is a transcript of an email I received from a fellow viewer. This information is
extremely valuable if you are fighting for your children or your job. I pray it
helps you.
mentioned mandatory school vaccines, ask who is putting the pressure on the
school for the vaccines and follow the trail, follow the money? Ask to see their
insurance papers as well and the schools insurance papers, they are also
implicated in forcing these vaccines as mandatory for school. These vaccines are
also live vaccines and can cause serious injury to others as well.
the school and all those asking for these mandatory vaccines prepared to give a
written signed statement of Warranty of safety including injury of Autoimmune
damage that could result years later which happens gradually after such
a warranty of safety form for them to complete and sign with their name, licence
number to practice medicine/ nursing and in the case of your son the list of
risk factor for each vaccine and how the vaccine will protect him, who is going
to be responsible for his injuries from side effects and long term care and
your form provide the long list of the vaccine ingredients and fillers contained
in the vaccines for e.g. aluminium hydroxide/aluminium phosphate, animal tissues
i.e. dog kidneys, monkey kidneys and Vero cells, horse blood, pig blood, sheep
red blood, chick , duck embryos, bovine serum, Formaldehyde, formalin, glycerol,
human aborted foetal tissue(diploid cells), Mercury(thimerosal, neomycin and
neomycin sulphate, phenoxyethanol( antifreeze), tri(n)butyphosphate, residual
MRC5 proteins, include all else you know that is being used.
ask in the form that you produce that they warrant that all these ingredients
are safe for your son and that they will not damage his DNA. AND THAT THEY CAN
GURENETEE THAT mercury thimerosol reports of the mercury causing severe
neurological and immununological injury are not credible.
that you are aware that some vaccines have been contaminated with Simian Virus
40 also known asSV40 and causally linked to non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma . Ask in
your form that you wish for the warranty that SV40 VIRUS, CJD or other viruses
pose no risk to your son (or your children).
for the warranty that the vaccines they are recommending for your son do not
contain any tissue from aborted foetuses.
that in order to protect your sons well being that they ensured that the
vaccines they will use will contain no damaging contaminants.
in the form what steps they have taken to guarantee this.
for the professional Scientific medical journal article vaccine in issuing of
the Physicians /immunology/ vaccine expert’s Warranty of Vaccine safety they are
relying upon IN SUPPORT OF THE Warranty of each vaccine recommended separately
along with the bases for arriving at the conclusion that the vaccine is safe.
that in addition to the vaccines they are recommending as protections against
risk factors that they have recommended other non- vaccine measures to protect
your son and ask for a list of these non- vaccine measures to protect against
risk factors.
that the warrant of vaccine safety as the attending Physician/ medical officer
to the school is issuing this warranty of vaccine safety as the attending
Physician to you son .
of the legal entity under which he normally practice medicine , he is issuing
this statement signed in both his business and individual capacities and hereby
waive any statutory , common law, constitutional, UCC, international treaty, and
any other legal immunities from liability lawsuits in the instant case and that
he issues this signed form and statement of his own free will after consultation
with COMPETENT legal council and whose name is --------------------------------,
an attorney to the Bar in your State------------------ and that he claims total
form to have the attending Physician and signature with the day and date in full
and witness full name and signature .
the P.I.L leaflets from the manufactures and provide the leaflets and all the
side effects information declared from the manufactures own web site and provide
this to the physician with your form that he is to sign before any forced
any drug batch numbers of the forced medication given there and then including
the PIL leaflet that is in the box of the vaccine bottle. Make a note of the
school persons also involved.
had great difficulty in the UK getting these batch numbers and found later on
that others with my batch also injured in other parts of the country as the
batches are split to avoid clusters in the same area.
previous Physician interfered also with my medical records and he was reported
and commissioner investigated my complaint and upheld my complaint, I have
experienced NHS deceit, I have reports from the secretary of State Medical
officer stating my injury of serious vaccine damage, multiple sclerosis vaccine
injury at work from work vaccines then it gets very murky after so much more
that could easily fill up a book, So there far more to all this, it is rotten to
the core.
the early videos of the polio jabs being made in the Congo Africa, Monkey
Kidneys chopped up.
your family it’s all about and bullies and money and control. Over here in the
UK there are over 200 nurses, Doctor’s, forensic officers, Dentists, seriously
injured who had to have vaccines for work and a system after that deny that
there are mandatory vaccines only recommended for work AFTER SERIOUS INJURY .
The yellow card reporting system MHRA had thousands of cases of serious injury
when I last looked up the number of reported injury in 2005. I have boxes full
of research showing serious injury from vaccines.
is so much research available showing serious injury from vaccines and many
immunology books especially the old books go into much detail.
up ASIA Shoenfeld’s syndrome : a novel autoimmune syndrome? Bras J Rheumatol
Y, Agmon-Levin N ASIA –Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants, J
Autoimmune 2010 Aug 12. Epub ahead of print. Israel E, Agmon-Levin N, Blank M,
Shoenfeld Y Adjuvants and autoimmunity, Lupus 2009, 18:1217-25.
RK, Coquet M, Cherin P, Authier FJ, laforet P, Belec L et al. Macrofagic
myofasciitis an emerging entity. Lancet 1998;352:347-52.
from a current petition over here on vaccines it may be helpful .secretary
European Forum for vaccine EFVV petetion.
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union states clearly: ‘Free and
informed consent must be respected in the fields of medicine and biology’[1].
Approximately 40% of EU citizens[2] do not however have this basic right when
faced with the medical act of vaccination. This is a breach of our Universal
Human Rights. In 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled that vaccines are ‘unavoidably
unsafe’[3], so mandatory vaccination as imposed on these citizens is not
medically or ethically acceptable, especially where medical, religious or
philosophical exemptions are not allowed.
EFVV (, a group representing some 20 European
countries (both EU member states and non-EU members) is therefore demanding:
That compulsory vaccination be abolished throughout Europe as it is a breach of
our Universal Human Rights,
That the Precautionary Principle be applied in the case of vaccination in
That European citizens benefit from freedom of fully informed vaccination choice
and consent,
That an effective, independent European Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting (VAER)
system be established to monitor vaccine safety.
million signatures from at least seven EU countries will guarantee a debate in
Brussels. Whatever your own government’s policy, please unite by signing and
then sharing this petition far and wide.
2015, it is estimated that nearly 400 million Europeans in EU member countries
enjoy freedom of informed vaccination choice but approximately 258 million do
not[4]. Vaccinations are mandatory in Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech
Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia[5] and potentially other countries if new members,
e.g. Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia or others join the European Union.
We therefore call on all Europeans to stand together in a demand for a united
vaccination policy based on freedom of informed choice and consent. We also
demand the formation of an independent and effective vaccine-vigilance unit with
transparency and public availability of results. We believe that mandatory
vaccination must be abolished and an effective Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting
(VAER) system established because:
involuntary or enforced medical treatment is a breach of:
the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union,
the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child,
the European Council’s Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity
of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine:
Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine,
the European Charter of Patients’ Rights,
the UN’s International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
and even the Nuremberg Code (a set of research ethics principles for medical
experimentation on humans set as a result of the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials at
the end of the Second World War).
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union states clearly: ‘Everyone
has the right to respect for his or her physical and mental integrity’[6]. It
also states: ‘Free and informed consent must be respected in the fields of
medicine and biology’[7] and lastly: ‘The prohibition of eugenic practices and
of making the human body and its parts as such a source of financial gain must
be respected’[8].
European Council’s Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of
the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine states
clearly: ‘The interests and welfare of the human being shall prevail over the
sole interest of society or science’[9]. It also states: ‘An intervention in the
health field may only be carried out after the person concerned has given free
and informed consent to it. This person shall beforehand be given appropriate
information as to the purpose and nature of the intervention as well as on its
consequences and risks. The person concerned may freely withdraw consent at any
European Charter of Patients’ Rights states clearly: ‘Every individual has the
right of access to all information that might enable him or her to actively
participate in the decisions regarding his or her health; this information is a
prerequisite for any procedure and treatment, including the participation in
scientific research (4 – Right to Consent)[11]’. It also states: ‘Each
individual has the right to freely choose from among different treatment
procedures and providers on the basis of adequate information (5 – Right to Free
Choice)’[12] and also ‘Each individual has the right to be free from harm caused
by the poor functioning of health services, medical malpractice and errors, and
the right of access to health services and treatments that meet high safety
standards (9 – Right to Safety)’[13].
UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child states clearly: ‘Parents … have the
primary responsibility for the upbringing and development of the child. The best
interests of the child will be their basic concern’[14].
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states clearly: ‘Everyone
has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right
includes… freedom … to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice,
worship and observance’[15].
Nuremberg Code states clearly: ‘The voluntary consent of the human subject is
absolutely essential.’[16]
Drug Reactions (ADRs), which would include Vaccine Adverse Effects (VAEs), are
reported to be the fifth-leading cause of death in the EU[17] but this could be
even higher since there is gross under-reporting of these events, as
acknowledged by David Kessler, head of the FDA during most of the 90s[18], and
in the case of vaccines, failure to acknowledge a causal link is a further
US Supreme Court has ruled that vaccines are ‘unavoidably unsafe’[19],
is an invasive medical act causing bodily harm and as such, according to the
German Criminal Code[20], it requires informed consent. It has however been
acknowledged officially that there are still enormous gaps in current scientific
knowledge regarding vaccination, so the provision of full and comprehensive
prior information is simply not possible. Vaccine package inserts[21] list many
possible adverse effects, sometimes including death. As long as there is risk
involved in a medical procedure, if safety cannot be guaranteed and if
comprehensive prior information cannot be given, the Precautionary Principle
must be applied,
has been shown in regions with freedom of informed vaccination choice that high
WHO-recommended levels of vaccine uptake are achieved without mandatory
vaccination, [22]
European country sees legal responsibility for vaccine damage differently but in
the main, medical and political authorities as well as the vaccine manufacturers
are not fully accountable, leaving victims with no compensation or support.
significant research has yet been done to compare the health of vaccinated vs.
unvaccinated children but there are an increasing number of studies suggesting
that unvaccinated children enjoy far greater health than their vaccinated
peers[23]. This is an area where further research is needed.
all of the above, we demand:
That mandatory vaccination be abolished in all European countries,
2. That
the Precautionary Principle be applied in the case of vaccination in
3. That European citizens benefit from freedom of fully informed
vaccination choice and consent, a universal human right,
4. And that an
independent vaccine-vigilance unit be established where Vaccine Adverse Effects
(VAEs) will be reported and the number and severity of VAEs in Europe will be
easily accessible to all.
Bruesewitz v. Wyeth LLC, 131 S. Ct. 1068, 179 L.Ed.2d 1 (2011),[4]
Calculated using
and[5][6], Article
3, page 9
[7], Article
3, page 9
[8], Article
3, page 9.
Article 2 – Primacy of the Human Being
Article 5 – General
page 6
Article 18
Article 18, page 8.
[16], Item
1, page 1
[17] Arlett, Dr. Peter, Setting the Scene: New European Union
Pharmacovigilance Legislation, November 2012, slide 6 - (
and also[18][19] Bruesewitz
v. Wyeth LLC, 131 S. Ct. 1068, 179 L.Ed.2d 1 (2011),[20], §§20 and 223 - 231
[21][22] For
example, uptake is at 97% in Scotland:[23],
of the European Union
promote and protect freedom of informed vaccination consent throughout