Adonai Li (pt 2)
I am reviewing Psalm 118 and as I said the message a few days ago, this Psalm is one of the grandest and most magnificent tales of victory and valor, that was won, solely by the Name of our Lord and King! Oh we can think we can do it on our own, but once you has experienced that Grace, that Love, that Wonder He gives, you will never again be satisfied with your own abilities and wisdom.
I told you before that I love all of the Psalms, but this one brings me the greatest delight because it seems as if it was written especially for me. I have seen who I truly am, and I desperately need His Grace and Strength.
Friends it was true back then, and it is still today, the Lord is the source of salvation and victory! I think that is the greatest testimony any of us can give! Oh, we can fight with our self-control, our positive attitude, our human-philosophies . . . but they will eventually fail. It is the “Name of of our Lord,” which will defeat our enemy!
It is said that Luther had verse 17 written on the wall of his study: “I will not die, but I will live and tell what Yah has done.” Luther admitted, “It has come to my aid again and again, and supported me in heavy trials, when Kaiser, king, philosopher, and saint could do naught.”
I believe the point the Psalmist is trying make is that the only source that will come to his rescue is the Lord. When he was surrounded by an enemy, his only defense was the name of the Lord. When they came against him with their power and might, where he was certain to fail, the Lord defended him. Friends, you may not like to admit it, but there are indeed some situations, some battles in our lives that we simply cannot handle on our own. Oh, we may foolishly try, but eventually we must look to the Lord for help. And like young Christian, in Bunyan’s tale, we must reach for our Sword one more time, and yell out “Don’t rejoice over me, O my Enemy! When I fall, I shall arise!” and give that Apollyon a last deadly thrust.
Yes that will demand our tenacity of faith; yes that will require us to maintain our conviction of worship and praise; yes we will have to deny ourselves some of the pleasures of the world around us, but the victory will be sweeter than honey!
After praising God for deliverance from danger, the psalmist asked that they open the gates of righteousness to him. Actually that gate is Jesus. Do you remember that it is only through Him that all those who have sworn allegiance to Yehoveh can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Their first entrance is in this life, with their hearts and minds; and then in the day of Christ’s return they will do it with their bodies as well. So we can pray this, as well as the psalmist!
No, it’s not because he is so arrogant that he won’t let anyone in without his say-so . . . it is because He, through His cross, made us righteous!
The response from the gatekeepers reminded him that only those who were righteous (who were following the Lord) could enter through the gates. So, once again the psalmist offered his gratitude in praise to the Lord . . .
So where are you in the wonderful story? Are you so overwhelmed with the “bees” swarming around you, that you don’t have time to pray? Are you so disheartened and you just don’t care anymore? Friend, take of your Savior’s hand and humble ask Him to come to your aide, to strengthen you and to encourage you.
I told you before that I love all of the Psalms, but this one brings me the greatest delight because it seems as if it was written especially for me. I have seen who I truly am, and I desperately need His Grace and Strength.
Wow! Have you ever felt like everybody was against you? Well ike it says in Psalm 3:6, “I am not afraid of the tens of thousands who have taken positions against me on all sides.” No, he wasn’t worried. Instead of worrying, he trusted in the Lord and looked to Him for strength and deliverance but his only weapon was “the name of Yahweh.”10 All the nations surrounded me,
but armed with the name of Yahweh, I defeated them.
11 They surrounded me. Yes, they surrounded me,
but armed with the name of Yahweh, I defeated them.
Friends it was true back then, and it is still today, the Lord is the source of salvation and victory! I think that is the greatest testimony any of us can give! Oh, we can fight with our self-control, our positive attitude, our human-philosophies . . . but they will eventually fail. It is the “Name of of our Lord,” which will defeat our enemy!
12 They swarmed around me like bees,Whoa! Now that is a graphic description: “They swarmed around me like bees . . .” That clearly describes a rough situation . . . yikes! However, when those “bees” were swarming, it says that they were defeated with the name of Yahweh! That, my friends, is an absolute guarantee! Every time you have to deal with an enemy who “swarming” around you, you need that Holy and Magnificent Name to gain the victory! Never forget that!
but they were extinguished like burning thornbushes.
So armed with the name of Yahweh, I defeated them.
13 They pushed hard to make me fall,
but Yahweh helped me.
Now during any battle, you are going to worn down, possibly discouraged, and at your weakest . . . but the Lord will be your strength — and your song. He is indeed your savior, as you belt out those song of worship and praise, it will be a “joyful singing,” and your “victory will be heard!”14 Yah is my strength and my song.
He is my savior.15 The sound of joyful singing and victory is heard
in the tents of righteous people.
The right hand of Yahweh displays strength.
16 The right hand of Yahweh is held high.
The right hand of Yahweh displays strength.
17 I will not die,
but I will live and tell what Yah has done.
18 Yah disciplined me severely,
but he did not allow me to be killed.
It is said that Luther had verse 17 written on the wall of his study: “I will not die, but I will live and tell what Yah has done.” Luther admitted, “It has come to my aid again and again, and supported me in heavy trials, when Kaiser, king, philosopher, and saint could do naught.”
I believe the point the Psalmist is trying make is that the only source that will come to his rescue is the Lord. When he was surrounded by an enemy, his only defense was the name of the Lord. When they came against him with their power and might, where he was certain to fail, the Lord defended him. Friends, you may not like to admit it, but there are indeed some situations, some battles in our lives that we simply cannot handle on our own. Oh, we may foolishly try, but eventually we must look to the Lord for help. And like young Christian, in Bunyan’s tale, we must reach for our Sword one more time, and yell out “Don’t rejoice over me, O my Enemy! When I fall, I shall arise!” and give that Apollyon a last deadly thrust.
Yes that will demand our tenacity of faith; yes that will require us to maintain our conviction of worship and praise; yes we will have to deny ourselves some of the pleasures of the world around us, but the victory will be sweeter than honey!
19 Open the gates of righteousness for me.
I will go through them and give thanks to Yah.
20 This is the gate of Yahweh
through which righteous people will enter.21 I give thanks to you,
because you have answered me.
You are my savior.
“Father, open the gates of righteousness for me. I will go through them and give you praise; I will present my offerings of Thanksgiving and rejoice in your Presence!”Just remember that these are the gates of righteousness which means that only righteousness can open the door for us to enter into our Lord’s Kingdom. Our sins must be blotted out so that we are righteous. It doesn’t mean that we are Kind-of. in sort of a funny way . . . NO! We are Righteous because he has made Righteous! If he hadn’t, that gate would remain shut, locked, and entrance would be absolutely impossible! Christ is that gate, and he declared, “No one comes to the Father except through me!”
No, it’s not because he is so arrogant that he won’t let anyone in without his say-so . . . it is because He, through His cross, made us righteous!
The response from the gatekeepers reminded him that only those who were righteous (who were following the Lord) could enter through the gates. So, once again the psalmist offered his gratitude in praise to the Lord . . .
So where are you in the wonderful story? Are you so overwhelmed with the “bees” swarming around you, that you don’t have time to pray? Are you so disheartened and you just don’t care anymore? Friend, take of your Savior’s hand and humble ask Him to come to your aide, to strengthen you and to encourage you.
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