More than a decade after teen sisters murdered in honor killing, police believe Muslim dad may be in North Texas
He has an underground network protecting him. They, too, must be prosecuted.
Yaser Said, one of the FBI’s most wanted, brutally murdered his two daughters in a brutal honor killing in Texas. here in America.

Yasar Said is accused of killing his daughters Amina and Sarah because they were dating outside his faith.IRVING, Texas — It’s been 11 years since Amina and Sarah Said were shot and killed in what many believe were honor killings.
In the recorded 911 call, one of the girls is heard naming her father as the killer.Police believe Yasar Said was angry they were dating boys who were non-Muslim and killed them.It was a high-profile case and there are still many details some are discovering more than a decade later.Video recorded by Amina and Sarah Said’s father.WFAA”He followed them everywhere and he recorded their every move,” said Ruth Trotter, a family friend, of home videos that show the father with his two teen daughters before their violent deaths.In one of the videos, Said appears to e stalking his daughter Sarah at her work.“She smiled at the customer, “ he says.
“Baba she has to do that. It’s part of her job,” Amina replies to her father.“She’s in trouble,” he retorts.Problems with their father went back years.When they were younger, the girls told police he was sexually abusing them.In one of the videos, he gawks at the girls as he rolls the camera and zooms in on their bodies.The girls told people they were scared of what he might do one day.
”I knew the fear and threat was real all the time,” said Ruth Trotter, whose son dated Amina. “I mean, she told us all the time that her dad would kill her.”Finally, in December 2007, their mother, Patricia, decided it was time to take her daughters and leave Said.The girls and their mother hid in Oklahoma for a few days. But then, on New Year’s Eve 2007, Patricia went back to Said.Amina begged not to go.“Amina says she was never going back,” Trotter said.But, Patricia insisted.
On Jan. 1, 2008, Said forced the girls to go with him to dinner.Police say he drove them in a taxi cab he was borrowing from a friend to the Omni Hotel in Irving, where they say he shot his daughters.Amina was shot twice in the chest. Sarah, the younger daughter, was in the backseat. She was shot nine times.Sarah managed to call 911 for help. She named her father as her killer.
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