"Dreams And Visions" Last Days
For quite some time now, the world has been steadily, and increasingly, deteriorating in every way. Economies are worsening, governments are more invasive, society has turn 180 degrees as to where good is now called evil and evil is now called good. Natural disasters, wars and societal violence are commonplace and increasing daily. Even the secular media have taken to using biblical, end times terminology to describe what's going on. Everyone knows something is up.
In the midst of all of this, God is speaking, giving the world warning that it's time to repent and turn back to Him while His forgiveness and mercy can still be found. Soon, that time will pass and it will be too late to escape His judgements. Right now, all of these things are only the warning signs for those who have the ears to hear and eyes to see them. Make no mistake, we are living in the last days. Time is over. God's plan hasn't been deterred. It's right on track. The scriptures say in Joel 2:28-32, “And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions. And also on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days. “And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord. And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the Lord Shall be saved." The New Testament quotes these scriptures again in Acts 2:17-21. My point is, God has been doing this. Those who love and obey God have been receiving dreams and visions and prophecies. Men, women and children. Yes, there are always fakes and scoffers try to use them to discredit all of them. Scoff as they may, there is no changing the facts. God is speaking to the world, showing His mercy and giving final warnings for people to turn back to Him. I've not received any dreams or visions and I have not prophesied. I've seen and heard many of them though and have taken them to God in prayer. I am convinced God is speaking and the message is that of repentance. Time is over. The rapture is only moments away. There are no longer years left. Only days and, possibly weeks. I'm not concerned about the mockers and hatred directed at me for saying any of this. Only that the message gets out and people get saved. There are people on the internet whom I've come to trust after putting their messages and visions to the test against the scriptures and taking them to prayer. They've stood the test of time and I'm convinced. Here's one example, perhaps the most urgent. At first glance, the knee-jerk reaction for most people will be to scoff and mock. That's going to happen anyway. But, those who will take the time to watch the entire video will see not only the urgency of it, but the authenticity that this is from God. There was a person who prophesied that God had a message for the United States and the world. They said that people will know that this message is from God because He will cause people from all over the world to have the same dream/vision and they will come all come out with it at the same time. Within 24-48 hours, that message was revealed and confirmed over and over from people all over the world who do not know each other. People who did not know that what they spoke would be a confirmation. In the following video, you will see two men named Jonathan Kleck and Clay Eudaly speaking about this vision and the video is about only SOME of the confirmations they received. There are still many others from around the world that confirm the vision being from God. What is the vision many have received? The United States is soon to be attacked and destroyed by nuclear missiles launched from the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. Unbelievable? Impossible? Watch the videos for yourself and decide whether or not God is speaking. I urge you to take it before the Lord in prayer. I did and received my own confirmation. Heed this message to repent and turn back to God. The first video is the release of the vision. The second video is one they put together to show people the multiple confirmations of this vision by others who received the same message. May those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, receive this message. NOTE: I'm not here to debate or argue about the rapture, doctrine, denominationalism or anything else. I am here to post this message because I've taken the time to pray and seek the Lord about it. I believe it and am here to help spread the message. If you receive it and repent, then to God be all the glory! If not, it's your choice. |
Read more: http://www.city-data.com/forum/christianity/1682061-dreams-visions-these-last-days-gospel.html#ixzz3Kkl5JnZt