,” MEMRI, June 21, 2019:
Dr. Hafiz Mohammed Khalid Sidiqqi [sic] said in a June 21, 2019 Friday sermon at Masjid Darussalam in San Francisco, which is the largest mosque in downtown San Francisco and which is managed by the Islamic Society of San Francisco, that former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, who died recently, had been murdered by Zionist agents. He said that there are many of these agents in the Muslim world working for Satan. Dr. Siddiqi said that Morsi had only been trying to help humanity by spreading the truth of Islam and its message of justice throughout the world, but that the “forces of evil” did not allow it and will not allow it until the Muslims “connect” with each other and “establish the kind of unity that is required.” Dr. Siddiqi’s website says that he has been serving the Bay Area and the U.S. since 1983. It says that he currently lectures in Islamic Studies and Arabic at Chabot College, at Mission College, at Ohlone College, and at the Graduate Theological Union’s Center for Islamic Studies, and that he is the Director of the Islamic Education and Information Center and the founder of the Islamic Law Council. Dr. Siddiqi holds a PhD in Quranic Studies from the University of London and a Master’s in Quranic Exegesis from Al-Azhar University in Egypt. The video was uploaded to a YouTube page called IqraTube, which is run by Dr. Siddiqi.Khalid Siddiqi: “Mohamed Morsi, the only democratically elected president of Egypt, was killed by those Zionist agents, and, unfortunately, we have many of them in the Muslim world nowadays who are working for Satan and becoming the disciples of Satan.[…]“It was the murder of that president, who was only trying to help humanity by bringing the truth of Islam. When Islam [was being] spread throughout the whole world, their slogan was only one thing: Justice, justice, and justice.[…]“This individual was trying to do simply that thing, but obviously, the forces of evil… As they did not allow the president who was democratically elected in Algeria to continue, they did not allow Morsi, as well, and they will continue not to allow [this] unless we Muslims allow ourselves to connect with each other and establish the kind of unity that is required.”