Monday, November 30, 2020

Digital Passports That Confirm Your Vaccination Status Are Coming For months, there has been speculation about the possibility of some sort of "COVID passport" for international travel, but now it is being reported that such a thing is actually "in the final development phase".



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Breaking News Updates - November 30, 2020
Digital Passports That Confirm Your Vaccination Status Are Coming
For months, there has been speculation about the possibility of some sort of "COVID passport" for international travel, but now it is being reported that such a thing is actually "in the final development phase".


Speaking Out Against Sexual Immorality Will Get You Fired
Christians around the world are quickly learning that there will be no mercy shown for challenging the modern day sexual orthodoxy including posts from Facebook that are years old.

The Critical Timing Of The Assassination Of Iran's Top Nuclear Scientist
Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the senior Iranian nuclear scientist assassinated by a hit squad outside of Tehran on Friday, was being "reserved" by the Iranian regime for the day that Iran's nuclear program would enter a new stage.
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Donald Trump's Gifts To Israel
The NY Times cannot acknowledge that the American president who has provided the most support and protection for Israel since Harry Truman recognized the Jewish state moments after its birth, is Donald Trump.
Follow Author J.L. Robb as he weaves a titillating tale of mystery and intrigue that Hollywood has tried but failed to produce, a story that will keep the reader on the edge of his seat, until The End. A thriller and love story, this seven novel series tells a story of what you might do if you found out the end really was near and there was nothing you could do to stop it. As the jihadists bring their Islamic Holy War to the Bible-Belt, a group of retired military and senior citizens begin to unravel the plot, a plot that may destroy mankind.


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