Wednesday, April 28, 2021

More Conservative Intel: Democrat leaders stoking “war on cops”...Democratic party rhetoric is becoming increasingly anti-law enforcement in 2021. This is leading to a “war on cops” and more acts of violence against innocent Americans and cops, says Miranda Devine at the New York Post.


Conservative Intel

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More Conservative Intel:

Democrat leaders stoking “war on cops”

Democratic party rhetoric is becoming increasingly anti-law enforcement in 2021. This is leading to a “war on cops” and more acts of violence against innocent Americans and cops, says Miranda Devine at the New York Post. Radical California congresswoman Maxine Waters urged protesters in Minnesota to stay on the streets and demand a guilty verdict […]

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New York Times flip flops on mail-in voting, reported “increases the potential for fraud” in 2012

The New York Times used to report that mail-in voting increases voter fraud. Now, they call people racists for making the same conclusion. As the liberal mainstream media lined up against Donald Trump in 2020, the Times decided that a key component of their coverage would be saying that mail-in ballots were the gold standard […]

The post New York Times flip flops on mail-in voting, reported “increases the potential for fraud” in 2012 appeared first on Conservative Intelligence Briefing.

CNN exposed for purposeful anti-Trump “propaganda”

An undercover journalist exposed what many conservatives already knew: CNN purposefully peddled propaganda to get rid of President Trump. Project Veritas posted an undercover video where CNN staffer Charlie Chester admitted that they worked against President Trump without regard to what was right or true: “Look what we did, we [CNN] got Trump out. I […]

The post CNN exposed for purposeful anti-Trump “propaganda” appeared first on Conservative Intelligence Briefing.

Democrats refuse to open schools, flaunting science and hurting kids

More than half of kids living in Democrat controlled states haven’t gone back to school, reports Time Magazine. This is because it is in the best interest of Democrats in teachers unions to keep schools closed and use reopening as a bargaining chip. Children are being sacrificed for a long outdated adherence to strict lockdowns […]

The post Democrats refuse to open schools, flaunting science and hurting kids appeared first on Conservative Intelligence Briefing.

The most dangerous idea yet in Biden’s presidency

April 12, 2021– The Briefing, Vol IX, Issue 15 This week: Biden placates the Left, alienates the nation with court-packing talk Trump backs Mo Brooks Alan Grayson is back! Outlook Court-packing commission: The Biden administration’s most sinister act so far has been the creation of its new court-packing commission. The 36-member panel will be looking […]

The post The most dangerous idea yet in Biden’s presidency appeared first on Conservative Intelligence Briefing.


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