Those of you who’ve been following this blog for a while know I have posted some Church Rot Updates over the last few months. While researching the topic, it would often take me weeks to come across enough material to fill a post with at least ten examples of shameful activities... some beyond belief. Sadly, since the first of this year (2023), I have collected well over 100 instances of such decidedly unbiblical activities, behaviors, and sermons by many so-called Church pastors and elders.
The question is this, dear reader... When should you consider leaving your church and going somewhere else? It’s a tough decision and one that should never be taken lightly. In some cases, it would mean leaving friends and family members behind.
With that in mind, here are ten questions to ask yourself before you decide:
Is there unconditional acceptance and celebration of aberrant sexual behaviors and lifestyles that are clearly contrary to Scripture? Today, in place of pulpits occupied by men who faithfully preach the Word of God, we see drag shows for children and altars decorated with LGTBQ+ symbols. An increasing number of churches are going soft on the LGBTQ+ worldview, rather than teaching how such behavior will be judged against the absolute authority of the Word of God.
Is your church retaining people in positions of leadership and service who continue to live in open and unrepentant sexual sin, including heterosexual adultery?
Does your church endorse transgenderism and/or abortion as somehow acceptable in the eyes of a “loving God”?
Does your church teach that the Bible is wrong on certain subjects or doesn’t apply to others? Many pastors reject the Old Testament, the sufficiency and inerrancy of scripture, and embrace extra-Biblical teachings. Practicing discernment and calling out false teachers is not “casting stones”, but is to be done in keeping with Ephesians 5:11... “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.”
Does your church teach the woke Gospel of Social Justice or the Prosperity Gospel as fact? Personal experiences, feelings, and opinions should never be valued above Biblical truth. The Social Gospel message rejects the reality of sin and redemption and shifts it to social justice, racism, and environmental concerns instead. The Prosperity Gospel teaches that God wants you to be prosperous in all aspects of your life. Prosperity preachers falsely assert that by having faith and following specific principles, you can achieve material wealth, excellent health, and overall success… while they often live opulent lifestyles financed by church members’ seed-sowing donations.
Does your church ordain or support women pastors who preach to both men and women? This is a clear violation of 1 Timothy 2:11–12.
Does your church regularly and knowingly expose the congregation to false teachers? Many churches today are hosting or promoting conferences featuring known false teachers. Pastors are to protect their flocks from prowling wolves in sheep’s clothing. Examples of this include faith healers, grave-sucking, and how-to-prophesy classes. See our 2023 guide to Christian Conferences to see if your church is one of them.
Does your church ever teach about the need for sincere repentance? One common misconception in many churches today is that if a person simply repeats “the sinner’s prayer” or responds to an altar call, they are “saved.” Nothing in scripture supports saying a few words once ensures one’s salvation. While this approach helps identify those who want to give their life to Christ... It is not the same as salvation. It must be followed up with true repentance and turning away from one’s sins or it means nothing. One cannot willfully continue in sin and think they are saved... There must be a sincere attempt to change despite obstacles and momentary failures. There must be classes or church leaders available to minister to those who do make a decision for Christ to help them grow in their faith. Otherwise, it’s no more than numbers on a puffed-up weekly report.
Has your church engaged in the blasphemy of Christ or the Holy Spirit? This past Easter, a church in Canada live-streamed a parody of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, including the mock crucifixion and resurrection of Princess Belle in place of Jesus. Another “church” put a nearly naked man on a cross during the Easter season in a vomit-in-your-mouth-worthy display of sensuality. Recently in Tulsa, Oklahoma, an associate “pastor” compared Jesus to a “naked prostitute on a stripper pole as a way for him to put “bread in my pocket.” (No words for the last one…). These are not isolated examples... They are sadly representative of what is happening in many North American churches today. None of it has anything at all to do with Christ’s atonement for our sins.
Is the worship in your church more like concert entertainment with repetitive lyrics and melodies designed to create an “awesome” experience? Raising hands while watching others perform loud rock music with laser lights is not worship. True worship involves willingly bowing before the lordship of Jesus Christ, hearing the Word, praying, reading God’s Word, participating in communion, and being grateful for God’s provision… It is not limited to the simple act of singing on Sunday.
What to do before leaving your church...
Identifying these signs can be subtle and not always so obvious. Often they can be mixed with some truth to hide the deceit. Do ask questions of church leadership to get clarity before deciding to leave. At the same time...
“Do not be deceived, for God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” (Galatians 6:7)
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