Attacking the abortion agenda

Pro-life initiatives are gaining momentum with the hope the conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court will protect the dignity of women and their children.
Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt signed three pro-life bills into law on Monday. The bills:
- Ban abortion after a heartbeat can be detected
- Require abortions to be done by a certified OB/GYN, and
- Make the procedure of abortion for other doctors an "unprofessional conduct action."
Lily Branham, political operations manager for Students for Life Action: "Heartbeat bills are amazing educational tools because people rightly associate having a heartbeat with being alive, and this is an easy stepping stone to help people recognize the value of all human lives, starting at conception."
And in Montana, Students for Life Action took a lead role in promoting pro-life legislation. On Monday, Gov. Greg Gianforte signed into law three of four sponsored bills.
Montana law now protects children capable of feeling pain, requires abortionists to provide and show a mother her ultrasound, and prevent distribution of dangerous chemical abortion pills online.
Branham: "The Abortion Inducing Drug Risk Protocol Act, which is Students for Life Action model legislation, the law will help stop dangerous distribution of chemical abortion pills online."
The only bill left unsigned was the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.
A good indication the federal courts will uphold pro-life protections is that the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday allowed Tennessee to enforce its law requiring abortionists to give informed consent and keep in place a 48-hour waiting period.
Forty-eight-hour waiting periods are truly reflection periods. When we think about what a woman in an unplanned pregnancy is going through, she's sitting there in a life-and-death moment where someone's life is literally on the line. And women are generally at an abortion facility because they are under a lot of pressure.
Advocates for building a Culture of Life in America are not resting on their laurels.
Branham: "We are preparing for door-to-door deployments across Virginia in the most competitive House-of-Delegate[s] races to expose the delegates who are supporting the abortion lobby's agenda and highlight those candidates who are promising to be 100% pro-life."
Catholics are called to storm the gates of Hell. But those gates are staffed by abortionists.