Sunday, August 29, 2021

Individual shows hatred for Israel by EATING Star of David in front of classmates August 29, 2021 | BPR Wire


Individual shows hatred for Israel by EATING Star of David in front of classmates

Ben Zeisloft,Campus Reform

An individual at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville expressed his disdain for Israel by eating a Star of David.

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As Leadership Institute field representative Matthew Dunmire joined students while they passed out information for the University of Tennessee-Knoxville’s Turning Point USA chapter, a student approached the table and asked for an Israel sticker.

After Dunmire — who recorded the interaction via body camera — asked the student if he had heard of TPUSA and handed over a Star of David sticker, he replied that he had “heard a lot about you guys.” Dunmire then asked whether his perception of the group was positive or negative; in response, the student pulled up his mask, put the sticker in his mouth, and ate it

As Campus Reform recently reported, conservative students who support Israel often face left-wing anti-Semitism from their classmates — as well as the campus institutions that support them.

In July, Jewish University of Michigan senior Ryan Fisher told Campus Reform that “many student groups, as well as our student government, have released incredibly pro-Palestinian, anti-Zionist statements which are so frequently veiled instances of antisemitism.”

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“In June of this year, the campus rock was painted with slogans like ‘Fuck Israel,’ around the same time a Jewish campus building was defaced by red handprints,” he added. “University President Mark Schlissel went on to offer a lukewarm statement condemning all forms of bigotry. This was different from past responses. Schlissel had championed the Black Lives Matter movement, as Black lives were subject to unique yet substantial challenges.”

Campus Reform reached out to the University of Tennessee-Knoxville for comment; this article will be updated accordingly.

  • 3 hours ago
    Unfortunately, there’s a better chance of hitting the lottery, than converting Jews to Conservatives. They’re attracted to the people who discriminate, hate & insult them.
    • 1 hour ago
      How to recognize a leftist! They are always the aggressive ones, the hostile ones, the threatening ones in almost every situation. They can't agree to disagree! They have to verbally attack you or at the very least despise you because you choose to believe they are wrong. Also they aren't agains...See more
      • 2 hours ago
        sadly american jews will denounce all who do not support their liberal agenda. President Trump did more for Israel than any politician., yet they hate him
        • 2 hours ago
          If you need more proof that the Dims are the same as NAZI'S, here it is, in spades. They use ANTIFA and BLM as their brown shirts and Gestapo. Their disdain for anything American and its people.
          • 4 hours ago
            • 3 hours ago
              Too bad he didn't choke to death on it.
              • 1 hour ago
                It is a shame it was not made out of glass. His momma must be really proud of him. Unfortunately he will probably get a high paying job for doing that when he graduates if he graduates.
                • 2 hours ago
                  Too bad it wasn't a metal star. Then the points could scratch up his insides and think about what would happen when the digestive process is complete and it's time to.......well, he may have to wear a kotex on his rear end.
                  • 2 hours ago
                    So what! Israel is no ally to the United States! Israel's #2 trading partner is China! Israel's #1 export to China is U.S. technology! Furthermore the largest political party in Israel is Mapai/Progressive/Labor Party which is the Communist Party! No? Better research DAVID BEN GURION and first...See more
                    • 58 minutes ago
                      Why do all the crazies get all the headlines? Good deeds and real information never seem to get noticed. Only nut cases are rewarded with stories.

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