Dear carl,
GOOD MORNING! I hope this letter finds you and yours well. Summers tends to be a time when people focus on travel and family activities. However, for charitable organizations such as ours it also means that supporters are distracted and funding slows to a trickle. We just finished our second quarter of 2024 and I am told that we are in the “red.”
As you are most likely aware, the Shabbat Shalom column reaches hundreds of thousands of individuals like yourself each and every week. It is a monumental project and it takes several staff members to ensure that everything runs smoothly, but in order to keep going we need your generous assistance.
Friend, I also want to thank you. A weekly column isn’t worth very much without a loyal readership. I cherish that I am part of your life and pray that our relationship continues for many decades to come. May it be the will of the Almighty that we continue to partner to bring awareness of His immanence in our world and our very lives.
You can support us by donating on our secure website by clicking here.
Thank you again for your friendship, support, and loyal readership.
Warm Regards,
Rabbi Yitzchak Zweig |