Thursday, July 31, 2014

Trying To Understand . . .

Trying To Understand . . .

The last few days I have been taking another look at Joseph’s life, trying to discover something new. I don’t always know what I am looking for, but I know the Holy Spirit is trying to show me something. All of us know that Joseph was put into prison because the wife of Potiphar had falsely charged him of attempted rape, but there was obviously more to the story.
There he was, sitting in prison for a crime he did not commit. He was betrayed by some toady prisoner; he was all alone and left believing that all of his dreams were either misunderstood or misguided. He was in one of the darkest hours of his life —- lonely, downcast, forced to give up all of his dreams, questioning his place in Yahweh’s plans, when suddenly the call came from one of the king’s guards: “Joseph! Get cleaned up — Pharaoh is calling for you!
In that one moment, I believe the Spirit of God came on Joseph and his heart leaped with excitement. He was about to understand what all of his sufferings were all about!
As Joseph showered, shaved and trimmed his hair, he was probably thinking, “I’m beginning to understand what Yahweh promised me. Now I know I heard from him! The devil has not been in control, and my life is not a waste. My Lord has been directing everything the entire time!
In a matter of minutes, Joseph was standing in front of Pharaoh, listening to him describe a couple of dreams he had, and Joseph receive the interpretation from the Lord of a coming famine and he told Pharaoh to collect and store the nation’s grain: “Someone must be in charge of the storehouses. You have to find a man who’s full of wisdom to oversee it all” (read Genesis 4l).
Pharaoh looked around and then turned toward Joseph: “You! Joseph! I appoint you second ruler. Only I will have more power in the kingdom than you. You will oversee it all!
How quickly things had changed! He went from being a prisoner to being second-in-charge of the whole nation. Go figure. But finally, the day came when Joseph stood in front of his brothers who had betrayed him and sold him into slavery. However, he was able to say: “Even though you planned evil against me, Elohim planned good to come out of it. He did this to keep many people alive, as he is doing now” (Genesis 50:20).
Elohim sent me ahead of you to make sure that you would have descendants on the earth and to save your lives in an amazing way. You didn’t send me here, but Elohim. He has made me like a father to Pharaoh, lord over his entire household, and ruler of Egypt” (Genesis 45:7-8).
I don’t know about you, but all of the events in this story are amazing. If nothing else, it is perfect proof that there is no such thing as coincidence. Our Father orders every step of our life. Every circumstance and situation lie in His hands.
I guess; my message is that very soon, many of you will begin to understand the purpose of the fiery trials you are experiencing. Our Lord is going to fulfill the promise he gave you, suddenly it will all make sense. You will see that he has never forsaken you. He had to take you this way, because he has been training you, preparing you, teaching you to trust him for everything. He has planned a time where you will begin His work — and that time is just ahead!
With these Morning Messages, I take you on guided tours to, as Bunyan described, the Celestial City. At times we linger at corners familiar and unseen. And explore the depths of our faith along the way.
The trail is long, but there’s no hurry. Though we do need to stock up on supplies for the way, and that’s where I need your help. If you enjoy these messages, please consider becoming a contributing member of this tour group. It will be very much appreciated.
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    "The Devil Is In The Details" Satanist Use Hobby Lobby Ruling...

    Published on Jul 31, 2014

    Satanist are going to use the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court ruling to push their evil agenda also also

    Argentina Goes Broke And Blames US Mediator

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    Published on Jul 27, 2014

    Next major event coming soon! Wake Up America- new world order scary plans 2014- 2016 prophecy chip obama illuminati israel blood moons
    *Facebook Page:

    America: PROOF of the New World Order- WATCH NOW! (THE COMING EVENT 2016)

    Published on Jul 27, 2014

    Next major event coming soon! Wake Up America- new world order scary plans 2014- 2016 prophecy chip obama illuminati israel blood moons
    *Facebook Page:

    "Son Of Hamas Founder" Says Israel Needs To Finish Hamas

    U.S. Terror Alert, Ebola Outbreak, Border Crisis & More

    Published on Jul 3, 2014

    Tonight on the Kev Baker Show, the guys will be decoding the main-stain news. Tonight we are being told to "Stay Scared, The Boogie Man Is Coming" with the U.S announcing increased airport security. Then theres diseases flaring up globally, ukrainian ceasefires and so much more to cover.

    The guys are joined by the magnificent Nano Girl for the discussion as they discuss terror threats, the Ebola outbreak in Africa, the U.S. border crisis with rumoured to be 50,000 sick kids having already entered the U.S.

    Its an info-packed hour of data to help guide you through the kalidescopic reality brought to us by our overlords via the main stain!


    EBOLA Brings Fear To The World

    The trouble is that here in America we have this false understanding that we are emu nine to this kind of third world thing. Wake up people, this is it, end time stuff, wake up and smell the Ebola!  Well rather run from it, carl

    Wednesday, July 30, 2014

    Whaaaaat? Sydney Australia Beaches Water Turns Blood Red

    Whaaaaat? Sydney Australia Beaches Water Turns Blood Red
    Know this is happening in places all over the world, not just in one place, not an isolated place. this time on the ocean, not a river. beaches had to be closed. regardless if from algae, it is all a sign. God is in charge. it still looked like blood. yet there will be some , well many that will say oh well, and why, because they are just blind to God, are you? Carl

    Prayer Requests For Middle East Jews & Christians

    Christians & Jews  are being persecuted in the middle east! Lets pray for our fellow brothers and sisters! Type AMEN if you pray for them!-

    Stop the Killing of Christians in Egypt & Jews, and Killing and Wars period!

     What is so very sad is that this is just but the beginning of what is to come. With the increased Hatred of the Jews and Christians in the world it has become very clear that Isis by there very doctrine will not let any Christian or Jew live on this earth period. The New flag to fear, the new flag of death is the black flag that is pictured below. Pray for your fellow Jews & Christians everywhere. For the time of the end is truly coming, Carl
     The tool of death in the coming Tribulation the Bible tells us is the Guillotine. you must admit this device scares the heck out of anyone that will have to face it. The person will be asked to make a finally decide  weather to follow Christ Jesus or the Anti-Christ who ever he maybe. Choose death and you get life. choose life and you have chosen death.

     I have checked on line and I found that there are several companies that make Guillotines
    and that they have filled orders in this country by whom i am not privy to know, however the amount have been in the thousands. I have also posted such information also on this site that will show you more information. Carl
    The Black Flag of Isis. This flag is to be feared. While the general consensus is that this is not the anti-Christ it is however one of the many characters in his army which has proven there intentions to kill God's children and create havoc and death and to make its way to destroy God people and city of Israel. The book of Revelations has been unsealed and we are witnessing the seals being broken. Pray children of God. Turn your heads and hands to the ski, send your prayers to Father God, To our Lord and King Christ Jesus. Ask The Holy Spirit to Carry our prayers on high to the very throne room of our Father God. Love to you all, Carl

    We Have More Than Advanced Technology, We Have God!

    We have more than the Iron Dome...we have G-d! SHARE this an amazing discovery...maybe the "Hamas" will give up

    Support The Israeli Defense Forces >>
    — with Priscilla Kinchen and 26 others.

    The new Leader & The Black Flag

    And so the hate and the killing has not only begun, but will not stop until the great leader of the black flag sets up his false peace upon the land. But will those who witness this know who he really is?, who will be left to tell them the truth?
    هكذا يجاهد #داعش ضد مسيحيي #الموصل
    في الوقت الذي تدك به اسرائيل #غزة
    تعليقك ؟
    — with Aboganti Malek Altaxi and Yasser Raei.
    These are the black flags we must fear. For they may mean the death of this world as we know it?
    Flag and gun in hand, new world order, death
    Isis, Death to Jews & Christian and yes to you, me, and America

    The End of The American Dream,
    The American Way of Life.
    It will begin with the 3rd Term of once president now Marshall law Commander Obama

    For the Lord Comforts Zion

    Yes he does, And why can't the world see this and just leave them alone and let them grow and do the work that God has given them to do? Tell me Why? Carl
    "For the LORD comforts Zion; he comforts all her waste places and makes her wilderness like Eden, her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the voice of song."
    -Isaiah 53:1 (ESV)

    "Pray ...for the peace of Jerusalem: 'They shall prosper that love thee.'" Ps. 122:6 Thank you for standing with and praying for, #Israel. #IsraelForever Thank you for sharing!

    [Note: Comments in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS will be hidden (FB guidelines). Any use of distasteful, hate-filled content will be hidden, or deleted. Thank you for your input, your comments, and gracious understanding!]
    See More
    — with ItsmeLala El and Peming Manibo.

    And We Prayed To Our God

    Ok, here we go once again. In the very book of Revelations & I do apologies for spelling that wrong, we had been told, been warned. We see this happening right now, today, in our news reports, on TV, yet why do so many of us not believe tha...t we are seeing Bible prophecy coming true/ oh it will pass they say. Not if it keeps on happening and little by little then faster by faster Bible prophecy is being fulfilled then behold maybe it might be true. Why won't you wake up/ why? Carl See More
    "And all of them conspired together to come and attack Jerusalem and create confusion. Nevertheless we made our prayer to our God, and because of them we set a watch against them day and night."
    -Nehemiah 4:8, 9 (ESV)

    Cement to Gaza for Schools, not Tunnels

    Sometimes I have to wonder who's side is obama on?
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon:
    "The international community has pressed us to give cement to Gaza to build schools, hospitals, homes. And now we see what has happened to those deliveries of cement. They have not been used to build kindergartens, but to build a tunnel that penetrates our territory so that Hamas can blow up our kindergartens and murder our children."

    100 Rockets Fired From Gaza Have Fallen & Hits Its Own People.

    I truly wonder if that is God doing that Nick. I really have to wonder. I do not want to see any innocent woman and children dying, I just don't. it is just so wrong. I trust completely
    in what God is doing. He knows what is in the hearts o...f men, the evil. I feel his hands are on those rockets and making all nations watching that the God of Israel is alive and well and he The God of Israel will not let anyone destroy his people, period, Carl See More
    Hamas aims for Israel, but its rockets have hit Gaza over 100 times in 9 days

    Church Bans Kids So They Can Keep Child Molesting Pastor ?

    Has this become the new church we have herd such wonderful stories about? If this be true, and the story has been checked and verified true. Then what are we to think. The church does not consider children important enough to attend church. What is wrong with this people? Am I wrong to be upset with this?

    More Mysterious Craters Holes In Russia In Siberia

    Published on Jul 30, 2014

    Something biblical is going on with signs of the second coming of Christ also also

      Hamas Breaks Cease Fire Again And Kills 20 Palestinians Protestors

      Published on Jul 30, 2014

      Hamas kills 20 innocent civilians because the protested against Hamas in the Gaza Strip also also also also

      Priest Claims "Demons Texted Him Evil Messages"

      Published on Jul 30, 2014

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      Water Main Breaks In Los Angeles Floods UCLA Campus

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        BREAKING: "Massive" Landslide In India Many Buried

        Published on Jul 30, 2014

        Freda Childers Live Guest "Miracle Recovery From Death"

        Published on Jul 30, 2014

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        What Is Vladimir Putin's Next Move For The World?

        Published on Jul 30, 2014

        Russian President Vladimir Putin is preparing for his next global move also also

          Revelations Harvest

          Published on Jul 30, 2014

          Pastor Paul Begley of Indiana reads Revelation Chapter 14 also

          Envied and Rejected

          Envied and Rejected

          Have you ever felt like everyone has “all the luck,” and you are just “getting by“? You know what I mean, for whatever reason, the Lord just seems to favor some folks more than others. I mean, even my wife has a sign in her office that say, “God loves everybody, but I’m his favorite!” Yeah, it is supposed to be humorous, but some people believe that’s the way our God is.
          But here’s the thing, the Bible says that He doesn’t play favorites. When it comes to salvation and all of His promises, He treats everybody the same. however, and here’s the rub, he does indeed put His special favor on those who completely surrender to His calling and yield their lives to him!
          Ooh, I just heard some of you cringe at that one. Well, in his time of trial Job said, “You gave me life and mercy. Your watchfulness has preserved my spirit” (Job 10:12). David said: “You bless righteous people, O Yahweh. Like a large shield, you surround them with your favor” (Psalm 5:12).
          Now, some of you are going to remind me that sometimes in the Bible we read what people truly said but that what they said, was not true. And I will admit that you are correct. However, our Father in Heaven does put a special garment on those who completely give him their heart. The prophet Isaiah declared: “I will find joy in Yahweh. I will delight in my Elohim. He has dressed me in the clothes of salvation. He has wrapped me in a robe of righteousness” (Isaiah 61:10).
          Joseph responded to the Spirit’s call, and surrendered everything, and as a favor from his father he received a distinctive long tunic with sleeves robe that set him apart — in fact, it was a “multicolored robe.” Sounds nice, but that favor of his father cost him a great deal! Among several other things, it cost Joseph his relationship with his brothers;  they rejected him, misunderstood him, and made fun of him. In fact, we are told “all his brothers hated him” (Genesis 37:4).
          Okay, so why did Joseph’s brothers turn on him? Well, most of us remember why, Joseph seemed to rub in their faces a lot, but I think verse 11 is the key: “Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him.” I suppose in some ways, we can understand it, but when they saw the robe Joseph wore all the time, they knew it showed his favor, his righteousness. They hated it because it reminded them of the Spirit’s call they had rejected! Joseph was proof of their halfhearted lifestyle!
          You see, Joseph’s brothers sat around indulging in petty gossip and self-centered talk. Their hearts were real busy with lands, possessions, the future, but Joseph’s was somewhere else. He talked about the things of God; of supernatural times and signs and prophetic things. Yahweh had given him dreams, which in that day was synonymous with hearing the voice of God, and they had never had any dreams like that. What they saw was that Joseph had tapped into to something they may have wanted, but weren’t willing to put the time and effort into it.
          You see, lukewarm believers around you will always talk about their cars, their houses, their jobs; all of their investments — all of the things they have gathered and  that surround them. But you would rather talk about eternal things, about what God is saying and doing. Well, I can tell you from experience, they will keep doing that, you will become a reproach to their halfhearted religion they seem to prefer. They will envy you because you represent the call of the Holy Spirit they turned down!
          Yes, Joseph was of a different cloth and that difference made him hated and envied among his brothers. And my friends, the same is going to happen to you if you are sold out to Jesus! Even Jesus Himself told you, “They will do all this to you because you are committed to me, since they don’t know the one who sent me” (John 15:21)
          With these Morning Messages, I take you on guided tours to as Bunyan described, the Celestial City. At times, we linger at corners familiar and unseen. And explore the depths of our faith along the way.
          The trail is long, but there’s no hurry. Though we do need to stock up on supplies for the way, and that’s where I need your help. If you enjoy these messages, please consider becoming a contributing member of this tour group. It will be very much appreciated.
          This entry was posted in Daily Thoughts. Bookmark the permalink.

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