Sunday, October 27, 2024

Video: McEnany Destroys Omar and AOC in Front of the ENTIRE Nation BY SANDY RAVAGE OCTOBER 25, 2024


Video: McEnany Destroys Omar and AOC in Front of the ENTIRE Nation

ICYMI:  White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany roasted two prominent Democrat representatives, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Ilhan Omar, in front of the entire nation over their absurd comments.

AOC’s Comments Keep Getting More Ridiculous

AOC stated that New York’s uptick in crime “has to do with the fact that people aren’t paying their rent and are scared to pay their rent, and so they go out and they need to feed their child and they don’t have money, so you maybe have to, they’re put in a position where they feel like they either need to shoplift some bread or go hungry that night.”

McEnany responded to her ludicrous comments on July 13, “That is preposterous.”

Not known for holding back, the Press Secretary also slammed Rep. Ilhan Omar for referring to police as “cancer.”

“This is not how we should be talking about our heroes,” McEnany responded, the Daily Wire reports.

Defunding Police is a No from McEnany

Demands for police departments to be defunded have been occurring across the country. Democrats have embraced the Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA movements’ calls for such.

A reporter brought up the subject to McEnany and asked, “If you will expand on the difference between this time last month and now, when it comes to framing the discussion about law enforcement — last month, the President hosted a law enforcement roundtable, and at that roundtable, he said that he would not support defunding the police. And yet, one month later, we still have Democrat cities doing so — disbanding their police, defunding the police. How does  the White House feel it should frame the debate now, with regards to defunding the police so that a reasonable discussion can be had with these Democrat cities who are trying to do so?”

McEnany answered: “Yeah, it’s a very good question. We know that in Los Angeles, when they announced they would be defunding their police department by 150 million, they basically, immediately after, saw a 250 percent increase in homicides. When you have people out there, like Representative Ilhan Omar, saying, ‘We have to completely ‘dismantle the police’ and police are ‘cancer,’ this is not how we should be talking about our heroes.”

The subject then turned to AOC and McEnany retorted: “You have, most egregious of all, really, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saying, ‘Defund the police means defund the police.’ She criticized, of course, the announcement of $1.5 billion being taken down from NYPD. And this weekend, you know, when faced with — there were 28 shootings in New York, a 600 percent increase from this time last year — you have Representative Ocasio-Cortez saying this is just because people are trying to get food with their families. That is preposterous.”

The facts are that the majority of Americans do not want the police defunded because they fear their safety would be jeopardized. Which it would. Many on the left have fueled violence against cops across the nation due to their anti-police rhetoric.

“The reality is 63 percent of Americans in this country fear that criticism of our police departments will lead to no public safety in their streets, and 69 percent of black Americans. This is a real issue when you call our police ‘cancer,’ when you talk about dismantling them,” McEnany continued.

The Press Secretary Doesn’t Hold Back

The Press Secretary called out three very anti-American politicians on Twitter in front of the entire nation:

Her no-nonsense approach is welcomed by citizens across the country who are sick and tired of people like AOC and Ilhan Omar making ridiculous statements about police and crime.

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