As we witness the momentous events unfolding around us, I want to remind you to remain anchored to the truth of God’s Word and the assurance of His redemptive plan for humanity. No politician will save us. No political party will save us. We are saved by the Lord Jesus Christ, and He alone is our rock and strength. With that in mind, we continue to pray for the salvation of our friends and family. We pray for the leaders of nations—now and in the future—to navigate a volatile world with wisdom and discernment. More than anything else, we hold fast to the promises of God. We know that no matter how dire the circumstances, he will protect His people and fulfill His purposes in the last days. Here are seven things to be thinking about this weekend. 1. Wisdom from ScriptureBehold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. 2 Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 3 And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. 2. Quote to Consider“Even as America’s global standing potentially wanes, other nations explicitly mentioned in prophecy are rising to prominence. Russia, Iran, and Turkey—the key players in the Ezekiel 38 coalition that will eventually invade Israel in the Gog-Magog War—are forging ever-closer ties. China is flexing its economic and military muscles. And Israel, God’s prophetic timepiece, is at the center of local ground war in Gaza with increasing global controversy. The policies of the next US administration will have profound implications for these prophetic alignments. Will we continue to stand with Israel, or will we cave to international pressure for a ‘two-state solution’ that divides God’s Promised Land? Will we confront or appease the growing Russian-Iranian axis? These decisions could set the stage for major prophetic fulfillments.” [from my digital resource, Bible Prophecy & the 2024 Election, free for paid subscribers] 3. Pay Attention to This NewsI mentioned in Thursday’s Quick Hits about the concerning reports that North Korea had sent soldiers to Russia to aid in Russia’s war with Ukraine. Now come warnings from South Korea that it may send weapons to Ukraine in response, calling North Korea’s involvement “a grave security threat.” And in the U.S., Rep. Mike Turner, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said the United States should “seriously consider taking direct military action against the North Korean troops.” We’ve been worried that the conflict between Israel and Hamas would explode into a larger, regional war. Now it looks like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could be spreading into something bigger and far more dangerous. 4. Comment of the Week“It’s easy to criticize modern-day, liberal churches. Yet, when we shine those report cards on our own lives, it can and probably lead to self-evaluation. Where I am compromising? What would Jesus write about me? That’s why I need the Holy Spirit to produce those changes I’ve failed to permanently make.” 5. Prayer of the Week“Now, son of man, I am making you a watchman for the people of Israel. Therefore, listen to what I say and warn them for me”—Ezekiel 33:7 (NLT) Gracious God, raise up modern-day watchmen and prophets in these climactic times to sound urgent alarms according to Your Word. Expand their sphere of influence through media and technology to counter dangerous deceptions and false gospels. We pray for millions to choose eternal life during this late hour! In Jesus’ name, Amen. 6. Link of the WeekNew research by the London-based Institute for Strategic Dialogue revealed that Russia “helped amplify and spread false and misleading internet claims about recent hurricanes” as part of a wider effort by the Kremlin to divide Americans and manipulate media coverage. According to the report, Russian state media and Russia-linked social media accounts exploited “legitimate concerns about the recovery effort in an attempt to paint American leaders as incompetent and corrupt,” including using fake AI-generated images related to the storm. These outside researchers as well as American tech companies say Russian propaganda has been increasing throughout this election season. 7. Headline of the WeekMother sues tech company after AI chatbot allegedly drove son to suicide [USA Today] This Week’s VideosEnd-Times Resources from Tipping PointWe are so grateful to your support of our ministry by buying and giving away end-times books like these. As we get closer to the holiday season, consider giving one of our books to someone you love: What’s Next? AI & the Antichrist [2024] What’s Next? Israel-Gaza War [2023] End Times Answers: 100 Questions from Real People [2023] Look Up! Awaiting the Rapture and Our Final Redemption [2023] Where Are the Missing People? [2022] Tipping Point: The End is Here [2020] You’re a free subscriber to Tipping Point Prophecy Update. For the full experience, become a paying subscriber using the link below to receive 15% off your annual subscription. Also be sure to follow us on social media: Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. |