The growing Caldor Fire in California is menacing South Lake Tahoe. As many as 22,000 people are evacuating the area as the wildfire threatens to extend farther into the Tahoe Basin.
After 20 years, America's longest war is over. Secretary of State Antony Blinken says it's the beginning of a new diplomatic chapter in Afghanistan. But what will that diplomacy involve?
The growing Caldor Fire in California is menacing South Lake Tahoe. As many as 22,000 people are evacuating the area as the wildfire threatens to extend farther into the Tahoe Basin.
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Today's Listen
Anonymous/Associated Press
The United Nations said on Monday that the world is no longer using leaded gas, bringing an end to a century of damaging pollution. Algeria used up the last of its stockpile of leaded gasoline in July. The fight to eliminate the toxic fuel was one of the early battles to address greenhouse gas emissions that worsen climate change. Hear the story or read more about it.
The Picture Show
Octavio Jones for NPR
Hundreds of churches in Haiti were damaged or destroyed after a devastating earthquake stuck the island earlier this month. Services have resumed in many places, but rebuilding will be a lengthy process.
In an effort to curb video game addiction among children, kids in China are now limited to playing video games for only three hours per week.
A team of Arctic researchers from Denmark say they accidentally discovered what they believe is the world's northernmost island located off Greenland's coast.
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