Monday, October 28, 2024

Seven 'Friendly’ Nations Demand Israel Allow Pro-Hamas UN Agency to Operate in its Borders;Leaked Footage of Israeli Strikes on Iran; World’s Largest Building is Bigger than 20 Empire State Buildings; Trump Ad Shows Holocaust Survivor Rebutting ‘Fascist’ Claims


Leaked Footage of Israeli Strikes on Iran; World’s Largest Building is Bigger than 20 Empire State Buildings; Trump Ad Shows Holocaust Survivor Rebutting ‘Fascist’ Claims
Seven 'Friendly’ Nations Demand Israel Allow Pro-Hamas UN Agency to Operate in its Borders
Kamala Agrees with Anti-Israel Hecklers at Michigan Rally
WATCH: Leaked Footage of the Immediate Aftermath of the Israeli Strikes on Iran
Construction Begins on World’s Largest Structure, Bigger Than 20 Empire State Buildings - Where will it Be?
Trump Campaign Ad Features Holocaust Survivor Rebutting Harris’ ‘Fascist’ Allegation

Hezbollah Rocket Attacks Kill 2 Arab-Israelis, Seriously Injure Woman in GalileeRead Now

Man Who Taught Followers How to Kill Jews Gets Jail TimeRead Now

Russia Helped Iran-backed Terorists Carry Out AttacksRead Now

WATCH: IDF Finds Massive Stockpiles of Hezbollah WeaponsWatch Now

11 Pro-Palestinian Protesters Arrested for Occupying and Damaging College Admin BldgRead Now

Report Shows UCLA Allowed Antisemitism to Fester Amid Pro-Hamas ProtestsRead Now

Iran’s ‘Supreme Leader’ is Seriously Ill - Who's Next in Line?Read Now

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