Thursday, April 27, 2023

Understanding PA ideology: Israel's illegal creation and inevitable demise, in 40 PA statements Itamar Marcus | Apr 27, 2023 Read on our website


Understanding PA ideology: Israel's illegal creation and inevitable demise, in 40 PA statements

Itamar Marcus | Apr 27, 2023
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Part 1: Jews have no history in the land; Palestinians have a 5,000-year-old history; therefore, Israel is an “artificial” state with no right to exist


Part 2: Colonial Europe’s justified hatred of the Jews because of their evil nature and “social role” caused them to “vomit” them out and create Israel as a place to send the Jews

Part 3: Palestinians will inevitably destroy Israel



Yesterday was Israel's Independence Day, and Israelis and its many supporters around the world celebrated Israel's 75th anniversary.


Israel's major challenge after 75 years, which continues to cast a shadow on all its great successes and accomplishments, is that the neighboring Arab population, under the Fatah leadership of the PLO and the Palestinian Authority, has refused to accept Israel's right to exist, and continues to support the murder of Israelis towards its proclaimed goal of seeking Israel's destruction.


The PA has created an entire fictitious history to justify its goal of destroying Israel. The PA’s revisionist history erases thousands of years of well documented Jewish history in the land of Israel, and fills in the void with a fictitious ancient Palestinian history. In the name of that fictitious Palestinian people, the PA/PLO proclaims it will fight for “justice” and will achieve Israel's inevitable destruction.  


The following collection of statements by PA leaders, PA official media, and PA children's education are representative of the fundamental PLO/PA ideology. It underscores the challenges Israel continues to face living beside a population that has been educated by its leaders that their first and foremost goal in life should be to bring about Israel's destruction.


Part 1: Jews have no history in the land; Palestinians have a 5,000-year-old history; therefore, Israel is an “artificial” state with no right to exist

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina:

“There is no historical proof – despite all the excavations – that [the Jews] had any kind of presence in this land.”

[Official PA TV News, March 20, 2023]

Abbas' Advisor and PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash: 

“It has been proven that the continuous truth in this land is the Palestinian people, whose Canaanite ancestors lived in it more than 5,000 years ago... There was no First Temple and no Second Temple, and there also will be no Third Temple.”

[WAFA, official PA news agency, March 20, 2023]


Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh on behalf of Mahmoud Abbas:

“We are taking action to clarify the truth, so that others will not be deceived by the Zionist lie ...Israel is a colonialist and settler entity... The Palestinian Arab people has been in this land since the period of its Canaanite ancestors.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 19, 2023]

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas:

"The Ashkenazi Jews are not Semites, and they have no connection to Semitism... [Jews] are talking about the Jewish homeland. They are talking about longing for Zion and that's why they are going (i.e., to Israel). I say - rather history says - these words are baseless."

[Official PA TV, April 30, 2018]

PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh:

“We [Palestinians] have defeated the Hyksos, the Romans, the Greeks, the Persians, the Tatars, and the Pharaohs.”

[Official PA TV Live, Jan. 9, 2022]

Abbas Advisor and PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash: 

“There are dangers of falsifying... [dangers] of fables, lies, and fake inventions into this history. The inventions that falsely claim the presence of the so-called ‘ancient Kingdom of Israel’ ... there is no truth to this.”

[Official PA TV March 18, 2021]

Abbas Advisor and PA Supreme Sharia Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash: 

Israel’s very existence contradicts international law. On what right do you bring people who have no connection to this land and plant them here?

[Facebook page of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture,
Oct. 10, 2022]

Fatah’s children’s educational magazine Waed:

“Palestine has belonged to the Palestinians for thousands of years. Therefore, the Palestinian people rejected this [1947 UN partition] resolution that gives rights to our land and our homeland toforeigners who came from all ends of the earth, foreigners who did not know Palestine and did not live in it – neither them nor their fathers and forefathers.”

[PMW report: Teaching Terror to Tots]


Bassem Barhoum, regular columnist for the official PA daily:

“[The Balfour Declaration] is the summary of a large and dangerous colonialist project ... through which a people – ‘the Jewish people’ – was invented that did not exist until then in history... In a complicated act of fabrication, the project included establishing a national homeland for the Jewish people, which was just invented.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 30, 2021]


Fatah Movement Commission of Information and Culture:

Documentary narrator: "Seventy years have passed since the artificial state’s [Israel’s] establishment.” 

[Official Fatah Facebook page July 15, 2019, accessed Oct 25, 2022] 

Official PA TV narrator:

“The Al-Buraq Wall (i.e., Western Wall) of the Temple Mount is the property of the Muslims and a holy site for them. There is no documentation that the Jews used the Al-Buraq Wall [Western Wall] as a place of worship at any time until after the issuing of the 1917 Balfour Declaration.”

[Official PA TV, Oct. 30, 2021]

Part 2: Colonial Europe’s justified hatred of the Jews because of their evil nature and “social role” caused them to “vomit” them out and create Israel as a place to send the Jews

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas:

"Jews who migrated to Europe were subjected to massacres by some state every 10 to 15 years from the 11th century until the Holocaust ... Why did this happen?... The hatred of the Jews is not due to their religion, but rather due to their social role... their social role that was connected to usury, and banksand so forth..."

[Official PA TV, April 30, 2018]

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas:

“The colonialist states conspired together to issue [the Balfour Declaration] - and foremost among them was Britain and America - in order to get rid of the Jews in Europe on the one hand, and establish a so-called national home for them in Palestine on the other hand. The truth is that they wanted to build an outpost to protect their interests in our region.”

[Official PA TV, Feb. 12, 2023]


Palestinian researcher Muhammad Al-Yahya:

“Their [Jewish] thinking is based on racism that caused them to be hated everywhere... The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (i.e., an antisemitic forgery)... [which] they are fulfilling has caused them to be hated by all peoples: [TheProtocols teaches:] ‘God created ... them so that they would be masters."

 [Official PA TV, Jan. 17, 2023 and Feb. 27, 2023]


Fatah Movement Commission of Information and Culture documentary:

Narrator: "In Europe, the [Jewish] tribe established camps and residential areas, crowded ghettos in order to separate from other people out of arrogance and disgust for non-Jews... they schemed to exploit the others' material and human resources... [The Jews] were hated because of their racism and their filthy behavior... Zionism was born from the womb of exploitation, while taking advantage of this hatred [of Jews] and turning it once again into a colonialist tool... [their] idea of enslaving the peoples... [believing] only we are people, and all the others are our animals.'” 

[Official Fatah Facebook page July 15, 2019 accessed Oct 25, 2022] 

Spokesperson for PLO General Union of Palestinian Women (GUPW) Wisam Al-Rais:

Jews... were generally hated by the masses. There was a need to get rid of them, but in a manner that would suit Britain’s interests. They [wanted to] plant a foreign body in the Arab homeland... it would be a knife in the heart of the Arab world.”

[Official PA TV, Nov. 7, 2022]


Official PA daily:

“They Jews and are continuing to fulfill the same negative social, economic, and political role that caused societies in Europe to vomit them out.

                                       [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 19, 2022]

Fatah’s children’s educational magazine, Waed

“Without the Arab defeatism, the evil occupation state, Israel, would not have been established in our beloved homeland Palestine, and this artificial state could not have achieved its goals, occupied our homeland, and expelled our people. It is artificial because the western colonialist forces – Britain, France, and afterwards the US – created it, designed it, and planned its establishment. It is artificial because it is foreign in this land... They [colonialists] knew that they could not remain in this land, and so they created this distorted state [Israel] in the heart of the Arab homeland.”

[PMW report: Teaching Terror to Tots]

Part 3: The Palestinians will inevitably destroy Israel

Fatah's children's movement:

“The goal [of Fatah youth camps]... to emphasize the firm truth that is not negotiable, which is that Palestine is Arab from its [Jordan] River to its [Mediterranean] Sea, its capital is Jerusalem, and it will be liberated sooner or later.

[Facebook, Fatah's Lion Cubs and Flowers children's movement, Nov. 28, 2021] 

PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh:

“Our project is the liberation of the land and the people, and we are rooted here. We have defeated the Hyksos, the Romans, the Greeks, the Persians, the Tatars, and the Pharaohs. We have defeated all the invaders who passed through the land of Palestine... We will defeat this hated occupation (i.e., Israel) that will leave our land.”

[Official PA TV Live, Jan. 9, 2022]

Abbas Advisor and PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash: 

“[The] claim that this land is sacred to the Jews is based on fables... The foreigners [Jews] will leave, today or tomorrow. This land spits out its scum. It spits out everything that is foreign to it, and it will not be anything but ours.”

[Official PA TV Jan. 10, 2020]


PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas:

“We have been the owners of this land since this land’s existence... We will remain in this land forever, while the attackers [Israelis] have no place in Jerusalem and no place here.”

[Official PA TV News, Jan. 17, 2022]

Official PA TV narrator:

“The Jewish immigration to the land of Palestine continued as part of a colonialist Zionist plan led by the world powers at the time... But history has never let the colonialist remain, and the occupiers have always left in the end. One day they [the Jews] too will return to where they came from.”

[Official PA TV, Oct. 13, 2021]

Bassem Barhoum, regular columnist for the official PA daily:

“The Balfour Promise was the most despicable global colonialist plan in history... Today, after 104 years, the world is still incapable of correcting this historical mistake and this severe injustice by putting an end to (i.e., destroying) the colonialist Zionist project ... The conflict continues and it will not stop until this promise and its consequences (Israel’s existence) are cancelled.

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 28, 2021]

Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh:

“This land is ours. Israel is a colonialist state that was established by colonialists and settlers... We have learned from history that colonialism passes in the end.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 21, 2023]


PA Ministry of Education Facebook page and Poster at PA school:

Text: “Palestine – the entire land is ours, from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the [Jordan] River”]



[Facebook, PA Ministry of Education, Nov. 16, 2021]

Hidaya, 12-year-old girl on PA TV:

“No matter how long the Israeli occupation lasts

Palestine will remain for the Palestinians

From the [Mediterranean] Sea [to] the [Jordan] River

They are the owners of the land

[Official PA TV, Sept. 21, 2021]

Girl in Fatah children’s movement:

We’re going to free our land

Together and hand in hand

Palestine will be free

From the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea

[Fatah's Lion Cubs and Flowers children's movement Nablus Branch,
Facebook, Nov. 18, 2021]

Official PA daily:

“The Palestinian homeland... was and will remain Palestinian despite the invasions and wars that came one after the other on its land. Bloodthirsty, brutal, and barbaric enormous armies came to it from all around the world and occupied it... this is the thing that most frightens the Israelis, because history is a mirror in which the Israelis see themselves as thieves. They will surely leave defeated!”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 20, 2021]

Fatah’s children’s educational magazine, Waed

“[Colonialists] made a plan to ensure that it would be defended and [Israel]would continue to exist. But this is not at all possible, in other words, this will not happen...  Arafat and a many historical leaders led to the outbreak of the Palestinian people’s revolution, to restore to themselves their stolen homeland... Our people will continue to resist the occupation until it expels the invaders from our land... Victory will come without a doubt, and the day will come when Palestine will be liberated and purified from the occupation’s (i.e., Israel’s) defilement.’”

[PMW report: Teaching Terror to Tots]


Fatah’s children’s educational magazine, Waed – quotes from different issues

“The period of Zionism will eventually pass.”

“The Zionist invaders will go to the garbage can of history.”

Theliberation of Palestine will only be achieved through armed struggle”

“Fatah... goal is liberating Palestine from the thieving Zionist entity.”

“Fatah... goal is to liberate Palestine that was stolen by the colonialist and aggressive Zionist movement.”

There is no invader who invaded this land and did not leave it defeated in the end, and that is what will happen to the Zionist invaders.”

“[Palestinian] right to wage an armed struggle to take back its stolen homeland”

At the end of the period of French colonialism, the number of French settlers in Algeria stood at approximately a million, and they all fled to France and left Algeria to the Arabs and Algerians. Algeria’s experience assures that the Jewish settlers in Palestine will disappear in the end.” (Red emphasis in the original.)

[PMW report: Teaching Terror to Tots]

Official PA daily:

“Dozens of invaders have passed through Jerusalem and Palestine throughout history, and they all left. The fate of the present [Israeli] invaders will be no better. When they leave, we will preserve for them one line written in blood in our land’s history.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 13, 2021]



Since its founding, Israel has been seeking peace with all its neighbors. In addition, the international community has very actively been involved in promoting the peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, yet Palestinian terror still continues today. This compilation of sources from PA leaders, official PA media, and PA and Fatah education, which accurately present the most fundamental Palestinian ideology, underscore the basic impediment to peace. Peace has been elusive because even the so-called moderates of Fatah and the PA are not interested in peace or in resolution of the conflict. They have never accepted Israel’s right to exist in any borders, and continue to believe they can achieve Israel's destruction. If the international community is sincerely interested in peace and not just the perception of a peace process, it must completely reverse its political activities. Instead of repeatedly pressuring Israel to make dangerous or unreasonable concessions, it must put all the weight of its political pressure and financial pressure on the Palestinian Authority. As a precondition to any political process, the PA must first make it clear to its people through all the communication structures it controls, via ongoing new messages and the complete cessation of the hate messages cited above, that it truly recognizes Israel's right to exist and is no longer seeking Israel's destruction. It must also completely eradicate terror and dismantle the terror organizations. Only then will a peace process actually start and discussions can begin towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

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