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#13 Culture | God Save AmericaDr. Stephen Phinney: National pride, when it becomes arrogance and self-reliance, places a nation in a vulnerable position with the God of all nations.
Listen to the audio version of the essay. In these times of national uncertainty and moral decline, we must turn our hearts back to God. As it is written in 2 Chronicles 7:14, ‘If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.’ America needs God’s saving grace now more than ever. Let us come together in prayer and repentance, seeking His divine intervention to restore our nation. GOD SAVE AMERICA - AGAINIt is no news that our nation is in the fast lane of moral and ethical decline. Our once held standards are increasingly compromised. Today, we are witnessing the erosion of values that once held our society together. The rise of selfishness, dishonesty, and disregard for human dignity has led to a profound crisis of character. As we navigate these turbulent times, it is imperative that we return to the foundational principles of integrity, compassion, and respect for one another. Only by acknowledging our shortcomings and striving for a higher moral ground can we hope to restore the fabric of our nation and build a future rooted in righteousness and justice. MURDER THEY WROTEThe Bible clearly delineates the boundaries of murder, extending beyond the physical act to encompass emotional and mental dimensions. In Matthew 5:21-22, Jesus teaches that harboring anger or hatred towards others is akin to committing murder in one’s heart. This underscores the gravity of our thoughts and emotions, emphasizing that God values the sanctity of life in all its forms. Physically, the commandment ‘You shall not murder’ (Exodus 20:13) unequivocally prohibits taking another person’s life. Emotionally and mentally, we are called to love our neighbors and even our enemies, advancing a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation. By adhering to these principles, we honor the divine image in every individual and uphold the sacredness of life. BUT yet, in our election season, we have one candidate who has had multiple attempts of assassination and the other suffering psychological assignations by the conservatives who should be demonstrating, love thy enemies. This reveals the level of sickness the people of the nations are infected. Nobody can be saved without repentance! No nation can be protected unless its people shelter themselves in the shadows of God’s wings.A nation that turns its back on the living God and refuses to repent faces dire consequences. The Bible warns that such a nation will experience moral decay, social unrest, and DIVINE judgment. In Proverbs 14:34, it is written, ‘Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.’ Without repentance, the protective hand of God is withdrawn, leading to increased corruption, injustice, and suffering. The absence of God’s guidance results in a loss of purpose and direction, causing the nation to spiral into chaos and despair. However, the hope remains that if the people humble themselves and seek God’s forgiveness, He is merciful and willing to restore and heal their land. However, the odds of that happening are next to none!In the midst of a raging river, a young boy stood defiantly against the powerful currents. Despite the desperate pleas of those on the shore, he refused to grasp the lifeline thrown to him. His heart was hardened by pride and fear, convinced that he could conquer the torrent on his own. The river’s roar grew louder, and the waters surged with relentless force, threatening to sweep him away. Yet, the boy’s resolve remained unyielding even as the danger intensified. It was a poignant reminder of the peril that comes from rejecting help and the tragic consequences of refusing to surrender to the saving hand extended in love and compassion - the hand of Yeshua. That boy represents the people of most of our nations, particularly, America. Pride knows NOT the power of surrender or yielding to a Savior. Pride claims victory amid the raging waters as it takes its last gasp of air. Pride is stupidity in motion.COUNSELING STUPIDITYAs you diligently disciple people, you often encounter those bound by pride, their minds hardened against the transformative power of Yeshua’s TRUTH, as being Truth. Despite your persistent efforts to guide them towards the light, their resistance remains steadfast. They cling to their own understanding, unwilling to humble themselves and embrace the wisdom you offer. This pride blinds them to the fullness of truth, preventing them from experiencing the freedom and growth that comes with genuine repentance and faith. Tragically, their refusal to yield leads to a great fall, as they stumble and falter under the weight of their own arrogance. Yet, you continue to pray and hope for their hearts to soften, trusting that God’s grace can break through even the most stubborn barriers. Pride goes before destruction, and haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18Proverbs 16:18, serves as a stark warning to any nation that allows pride to dominate its collective heart. When a nation becomes consumed with its own achievements and self-importance, it often neglects humility, justice, and the compassion of Yeshua through His Bridal members. This arrogance blinds it to its own vulnerabilities and leads to decisions that can result in moral decay, social unrest, and eventual downfall. Is America on the verge of such consequences?The verse reminds us that true greatness is found in humility and righteousness in Christ, and that a proud nation is on a perilous path towards its own undoing. Only by turning back to God and embracing humility can a nation hope to avoid the destructive consequences of national pride. NATIONAL PRIDENational pride, when it becomes arrogance and self-reliance, places a nation in a vulnerable position with the God of all nations.The Bible repeatedly warns against the dangers of pride, as seen in Proverbs passage. When a nation exalts itself above God’s authority, it risks His judgment and the withdrawal of His protection. This pride blinds the nation to its own flaws and leads to decisions that can result in an eternal societal collapse. In contrast, humility and dependence on God invite His favor and guidance. As it is written in James 4:6, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” A nation that humbles itself before God acknowledges its need for His wisdom and strength, thereby securing His blessings and protection - for this is the kind of Grace our nation needs. Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |