Sunday, August 29, 2021

In this mailing: Raymond Ibrahim: "Killing Our People Has Become Routine": The Persecution of Christians, July 2021 Amir Taheri: Biden's Travel Agency in Kabul


In this mailing:

  • Raymond Ibrahim: "Killing Our People Has Become Routine": The Persecution of Christians, July 2021
  • Amir Taheri: Biden's Travel Agency in Kabul

"Killing Our People Has Become Routine": The Persecution of Christians, July 2021

by Raymond Ibrahim  •  August 29, 2021 at 5:00 am

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  • A Muslim teacher raped an 8-year-old Christian in a school bathroom, and the school and police are covering it up.... "The school management is protecting the rapist, and the police are colluding with them. Who should we look to for justice?..." — Morning Star News, July 11, 2021, Pakistan.

  • In July 24, another Christian girl—this time only 3-years-old—was raped at a school sponsored by the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF). The man who raped Anna Chand is allegedly the female principal's own husband, Muhammad Saleem.... Since filing charges, friends of Muhammad were reportedly threatening to accuse the Christian parents with blasphemy—which would likely lead to jail or worse—unless they dropped the charges. — Pakistan Christian Post, August 5, 2021, Pakistan.

  • "The number of defenseless Christians hacked to death by Nigeria's Islamic Jihadists and their collaborators in the security forces in the past 200 days... has risen to no fewer than 3,462...." — Times Live, July 8, 2021, Nigeria.

  • Article 500 of Iran's [new] penal code now states that "any deviant education or propaganda that contradicts or interferes with the sacred Sharia [Islamic law] will be severely punished." ... "The amendment was signed into law by then-President Hassan Rouhani on Feb. 18 and went into effect on March 5." — Morning Star News, July 6, 2021, Iran.

Video footage, shared and later condemned by many Christian groups on social media, showed two Turks dancing atop and "desecrating" an old Armenian church in Istanbul, late in the evening of Sunday, July 11. In the footage, the men appear gyrating next to a stone cross atop the courtyard gate of Surp Takavor Armenian Church (pictured above in 2012), which has been desecrated before, such as in 2018, when racist graffiti was spray-painted on its walls and garbage dumped in front of it. (Image source: aachim3/Panoramio/Wikimedia Commons)

The following are among the abuses inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of July, 2021:

The Abduction, Rape, and Forced Conversion of Christian Girls in Pakistan

A Muslim teacher raped an 8-year-old Christian in a school bathroom, and the school and police are covering it up. According to the July 11 report, Shahzad Masih's young daughter was "shaking and screaming in pain when she returned home from school that day, June 22, her uniform spotted with blood." "She did not utter a word all afternoon and just kept crying and screaming in pain," her father explained.

"After much asking, my daughter told her mother that she had been raped at her school. We rushed to the Sanjan Nagar Trust School where my daughter is a class-three student. Rather than listening to our grievance, school principal Farzana Kausar and another Muslim teacher, Tehmina, outright refused to admit that she had been raped on the school premises."

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Biden's Travel Agency in Kabul

by Amir Taheri  •  August 29, 2021 at 4:00 am

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  • The immediate question everyone faces is whether or not to recognize the Taliban as a legitimate government.

  • To start with, the current international doctrine is that no government produced through war and violence should be granted de jure recognition unless and until it has submitted to some form of referendum or elections supervised by the United Nations.

  • Whether or not to legitimize a terrorist group determined to impose a repressive regime on a long suffering nation is the key issue. It cannot be handled without the "Great Satan," now inspiring stand-up comedians, leading the way.

  • Whatever Fukuyma and others may fantasize about a "world without America" is not for today.

The immediate question everyone faces is whether or not to recognize the Taliban as a legitimate government. Pictured: Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid (center) speaks during a press conference in Kabul on August 24, 2021. (Photo by Hoshang Hashimi/AFP via Getty Images)

Twenty years ago when the United States was sucked into the Afghan cesspool, pundits were divided about the ultimate aim of intervention. President George W Bush talked of GWOT (remember the acronym?) or Global War on Terror. His critics argued that, unless it led to nation-building in Afghanistan, the intervention would make no sense.

Two decades later, the intervention has not advanced GWOT, as Islamist terrorism has spread to two dozen countries in Asia and Africa, with sleeper cells in Latin America. As for nation-building, the US has instead ended up with a travel agency based in Kabul airport under an astonishingly incompetent management.

President Joe Biden, the man heading the travel agency, says the US has spent more than a trillion dollars to get involved in what he claims is "the most difficult operation of its kind" in history.

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