Friday, December 2, 2022

Far-Left Radical Hakeem Jeffries Replaces Pelosi as House Leader Democrats Elect Hakeem Jeffries to Lead House Minority with Pelosi Resigning Daily Wire: House Democrats on Wednesday elected New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries — who has repeatedly painted conservatives as racists — as their leader, making him the ...



Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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MADNESS: Democrat City Will Pay $600,000 To 2020 George Floyd Rioters

They burned our cities and WE have to pay them. We protest election fraud and end up in a gulag.

Dem City Will Pay $600,000 To Protesters For Injuries Sustained In 2020 George Floyd Demonstrations

By: Daily Caller, December 1, 2022:

A ...

If You Really Wanted to Destroy the United States…

Save this column. It should be the script for every elected official who actualy wnats to save the Republic.

If You Really Wanted to Destroy the United States, Then . . .

It would be hard to imagine any planned agenda to destroy America ...

Major News Outlet Casually Admits China Interfered in the 2022 Election to Boost Democrats

Remember how NUTS the Democrats went over a few ads on Facebook? Cambridge Analytics! The horror!

The spineless, gutless GOP is weak and complicit in their inaction. We didn't stand a chance.

Major News Outlet Casually Admits China ...

ROBBED: Biden Regime Approves Rule That Funnels Workers’ Retirement Funds To The Radical Left

They're coming for you. And you have to pay for your demise.

Biden administration approves rule that funnels workers’ retirement funds into left-wing causes

By:  Washington Examiner, December 1, 2022:

The Biden administration has ...

VIDEO: Governor DeSantis Calls on Congress to Consider Antitrust Action Against Apple

Finally, someone is saying it out loud.

A very few have immense, almost incomprehensible, power. They control the flow of information. They controls what you can see and don’t see. We did not give these unelected radicals the power to abridge ...

Musk Meets With Apple, Averts Ban

This is a battle for the future of civilization. If free speech is lost even in America, tyranny is all that lies ahead. I would imagine that the idea that Musk ...

Elon Musk Confirms Twitter ‘Interfered In Elections’

Restating the obvious. Elon Musk confirmed on Wednesday that Twitter has interfered with elections.

In response to a report from Reuters about Twitter's move to free speech under Musk, he replied that “The obvious reality, as long-time users ...

ALL of Biden’s Secret Service Vehicles Burst Into Flames After He Departs Nantucket

Couple of items. These five vehicles were rented from Hertz to carry the president and his family and all five of them caught fire in the parking lot. This is, by far, the strangest bombshell of a news story, but has garnered little media coverage. ...

Far-Left Radical Hakeem Jeffries Replaces Pelosi as House Leader

Democrats Elect Hakeem Jeffries to Lead House Minority with Pelosi Resigning Daily Wire: House Democrats on Wednesday elected New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries — who has repeatedly painted conservatives as racists — as their leader, making him the ...
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