Friday, October 2, 2015

The 'Entire' Atlantic Ocean is Cooling, contrary to media reports

Environment News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

The 'Entire' Atlantic Ocean is Cooling, contrary to media reports CONTRIBUTOR: . Figure 1.) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomaly maps that illustrate recent Atlantic Ocean cooling.Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and many universities are at a loss to explain recent conflicting temperature trends from Earth’s oceans and atmosphere. It can be...

Are Your Children Roundup-Ready? CONTRIBUTOR: . Use of the Herbicide Glyphosate Has Skyrocketed Since the 1990sSource: ThinkStockPhotos.comFor thousands of years, children ate the same food their parents ate when they were children. In the United States today, this is no longer the case. Most dramatically, the proliferation of the use of the herbicide glyphosate, made possible...

The Wyoming Law That Makes Photographing A Polluted Stream Illegal Was Just Challenged In Court

CONTRIBUTOR: . First published on, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, which was recently named one of Time magazine's Top 25 blogs of 2010. A controversial Wyoming law is under legal fire after a broad coalition of environmental, justice, and animal rights groups filed a lawsuit in...

Global Cooling Discovery May Scupper Paris Climate Talks CONTRIBUTOR: . Scientists have discovered a hitherto unknown cooling process which may pose a serious threat to man-made global warming theory. According to a study by the Institute of Catalysis and Environment in Lyon (IRCELYON, CNRS / University Lyon 1) and the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), the oceans are producing...

New Global Cooling Process Discovered As Paris Climate Deal Looms CONTRIBUTOR: . As world leaders get ready to head to Paris for the latest pact on cutting CO2 emissions, it has emerged that there isn’t as much urgency about the matter as had been thought. A team of top-level atmospheric chemistry boffins from France and Germany say they have identified a new...

New Obama EPA Air Standards Put 4 Million Jobs At Risk CONTRIBUTOR: . EPA Chief McCarthyThe old saying that liberals love jobs but hate employers is borne out as President Obama implements new air standards. Industry will bear the brunt, but consumers and blue-collar workers will feel a pinch, too. A study sponsored by NERA Economic Consulting, a nonpartisan research group, found that...

EPA Announces New Ozone Limits, Disappointing Environmental Groups CONTRIBUTOR: . First published on, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, which was recently named one of Time magazine's Top 25 blogs of 2010. The EPA has been promising to release new ozone standards for some time, freaking out Republican congressmen and delighting people who worry about...

Food Industry To Congress: We Need You To Act On Climate Change

CONTRIBUTOR: . First published on, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, which was recently named one of Time magazine's Top 25 blogs of 2010. On Thursday, ten leaders from some of the world’s biggest food companies urged Congress to support a strong global agreement on climate action,...

Fossil Fuel Group Wants You To Try Living Without Fossil Fuels For A Week CONTRIBUTOR: . First published on, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, which was recently named one of Time magazine's Top 25 blogs of 2010. The oil and gas advocacy group Western Energy Alliance (WEA) is waging a social media campaign that challenges people to not use fossil...

Volkswagen chose profit over the planet

CONTRIBUTOR: . Cross-posted from Climate and Capitalism, an online journal focusing on capitalism, climate change, and the ecosocialist alternative. The auto giant only did what the capitalist system demands of every corporation: it put profit first, no matter who got hurt...

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Ben Carson Says ‘HITLER’ Could Happen In America!

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In the 10/02/2015 edition:

Ben Carson Says ‘HITLER’ Could Happen In America!

By P W on Oct 01, 2015 06:44 pm

Marco Rubio Predicted Putin’s Attack On Syria! Here’s What He Says Is Next…

By P W on Oct 01, 2015 06:26 pm

Israeli Intel SHATTERS ISIS Plot Inside Jewish State!

By P W on Oct 01, 2015 06:08 pm

Ivanka Trump makes adorable video of her children and the 3rd baby on the way!

By CJ on Oct 01, 2015 06:03 pm

Video:Chet Hanks is real and helping others by sharing his story…

By CJ on Oct 01, 2015 05:46 pm

WATCH Israeli Prime Minister’s DEAFENING 45-Second Silence In The Face Of The U.N.

By P W on Oct 01, 2015 05:40 pm

BREAKING: Russian Airstrikes Destroy ISIS Headquarters and ammo depot in Syria [Video]

By AM on Oct 01, 2015 05:38 pm

This Guy Started Secretly Filming TRUMP and Caught Something Incredible

By AM on Oct 01, 2015 05:24 pm

Right After Oregon Shooting, Obama Administration Announced This

By AM on Oct 01, 2015 05:13 pm

You won’t believe WHAT Oregon Killer Asked Victims before Shooting

By AM on Oct 01, 2015 05:03 pm

Israeli Children Watch Parents Killed by Terrorists

By RRJ on Oct 01, 2015 02:34 pm

Murderer Kills 10 On College Campus In Oregon

By S A on Oct 01, 2015 02:07 pm

Planned Parenthood Has NO Problem Spending MILLIONS Of Abortion Dollars On LAVISH Lifestyles!

By S A on Oct 01, 2015 09:48 am

Russian Airstrike In Syria Kills CIA-Backed Rebels & Civilians!

By P W on Oct 01, 2015 08:25 am Share Tweet Forward
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Scientist Warns of Imminent 10+ Magnitude Earthquake to Split California in Half

Earthquakes News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Scientist Warns of Imminent 10+ Magnitude Earthquake to Split California in Half

CONTRIBUTOR: . Scientist from Iran Dr. Mehran Tavakoli (M.T.) Keshe predicting major earthquake(s) 10+ to split California (Just like the Gulf of California) and some other surrounding areas. He says it could be on land or if its in the water there will be a massive tsunami. Also he says the North...

Minor earthquake - Offshore Valparaiso, Chile on October 1, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Moderate earthquake - Kermadec Islands, New Zealand on October 1, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Moderate earthquake - Offshore Valparaiso, Chile on October 1, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Moderate earthquake - Off Coast Of Central Chile on October 1, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Moderate earthquake - Coquimbo, Chile on October 1, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Minor earthquake - Tuatapere on October 1, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Minor earthquake - Southern Iran on October 1, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

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775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
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The Prophetic Clouds OF GOG/MAGOG In The Middle East Have Formed: Are We In The Beginning of The Gog/Magog War!?

Christian News News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

The Prophetic Clouds OF GOG/MAGOG In The Middle East Have Formed: Are We In The Beginning of The Gog/Magog War!? CONTRIBUTOR: . Please Visit For News And Bible Prophecy Updates And Thank You For Your Support. God Bless. By Joe Cruz Russia has invaded the Middle East. It's has thrust itself into the fray with ISIS. Has the hooked finally been put in placed into Russia's mouth? Ezekiel 38:4 And I...

The Rapture Of The Church - Rev 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. CONTRIBUTOR: . For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ...2 Peter 1:16 2 Thess 2:1-3 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That...

You're doomed if you don't understand the meaning of this word: SOTERIOS / σωτήριος

CONTRIBUTOR: . You’re doomed if you don’t understand the meaning of this word: [SOTERIOS / σωτήριος ] SOTERIOS / σωτήριος means SALVATION. Noted below is a link to a teaching by Pastor Ray on this important subject. It is important to understand the gift that God offers—how to receive it, the price...

Attention Body Of Christ: Looking back at Sept 11th

CONTRIBUTOR: . Understanding the Times: Looking back at Sept 11th Understanding the Times: Part 1- Looking back at Sept 11th I am going to share something that up until this week I have never shared outside my closest counsel… and that on one hand. Let me preface this by saying, some of...

The Guardian Angels

CONTRIBUTOR: . "For he hath given his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.� - Psalm 90:11The truth that each and every human soul has a Guardian Angel who protects us from both spiritual and physical evil has been shown throughout the Old Testament, and is made very...

Christ Will Confirm The Covenant With Many CONTRIBUTOR: . The New Covenant Of Christ It is by the Spirit of God that men might be called the Sons of God, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the flesh. Christ came to His own in the flesh, which is through the tribe of Judah, and they rejected Him....

Viyl Flooring High Blood Pressure Link; Health Broadly Damaged by Chemicals; No Breast Feeding-Child IQ Link

CONTRIBUTOR: . Vinyl flooring chemical linked to high blood pressure during pregnancy. Pregnant? Beware of the vinyl flooring. Chemicals often used in vinyl flooring and PVC may make pregnant women more susceptible to heart diseases, according to a new study. Human reproduction, health broadly damaged by toxic chemicals. Exposure to...

-Oregon Gunman Targeted Christians?

CONTRIBUTOR: . According to first hand reports the gunman who killed 10 and injured 20 others at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg OR actually singled out Christians during the process. Here’s the story from the NY Post: The gunman who opened fire at an Oregon community college was forcing people to stand...

Global Warming Threat to World Energy; Millions Face Hunger from Climate Change; Cold Winter for EU Migrants

CONTRIBUTOR: . World's energy systems at risk from global warming, say leading firms. Energy grids, power stations and distribution networks are vulnerable to storms, flooding and heatwaves caused by climate change, say World Energy Council. Millions face hunger due to climate change, 'super El Niño': Oxfam. At least 10 million...

Death and Confession - A Beautiful Commentary in the Catholic Herald

CONTRIBUTOR: . The online Catholic Herald has just published a very moving commentary by an English doctor (written under a pseudonym), telling of his experience in treating patients dying of cancer, first as a “jolly pagan” with a “head was full of confusing, syncretist, New Age nonsense”, and then after returning to...

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Before It's News
775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Israel "Stares Down the World"

Published on Oct 1, 2015

Netanyahu speaks volumes with his space of silence at the UN.

Breaking News Oregon Shooting 10 dead

Published on Oct 1, 2015

Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Or has an active shooter. Reports of ten dead and 20 injured.

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