IMPORTANT CASE: Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Won Groundbreaking Case in October — Gives Campaign Right to Examine Voting Machine Source Code
“It took Jill Stein four years to win this court case.” Divine hand. “Absolutely frightening” evidence of entrenched fraud.
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Attention Trump Campaign: Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Won Groundbreaking Case in October — Gives Campaign Right to Examine Voting Machine Source Code
Let’s hope this makes it to the Trump Campaign.
On October 30, 2020 2016 Green Party Candidate Jill Stein FINALLY won her groundbreaking case that gave her campaign the right to examine voting machine source code in Wisconsin.
It took Jill Stein four years to win this court case.
After witnessing the historic level of fraud in this year’s election it makes us all question the numbers in past elections.In 2016 Libertarian voters kept Donald Trump from adding New Hampshire, Minnesota and Maine to his electoral haul. Were those actual Libertarian votes in 2016 or were they switched from Trump to Gary Johnson to prevent him from winning those states?
Dr. Jill Stein celebrated this win with a string of tweets on October 30th.
The Trump campaign should take notice.
Confiscating the voting machines in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada may be crucial to exposing the fraud in this year’s election.BIG WIN FOR ELECTION INTEGRITY: the Stein 2016 #Recount campaign has won our court fight in Wisconsin, overcoming the final obstacle to a groundbreaking examination of voting machine source code by defeating voting machine vendors’ attempts to gag us from telling the public what we find.
Here is the announcement from Jill Stein’s Facebook page.
Statement from the Stein Recount Campaign
October 30, 2020
Contact: Stein2016Recount@gmail.comStein Recount announces major legal win in Wisconsin, will proceed with groundbreaking examination of critical voting machine software
Former Green Party Presidential nominee Jill Stein announced today a major victory for election integrity in litigation arising from the Stein 2016 presidential recount. She celebrated the final defeat in Wisconsin’s courts of voting machine vendor’s attempts to impose a gag rule on the Stein 2016 recount, which clears the way for Stein’s designated expert J. Alex Halderman to finally inspect the code that runs many voting machines used in Wisconsin and across the U.S., and disclose conclusions about the software’s reliability and accuracy to the public.
“This is a major win for voters everywhere,” Stein noted. “The courts have affirmed that the largest manufacturer of voting machines in the US, Election Systems & Software, has no right to suppress the findings of our upcoming inspection of key election software. That inspection will bring much needed transparency and accountability to the software that counts our votes. This win affirms that corporations cannot shield the voting software we rely on from public scrutiny.”
“With election integrity finally getting some much-needed attention, this is a huge victory for the public’s right to elections we can trust, that are accurate, secure, and just,” said Stein.
While celebrating the legal win, Stein bemoaned the voting machine vendors’ efforts to tie the case up in court for almost four years, preventing the Stein recount campaign from examining the voting machines before the 2020 election. “It’s outrageous that voting machine vendors that profit from government contracts have been able to use those profits to buy political influence and prevent scrutiny of their machines through legal machinations,” said Stein.
Wisconsin law allows campaigns that file for recounts the right to inspect voting machine “source code” – the software that controls the actual counting and tallying of the votes in systems used across the country. Stein is currently involved in discussions to plan the examination with the expert designated to conduct it, Dr. J. Alex Halderman, professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan and a leading expert in cybersecurity and election technology. “This is a unique opportunity for independent scrutiny,” said Halderman. “The examination will give the public and officials a more complete picture of election security risks and ultimately help make voting more secure.”
This victory in Wisconsin is the latest in a series of wins for election integrity by the Stein 2016 recount and subsequent litigation. In 2018, Stein settled her recount lawsuit with the state of Pennsylvania for a guarantee that the state would replace all paperless voting machines with systems using voter-verifiable paper ballots by 2020, and in 2022 would introduce post-election risk-limiting audits to verify the vote before results are certified. Stein took Pennsylvania back to court to demand decertification of the flawed ES&S Expressvote XL ballot-marking devices, and while the court ultimately ruled against decertification, the lawsuit played a role in dissuading several counties from purchasing the machines. Stein’s recount litigation in Pennsylvania struck a critical blow against the use of paperless Direct Recording Electronic voting machines, and brought up-to-date election integrity practices to a state that had been among the worst in the nation.