Thursday, April 27, 2023

Best political cartoons: Things more popular than a Biden-Trump rematch…Ben Shapiro: Joe Biden threatens to ‘finish the job’..Rupert’s ex-fiancé called Tucker ‘a messenger from God’ following intimate dinner just before the axe; report


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Best political cartoons: Things more popular than a Biden-Trump rematch…

Ben Shapiro: Joe Biden threatens to ‘finish the job’

Tucker’s brilliant 2-min comeback video BLOWS AWAY Fox News views in first hour on Twitter

Jason Whitlock unleashes a blistering message for Fox News: ‘Don’t bother contacting me’

Biden’s pathetic ‘cheat sheet’ is beyond humiliating, shows scripted question from reporters

Elon Musk comments on meeting with Chuck Schumer on his way out

Nikki Haley sides with Disney; invites ‘woke’ giant to move to South Carolina to stick it to DeSantis

Bannon says Fox News took Tucker off to stop Trump and sway the 2024 election

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Rupert’s ex-fiancé called Tucker ‘a messenger from God’ following intimate dinner just before the axe; report

ESPN fires 13-year veteran reporter for calling fellow journalist the C-word in an argument

Reporter tells Biden 70 percent don’t want him in suspiciously scripted Q&A

Biden’s Energy Secretary touts conversion of military fleet to electric vehicles by 2030

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Ivanka Trump dumps lawyers representing Don Jr. and Eric, hires her own to fight AG Letitia James

Russell Brand shreds! Tucker’s departure is ‘the beginning of the end for the mainstream media’

Kentucky governor’s new cultural ‘ambassador’ tells SCOTUS judges, ‘you can kiss my gay country ass’

‘Thank every Republican’: McCarthy takes victory lap over passage of debt ceiling bill

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Senate votes to overturn Biden EPA rule on heavy-duty vehicle emissions

Eric Swalwell barrages witness with Jan. 6 questions during migrant child trafficking hearing

Jim Jordan asks teachers union president point blank who ‘started the culture wars’ in public schools

The real reason why hospitals are still not being transparent about prices

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Gov. Greg Abbott does not seem concerned that he’s funding a Texas university lab that worked to censor conservatives

Minnesota bill could make pedophiles a protected class

‘Appalling’: Unearthed documents reveal how hospital pushes medical transitions on children

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