This week on Marking the End Times, I explore the significance of various “G” groups like the G7 and G20, and how they might be paving the way for the prophetic G10 mentioned in Scripture. I’ll also break down key passages, offering insights into how current world events could be setting the stage for the rise of the Antichrist. Additionally, I answer questions such as, “What kind of role will a housewife have during the Millennium?” and “Do you believe in near-death experiences?” New Book: AI and the AntichristPastor Jimmy and I have been working on a new book in our What’s Next Series about AI and the Antichrist. What’s Next? AI & the Antichrist details what the Bible says about this coming leader. We also write at length about the technological innovations—like artificial intelligence—that are paving the way for his rise to power and ability to take over the world’s financial systems, monitoring transactions all over the world. Tipping Point Conference 2024The Tipping Point Conference is now a two-day event, and will be Friday, September 20th and Saturday, September 21st at Fellowship Church in Grapevine, TX. Don’t wait to get your tickets as we priced the event to fill it up. Paid subscribers can get 50% off ticket prices, which means there are seats as low as $25 with your discount! *Subscriber discounts are not redeemable during the free trial period.* Please remember to use the email that is connected to your Tipping Point subscriber account when you register for the conference. You’re a free subscriber to Tipping Point Prophecy Update. For the full experience, become a paying subscriber using the link below to receive 15% off your annual subscription. |