Monday, November 30, 2020

Muslim Brotherhood Wants to Exploit Biden Presidency for ‘Congressional Jihad’ (After All They Were Obama's Best Friends.)

 Hamas rocket

“The pro-Muslim Brotherhood Arabic media are now highlighting how gratified Muslim-Americans are for the Biden win.” 

By United With Israel Staff

The Islamist Muslim Brotherhood organization, founded in Egypt, intends exploit the administration of President-elect Joe Biden in order to pursue “Congressional Jihad” through its contacts in America, an Egyptian-American rights activist says.

“If anyone thinks a presidential outcome for Biden could occur without empowerment of Islamic radicals, then think again,” says Dr. Ashraf Ramelah, founder and president of Voice of the Copts, an American non-profit organization that fights the spread of Islamic supremacy and Sharia throughout the Western world through education, advocacy and action.

“Take a look at the current fervor in the Middle East over Biden’s…presidential declaration,” says Ramelah, a Coptic Christian who left Egypt due to the persecution of his co-religionists there, he writes in an op-ed published on Arutz-7. “The Muslim Brotherhood’s overwhelming enthusiasm for the media’s Democrat “President-elect” is revealed all across the Arabic-speaking media. Certainly they stand to gain by a Biden win and also the reverse, much to lose with a Trump win.”

Ramelah says, “Muslim Americans and the Muslim Brotherhood will thrive under Biden,” noting that not just world leaders, but also the Muslim Brotherhood deputy leader “have already congratulated Biden.”

Shortly after the U.S. presidential election, the Brotherhood, which is banned in Egypt as a terrorist organization, issued a statement about Biden’s projected victory over President Donald Trump, Iran’s Al Alam television reported.

According to the report, the Muslim Brotherhood’s deputy leader, Ibrahim Mounir, issued a statement saying the group appreciated the electoral process in the United States, noting that Biden’s victory was “a victory that proves that the American people are still able to impose their will.”

Ramelah said media reports of a record number of more than one million Muslim-Americans voting for the Democratic presidential candidate were a factor in Biden’s success.

According to the Al Jazeera and Anadolu news agencies, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) promised to deliver Joe Biden these votes. Ramelah points out that Brotherhood members form the majority of CAIR’s board of directors.

“The pro-Muslim Brotherhood Arabic media are now highlighting how gratified Muslim-Americans are for the Biden win,” said Rameleh.

Ramaleh noted that CAIR heavily backs radical Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar “and equates her political grooming” to its pursuit of “Congressional Jihad.” He pointed out that media from other Arab countries, sympathetic to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and its activists, reported “the MB openly prayed for Biden to win and watched election results closely as it reported on Biden’s progress.”

Five Muslim Democrat congressional candidates will be newly elected if the race holds up before the courts while two incumbents could be re-elected from Delaware, Michigan, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and Indiana – making a potential total of seven Muslim-Americans elected to Congress, Ramaleh noted.



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